HPM 11.1 Administrative Procedures manual Flashcards
___________ authorizes the reimbursement of travel expenses in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Administration; Division 1, Administrative Personnel; Chapter 3, Department of Human Resources; Subchapter 1, General Civil Service Rules; Article 2, Traveling Expenses.
The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR)
________ shall have the authority to approve out-of-state travel, bordering state travel, and on departmental conference travel along with related expenses. Employees shall attach the approvals to the CalATERS Global transmittal page when claiming expenses.
Deputy Commissioner
Employees shall book all travel arrangements (airfare, hotel, vehicle rental, and rail), with
the exception of short-term rentals, through ________________.
The Concur Travel online (Concur, Caltravelstore or Airbnb)
True or false? Use of any other reservation provider besides those advised in HPM 11.1 (i.e., Expedia, Travelocity, and Priceline) is strictly prohibited.
Short-term allowance applies to travel of less than 24 hours, up to and including ____ days.
Long Term Assignment: any assignment of ____days or more at a location other than HQ.
True or false? Resident Posts may be considered an employee’s headquarters, in which case, the headquarters’ address would be the same as the address of the Resident Post.
If an employee’s headquarters is Bishop, California [CA], and part of the employee’s operating area is in Independence, CA, the employee _______ not claim per diem while attending court in Independence even though it is further than 50 miles from the employee’s headquarters .
Shall not
How many days prior shall an employee submit their request for travel advance prior to the first day of travel but no earlier than two weeks prior to the first day of travel?
A. 2 working days
B. 2 Business days
C. 10 Business days
D. 30 working days
B. 2 business days
Where the major portion of an employee’s working time is spent within a specifically assigned or limited geographical area, such as a patrol area or beat, where the same routes are traveled frequently and routinely on one-day trips, per diem expenses will not be allowed at any location within 50 miles from any point of this assigned area as determined by the normal commute distance.
True or false? Every employee shall have an established headquarters.
True or false? Only Area Commanders and above can approve temporary monies (Travel advances) to cover travel expenses before the travel actually takes place (Per SAM 8116).
Sergeants can…
True or false? Employees shall request travel advances using CalATERS Global. If CalATERS Global is unavailable, then employees shall request travel advances using the CHP 87, Travel Advance Request.
Employees shall not request advances when the estimated expenses are less than:
Travel advances should be submitted at least ____ business days before travel and no sooner than ___ weeks before travel.
2, 2
To avoid losing eligibility for subsequent travel advances employees need to ensure they are showing proof of their travel within ____ calendar days by submitting claims or remitting balances.
The minimum distance for per diem expenses to be reimbursed is?
50 miles or more
An officer may claim an overtime meal when the officer is required to work the total number of hours in their shift and at least ___ hours immediately before or after a regularly scheduled work day. The officer can claim an additional overtime meal for each additional ___ hour period. No more than ___ OT meals may be claimed for each 24 hours period.
2, 6, 3
Employees may submit expense claims using the CHP 262, Travel Expense Claim, instead of CalATERS Global, for all of the following (EXCEPT):
a. Employees are stationed at a Resident Post or an office with no Internet connectivity.
b. Internet connectivity issues exist due to power outages and/or other natural disasters.
c. Employees are new to the Department and unable to gain access to CalATERS Global before being sent to training.
d. Employees are anticipating an overtime check; however the supervisor is on vacation and unable to sign off the 415.
e. Employees are requesting reimbursement of expenses associated with an approved relocation.
f. Employees are requesting replenishment of confidential funds.
g. Employees are requesting reimbursement of expenses associated with a broad scale deployment paid by an external entity or other circumstances when approved by the appropriate Commissioner.
True or false? In regards to travel advances, if a trip is cancelled, the check must be returned immediately or within 30 work days.
The check must be returned immediately
“________” receipts are required when claiming reimbursements $25.00 or more for lodging, airline tickets, ground transportation, vehicle rentals, rentals, rental vehicle refueling, valid excess baggage fees, training expenses, professional dues, licenses and fees and for any item of expense over $25.00.
State employees who incur expenses while on travel status can claim reimbursement
using ______.
True or false? Per Diem is not allowed within 50 miles as determined by normal commute distance of employee’s headquarters. Per Diem is not allowed within 50 miles of employee’s residence.
Per diem shall not be allowed at any location within __ miles of an employee’s headquarters or primary dwelling.
Employees on travel for less than 24 hours may claim lodging expenses ___________.
with a receipt (breakfast and dinner, if applicable, and shall not claim lunch or incidentals.
True or false? Employees staying in a privately owned home not arranged through a short-term rental service, and other than their own residence, may claim actual meals and incidental expenses in accordance with rates outlined in MOU.
Prepare a ___ travel claim for each trip that is funded by federal or special funds.
Represented employees may claim overtime meals when the employees are required to work the total number of hours in their regular shift and at least _____ hours immediately before or after a regularly scheduled work day and cannot be expected to return home for a meal per (CalHR 599.622[a] and the MOU).
True or false? For overtime meals, employees may consider time taken for the meal, including travel to and from the eating establishment, as overtime.
To qualify for an overtime meal, employees must be required to report to work at least ___ hours prior to or remain at work ____ hours past their regularly scheduled work day, or a minimum of 10 hours on an RDO or holiday.
To get a second overtime meal, an employee must work an additional ____ hours?
True or false? Employees in a call-back situation, being paid for their time, may not claim an overtime meal unless the employees are actually performing work-related duties during the 5-hour period immediately following their shift.
You are going on a trip to Disneyland with your family and don’t want to pay the high prices for a hotel near the theme park. You decide you want to book a room and take advantage of the “state rate” through Concur or the CalTravelStore. This type of travel is
a. Allowed
b. Encouraged
c. Prohibited
d. Discouraged
Who shall determine the method of transportation that is in the best interest of the state?
Employees shall purchase _______ airfare when available.
Lowest cost (ie: non-refundable)
With prior approval from the appropriate ________ employees may use a rental vehicle when automobile travel is essential and a state vehicle is not available.
a. Sergeant
b. Captain
c. Division chief
d. Commissioner
C or D
True or false? When traveling for court, only mileage in excess of employee’s regular commute distance can be claimed if any part of appearance falls immediately before or after regular work shift. Additionally, on a RDO or outside of regular work shift, mileage from home to court and court to home can be claimed.
True or false? Collision Damage waiver is reimbursable.
Employees ______ be reimbursed for mileage expenses for privately owned motorcycles.
Shall not
Prior to authorization for an employee to use privately owned vehicles on state business, Supervisors shall:
a. record starting and ending mileage
b. obtain commander approval
c. ensure employees have a current STD 261 on file
d. ensure the employees insurance is up to date and inspect the employee’s vehicle
True or false? Whenever permanent employees are required by any appointing power (the Commissioner) due to a change in assignment, promotion or other reason related to their duties, to change their place of residence, such employees shall receive reimbursement of actual and necessary moving and relocation expenses incurred both before and after and by reason of such change of residence.
Employees may claim one round trip to their residence for every _______ week/s of training while assigned to Academy training.
True or false? Employees attending the First-Line Supervisors’ Academy may claim one round-trip to their residence during the training, even if their training commences in the middle of the first week.
Which of the following regarding relocation per diem allowances is not true:
a. 60 day limit and only while engaged in actual search for new residence.
b. Must sell house within three years of assignment.
c. Household effects shall not include items for a for profit business.
d. Storage-in-transit shall not exceed 60 calendar days.
e. Minimum of 50 miles PLUS miles between old residence and old headquarters
True or false? Moving and relocation expenses for any non-promotional and voluntary transfer which is primarily for the benefit of the employee will not be paid.
True or false? When employees report to the Academy for refresher training as a result of permissive reinstatement, the employee may claim travel-related expenses for their initial trip to the Academy.
True or false? Discounted collision reports and photographs are available at headquarters offices.
True or false?
In all field commands, the cashier shall turn in all collections and counter receipts daily to someone not involved in cashiering function.
Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Team (MAIT) reports, when printed on both sides, shall be charged by sheets of paper not by individual printed sides.
CHP 505, Prepaid Collision Report Vouchers may be for which of the following purchases?
a. Photographs
b. Arrest Reports
c. Standard Collision Reports
d. CHP 180, Vehicle Report
How many vouchers are in a stack of CHP 505’s?
True or false? There will be a one-time fee charged for a reproduced copy of a counter report requested by the involved party at the time of completion. The involved party shall be notified this copy is not an official document and a copy of the official report may be obtained after it is processed for a fee of $10.00.
False- There will be no fee charged for a reproduced copy.
When a Reimbursable Services Contract (RSU) is requested and a CHP 78R is filled out and signed by the area commander, where is the original signed copy required to be kept on file?
A. Local area office
B. Division office/division overtime coordinator
C. Contract Services Unit (CSU)
C. Contract Services Unit (CSU)
Original signed copy to be forwarded and kept on file at CSU; copy required to be retained at area office where contract was signed by commander or designee.
True or false? Travel expenses incurred by state employees for any type of interview are reimbursable.
Concerning an Area’s change fund, shortages of ____ shall be reported in writing no later than the first business day following the discovery of the shortage.
Add onto this with info from John
Employees who qualify for relocation status may claim relocation per diem allowances for a maximum of _____ days, and only while actively searching for a new residence in their new headquarters.
A CHP 268 is a:
a. Risk Management Potential Civil Litigation Report
b. Vehicle accident report
c. Notice of Light Duty
d. Advanced Vacation Request Form
All claims in excess of ____must be filed with Victim Compensation and Govt. Claims Board.
True or false? If an employee retires or separates from the department, the department is still required to accept a subpoena for, and locate the separated employee to provide service?
The department shall not accept the subpoena or provide address or contact info to serving party. As a courtesy the department may attempt to contact separated employee at last known address and forward contact information for serving party.
CHP 180, Vehicle Report Witness fees in the amount of $____ .00 must be deposited with the appropriate field command for each employees appearance.
A. 100
B. 225
C. 275
D. 325
C. 275
Government Code (GC) Section 927 requires the Department to pay invoices within ___ days of receipt.
True or false? X numbers are authorization numbers issued for emergency services/repairs and/or a one- time service. The service/repair should not exceed $4,999.99 including tax.
___ is commonly referred to as the California Public Records Act.
Government Code 6250
Areas ___ accept subpoenas on an “on call” or “standby” basis.
Shall not
Use of privately owned vehicles shall be restricted. Exceptions shall be justified in the “Notes” section of the expense claim. Employees may claim mileage when using their privately owned vehicles in the following instances (Except):
a. Two or more employees sharing the ride.
b. Intermediate stops that are not feasible by public transportation.
c. Public carriers preclude timely arrival or departure.
d. Transportation such as state cars, rental cars, or public transportation is not
available at the point of destination.
e. Employees must carry specialized tools, books, or other equipment that cannot be
accommodated as baggage on a commercial airline.
f. No contract airline flights from point A to B.
g. Employee not satisfied with rental company or flight status.
h. The nearest airport for departure is of sufficient distance from the employee’s headquarters or residence that it is not feasible or reasonable
Officers ___ have immediately available an approved weapon while traveling to and from
court in a state vehicle.
are to
A subpoena ___ may compel the production of documents and/or may require the personal appearance of a witness to bring the requested documents.
Duces tecum
When hidden damage (e.g. undercarriage) is discovered, the commander shall ensure a report is prepared. In those instances where the commander determines that hidden damage occurred sometime prior to the last shift, the report may be submitted indicating
the driver as ____________.
In every instance in which an employee is served a summons and complaint, immediate notification to the Case Management Unit (CMU) ____ be made. This is critical to the defense of a case. When more than one employee is served in the same case, each service _____ be reported.
Shall, shall
___ will store an asset forfeited vehicle and shall ensure the vehicle is protected and its value preserved until the vehicle is awarded to the Department.
Fleet Operations Section
Bicycle reimbursement is paid at ____ per mile.
4 cents
Civil Depositions: CHP 90 and subpoena shall be completed within ____ hours and prepared in duplicate. (10-16)
Witness fees in the amount of $___.00 must be deposited with the appropriate field command for each employee’s appearance.
True or false? All offices with 2 or more full time office employees: cashier shall turn in all collections and counter receipts daily to someone not involved in cashiering function.
The VCGCB has delegated authority to the Department to settle and pay property damage/loss claims up to $_____ per claim pursuant to Government Code Section 953.6.
As stated on the STD 270, all motor vehicle accidents shall be reported within ___ hours to Dept. of General Services, Office of Risk and Insurance Management using STD 270 form.
Per HPM 100.86, Operational damage consists of all of the following (except):
a. Elements (Hail, wind, sand, etc.)
b. Broken glass from unknown causes
c. Bird flying into vehicle
d. Damage to glass from objects propelled from roadway
e. Damage to MC when MC (Motorcycle) falls from kickstand
f. Damage from push bumpers
g. Damage from vehicle pushed into an object (from patrol vehicle during push bumper assistance
h. Unintentional or intentional Damage from 1015
i. Legal intervention (Pursuit)
A liability-only incident is an incident when there is an injury to a non-state employee or damage to a non-state vehicle/property and a connection between a state vehicle could be alleged. Liability Only include all of the following EXCEPT (100.68 5-8):
a. Pursuit by CHP allegedly causes collision of another vehicle
b. Individual injures him/herself slamming CHP door on hand
c. Motorcyclist skids on shoulder/overturns when pulled over by CHP
d. Legal intervention
e. CHP flips rocks to another vehicle
f. Confused driver collides with 3rd vehicle while being stopped
g. An officer fails to clear an intersection and collides into a Prius
h. Push bumper damage to another vehicle (When not in a traffic collision)
Claims must be completed within ____ months of the date of alleged incident.
True or false? The State Victims’ Compensation and Govt. Claims Board has delegated authority to the Dept. to settle and pay property damage/loss up to and including $1000.
True or false? Any Officer is authorized and shall accept any summons, complaint or other legal document for service on State of California, the Department of the Commissioner.
True or false? Whether civil or criminal, subpoenas must proceed through channels to appropriate Assistant Commissioner for out of state travel authorization. There is no obligation to comply with subpoena by out of state court unless CA court orders.
True or false? Officers are only required to have a weapon on duty in a state vehicle to and from court if they are full uniform.
True or false? An appearance by a newly appointed employee subpoenaed as a result of an official act while previously employed by another state agency shall be considered an official act and employee shall attend on state time at state expense.
True or false? A subpoena for a former employee shall not be accepted.
Supervisor may refuse to accept a subpoena if there are less than ___working days before subpoena is scheduled for court.
If supervisor has accepted a subpoena and determines it cannot be served: shall notify server no less than ____hours before court date.
Can addresses and/or telephone numbers be disclosed to the process servicer for former employees?
True or false? Subpoenas may be accepted on an “on call” basis, and the officer shall agree to be placed on call. (10-5)
Subpoenas shall not be accepted…
True or false? A uniformed employee responding to a subpoena for the defense shall appear in court in uniform.
Shall not
For a criminal subpoena that is “not official,” may a supervisor or designated agent accept service on behalf of the employee?
No, they shall not
Depositions are required to be within ___ miles of employee’s residence.
True or false? An employee on sick leave or injury status is not considered unavailable for service.
True or false? If the date changes on a subpoena, Sergeants shall simply contact the District attorney to get an updated date and time.
Must request a new subpoena with updated dates
True or false? When an employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a criminal proceeding (other than those arising from the performance of official duties or those which he/she is a litigant or an expert witness), he/she shall be granted a leave of absence with pay.
True or false? The immediate superior SHALL accept service on behalf of the employee for all off duty criminal witness subpoenas.
shall not accept for off duty activities
True or false? Code of Civil Procedure Section 2025(h)(3) allows a person (who is not a plaintiff or defendant in the case) subpoenaed for a deposition to request an appearance by telephone. An Area commander may make this request of the subpoenaing attorney. If assistance is needed in this effort, LCS may be contacted for assistance.
While on suspension, an officer is considered a CHP employee. However, should a process server attempt to serve a subpoena for an officer on suspension, the immediate superior or designated agent should __________ service of process in accordance with Penal Code Section 1328(d).
refuse to accept
A CHP 121A shall stay at the Area Office for _________.
Life of employee plus 30 years
True or false? The use of the master retention schedule is mandatory. The master retention schedule is accessible on the CHP Intranet site. To navigate to the site, open the Internet Explorer browser from your computer desktop. Select the Organization tab, select Assistant Commissioner, Staff, select Administrative Services Division, and select Business Services Section. Once the BSS page is visible, select the Records Retention Schedule link under Operations on the bottom of the page.
A CHP 113, accident and injury report shall remain at the area office for ___________.
5 years
A 118 shall stay at the area office for ___ years.
A CHP 202 for misdemeanor stays at the office for ___________.
3 years
Length a CHP 555 is retained at the area office and felony hit and run:
4 years / forever
A CHP 215 is retained for ____ months rotating?
6 months
A green copy is accessible to a supervisor and required for ______.
1 year
True or false? A member of the public shall make a PRA request in person only.
A member of the public can make a PRA request in writing, over the telephone, or in person. Written requests can include letters, email, and fax.
True or false? For arrest log requests, do not ask for the requester’s name or identification since this information cannot be requested under the PRA.
For Juvenile arrest, regarding confidential information, what can be disclosed pursuant to W&I 827.5:
a. No information shall be given out for any juvenile under 18
b. Subject name and offense if subject is over 14
c. Subject name and offense if subject is over 16
d. Subject name and offense if subject is over 14 & in custody for serious felony.
Per Government Code 6254, all of the following are excluded to the public via the Public Request Act (PRA) and not releasable (Except):
a. Preliminary notes, etc., not maintained in the course of business, (personal notes).
b. Records pertaining to pending litigation.
c. Personnel and medical records.
d. Investigations conducted by law enforcement that could danger investigation completion.
e. Juvenile Records (under 14 years old).
f. Employee training records.
True or false? Request for records made via subpoenas and informal discovery are processed differently than PRA requests.
Examples of PRA requests that are available under this law: (.30 cents a page) include all EXCEPT:
a. Inspection reports on school buses, commercial carriers, arrest logs etc.
b. Employee addresses
c. Employee information: training records, class, salary, work location.
d. Statement of total expenditures by the Department.
e. Certain information on arrested persons (juveniles not included) i.e., name, address, facts of the case, B.A.C.
True or false? CHP shall release CHP 268’s and STD 270’s upon request per the Public Records Act.
True or false? MVARS is public record unless sensitive material.
What below is NOT considered sensitive/exempt MVARS material:
a. Non-approved handcuffing techniques
b. Personal identifiers of involved parties or uninvolved officer safety tactics and E.T.
c. Confidential Law Enforcement personnel information
d. Graphic Images
e. Video of an ongoing investigation that could endanger safety of involved
True or false? Uniformed supervisor may review all MVARS prior to releasing for a PRA.
Believe its should - find out for sure
True or false? If exempt information is inextricably intertwined with nonexempt information, the record may be withheld in its entirety.
The Dept will seek to recover cost based on an arrest provided it is alcohol related and there is a BAC. Max liability is _______ for reimbursement per gov’t code.
True or false? Although permitted to do so by Penal Code provisions, the Department will not attempt
to recover DUI incident response costs through the probation process.
The following is criteria for DUI Cost Recovery Except:
a. 23152 or greater and response to an incident
b. Commercial .04% greater and response to an incident
c. DUI TC Refusal w/ no conviction (Called to incident)
d. DUI TC pleads No Contest (Drugs or alcohol)
e. DUI TC (1182 solo vehicle and stumbled upon)
f. Both A and B
g. Both C, E & H.
h. DUI T.C. .15% BAC for P2 (Not at fault)
i. .07% BAC and conviction
Completed CHP 735’s shall be forwarded to Fiscal Mgmt Section, Reimbursable Services Unit within ___ business days of the date the BAC results of .08% or greater are received (.04% for commercial).
True or false? Breath tests must only require one test of .08% for the cost recovery program to be in effect.
Requires two tests
Which of the following below require a conviction to utilize cost recovery below
a. BAC test returns under .08%.
b. Chemical test is positive for drugs only.
c. There is no supporting BAC test or drug test (e.g., a refusal).
d. All of the above.
True or false? CHP must be primary agency to do a DUI Recovery.
True or false? For a DUI Cost recovery, all time shall be included spent by officers, sergeants and lieutenants; including supervision for both Sergeants and FTO.
True or false? Secret information leaked could cause serious damage to national security, citizens/personnel or the department if disclosed and Top Secret information could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage.
How many envelopes shall classified material be packaged in when sending via US mail?
For Cost recovery, staff hours are rounded to the nearest:
15 minutes
Can asset forfeiture funds or assets awarded to the Department be used to fund training?
a. No. Asset forfeiture funds or assets awarded to law enforcement agencies may not be used by the law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes.
b. Yes. Asset forfeiture funds or assets awarded to law enforcement agencies must be used by the law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes. Such uses include training of sworn law enforcement personnel and law enforcement support personnel in any area that is necessary to perform official law enforcement duties.
Upon receiving notice of a VCGCB claim, commanders ____ review the allegations herein. If they constitute a personnel complaint not previously investigated, a complaint investigation ____ be conducted and processed in accordance with HPM 10.4, Citizens
Complaint Investigation Manual. (answer on 9-2)
a. May/must
b. Should/Shall
c. Shall/Should
d. Shall/Shall
Commands shall complete and maintain the CHP 520, Area Public Records Act Request Log, and forward the form on a ____ basis to the appropriate field Division office. Division offices shall forward copies of their commands’ CHP 520 logs to Risk
Management Unit on a ____ basis? (answer on 13-9)
a. Weekly/monthly
b. Monthly/Monthly
c. Quarterly/Quarterly
d. Quarterly/Annual
True or false? While on suspension, an officer is considered a CHP employee. However, should a process server attempt to serve a subpoena for an officer on suspension, the immediate superior or designated agent should refuse to accept service of process in accordance with Penal Code Section 1328(d).
Government Code Sections 53150 through 53158 establish a driver’s maximum liability of ___ for reimbursement of a public agency response costs related to incidents caused by a driver who is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or drug.
True or false? Per 6254 GC, if exempt records are withheld in their entirety, or if certain information from a record is redacted, the requester shall be notified in writing (if the requestor’s contact information was obtained) of the legal basis on which records are withheld.
An x number is a streamlined mechanism to quickly obtain simple services that have a total cost under ___ per state fiscal year.