HOSA Related Flashcards
President of HOSA
Kartik Tyagi
Postsecondary/Collegiate Vice President
Youstina Saber
Eastern Region Vice President
Sahil Sood
Central Region Vice President
Rachael Thumma
Western Region Vice President
Vivian On
Secondary Board Representative
Corey He
Postsecondary/Collegiate Board Representative
Lauren Trygstad
Executive Director
Jim Koeninger
Deputy Executive Director
Karen Koeninger
Associate Director
Nancy Allen
Assistant Directors
Jen Girvin and Jeff Koeninger
Director of Finance
Dennis Van Peeren
Director of Technology
Bobby Crandall
Assistant Manager Competitive Events
Bergen Morehouse
Lara Skaggs
Lloyd Devault
Immediate Past Chairman
Jane Shovlin
Brock Rops
HOSA State Advisor Region I
Jane Shovlin
HOSA State Advisor Region II
Lloyd DeVault
HOSA State Advisor Region III
Cynthia Sundstorm
HOSA Local Advisor Region I
HOSA Local Advisor Region II
Brock Rops
HOSA Local Advisor Region III
Charmane Freeman-Greene
HSE Supervisor/Teacher Educator Representative
Lara Skaggs
Health Care Industry Representative
Samuel Schaffzin, MPA
HOSA Alumni Director-at-Large
David Guffey
HOSA Emblem: Circle
The circle represents the continuity of health care.
HOSA Emblem: Triangle
The triangle represents social, physical, and mental well-being.
HOSA Emblem: Hands
The hands signify the caring of each HOSA member.
HOSA Emblem: Maroon
Background of outer circle.
HOSA Emblem: Medical White
Letters of circle. Hands, figure, HOSA in triangle. Area around triangle.
HOSA Emblem: Navy Blue
Triangle. Founded in 1976.
Navy Blue, Medical White, Maroon
Loyalty to the Healthcare Profession
HOSA COLORS: Medical White
Purity of Purpose
Compassion of HOSA Members
HOSA Motto
The Hands of HOSA Mold the Health of Tomorrow
HOSA Slogan
Health Science and HOSA: A Healthy Partnership
HOSA tagline
HOSA- A Student-Led Association of future Health Professionals
GA HOSA Regions
Your GA HOSA Region
HOSA Charter States
New Jersey, Alabama, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
When was HOSA founded?
November 1976
How many chartered states does HOSA have?
HOSA Creed
I believe in the Health Care Profession
I believe in the profession for which I am being trained; and in the opportunities that my training offers.
I believe in education.
I believe that through education I will be able to make the greatest use of my skills, knowledge, and experience in order to become a contributing member of the health care team and my community.
I believe in myself.
I believe that by using knowledge and skills of my profession I will become more aware of myself. Through fulfilling these goals, I will become a more responsible citizen.
I believe that each individual is important in his or her own right; therefore, I will treat each person with respect and love.
To this end, I dedicate my training, my skills, and myself to serve others through Health Occupations Students of America.
HOSA Handbook: Section A
contains general information about the organization (Part 1) and its history (Part 2)
HOSA Handbook: Section B
information and guidelines for competitive events
HOSA Handbook: Section C
introduction to HOSA (Part 1), organizing a HOSA chapter (Part 2), and managing HOSA chapter activities (Part 3)
Where was HOSA officially organized?
Constitutional Convention in Arlington, Texas
first HOSA president
Lynne McGee of North Carolina
first National HOSA Conference
Spring 1978 in Oklahoma City, OK
Organization level of national HOSA from highest to lowest
Associate, Professional, Postsecondary, Secondary, Collegiate, Alumni, Honorary
Location of National HOSA Headquarters
Flower Mound, Texas
National HOSA supplier
Awards Unlimited