History Tudors FC - CH1 Flashcards
When was Henry crowned ?
3 strands of debate - first
-advent of tudors led to establishment of ‘new monarchy’
-role of monarchy + government in carrying religous change
-role of monarchy in politics
dei gratia
-by the will of God - how tudors monarchs rules
Rex et Lex + Lex est Rex’
-the king is law and law is the king == no monarch could afford to behave above law
Royal Perogative
-rights + priveleges of moanrch – making war , negotiate treaties + call parliament on / off
what were the limits of the monarchy ?
-not levy taxes or make laws to Henry VII had to frame his schism from law in English Statue Law
what did historian John Guy say about Henry VII ?
-‘he could be ruthless + severe, but was neither bloodthirsty nor egotistical ‘
Historian views on Henry VII?
John Guy ‘ fascinating threatening and soemtimes morbid , egoism + self righteousness sprang from fusion of an able but second rate mind - inferiority complex’
when was the battle of Bosworth ?
-22 August 1485 - lancastrian victory - richard III dead
1542 Chronicle wrote what about Henry VII’s claim
-‘Henry VII was by right and just title of inheritance, and by divine providence crowned and proclaimed King’
Henry’s maternal claim to the throne + issues
-mother, Margaret Beaufort - great great grandaughter of edward III – however line of descent came from John of Gaunt’s mistress Katherine Swynford
Paternal claim + issues
-half nephew of henry VI due to mother marriage to Henry V - but father was owen tudor - not of noble descent
what did Henry VI do that strengthens henry’s claim ?
Henry VI legitimises Jasper and Edmund Tudor (half brothers) - strengthens Henry VII claim
what did Henry do to make up for weakened claim ?
-combined two roses of house of lancaster + york - appeared as if he was unifying houses and portrayed Richard III as illegitimate usurper – propoganda meant not many questioned (chronicle above see)
what did Bacon say about henry VII – implies ?
-‘a wonder for wise men, his pleasures , there is no news of them ‘ - admired ofr intellectual ability but colourless lifestyle
3 ways Henry legitimised his position
-dated beginning of reign before bosworth // 1486 marris elizabeth of york to unite houses
lord lovell and stafford rebellion - background
-ambush henry on journey north
support for lord lovell and staffords
-No foreign support - only dozens in england
why was henry able to overcome lovell threat
-no strong leadership + lack of alt. king
who was lambert simnel - rebellion organised by
-impersonated eal of warwick - pretender // richard symonds priest + john de la pole
foreign support for lambert
-margaret of burgundy - accepts lambert as nephew - prove dislike to henry / john de la pole –> unnerving for henry as ppl supported pretender “- earl kildare proclaims simnel king in dublin “
why was henry able to overcome simnel threat
-battle of stoke 1487 - 12,000 herny vs 8,000 york - henry victorious overpowered simnel
signif of simnel rebellion
-progressed to battle / nov 1487 parliament targets nobility
perkin warbeck where did warbeck go and so where as a result
-rejected in kildare due to simnel –> charles VIII recieves as prince in france 1492 + margaret of burgundy
where did perkin warbeck go in 1495 + who made him heir
-1495- marries lady catherine gordon in scotland w/ king james IV –> maximilian of holy roman empire makes him heir
how did Henry deal w/ threat of Perkin Warbeck ?
-nov 1492 - treaty etaples w/ charles - no rebels housed / imposes trade ban on margaret of burgundy
why did edmund de la pole earl of suffolk revolt ?
-strips him of inheriting fathers ducal title - grudge - forced to attend ordinary court in 1499 (embarassing)
where did edmund de la pole go ?
calais due to army then to holy roman empire
where were the 2 standing english armies?
-scotland (Hammes) + calais (Guisnes)
edmund de la pole goes to who? and henry does what ?
-freak storm - phillip burgundy travels to claim spanish throen + shipwrecked in england - accpets £138,000 for edmund
OP : who was the most severe threat to henry ?
edmund de la pole – deeply rooted grudge / widely recognised yorkist pretender / henry humiliated himself in attempting to retain edmund
extra points on edmund de la pole being most signif
-support from Tyrell Gov.Guines (fort in france) + 1499-1505 henry’s psyche worn form rebellions + death of heir Arthur + Elizabeth of york adds gravity to situation
Yorkshire rebellion causes 1489
- henry raised income tax for war w/ france widespread resentment - £27,0000 / £100,0000
yorkshire rebellion events 1489
-E.Northumberland puts case to king - failed + killed be rebels
yorkshire rebellion - solved
- early surrey defeats rebels – loyalty guaranteed as restoration E.Anglian estates rested on success
yorkshire rebellion consequences
-henry doesn’t get money + rebels win
cornwall 1497 rebellion - causes
-heavy tax to finances resistance for James IV + Warbeck expected invasion - independent cornish = angry
events of cornwall rebellion
15,000 reach london
consequences + signif of cornish
1,000 died + defeated - unconnected uprising - henry too focused on other threats to throne so rebellion allowed to escalate
what does Henry’s reign mark the end of?
-end of independent feudal nobility and beginning of service nobility
example of henry’s leniancy in dealing w/ nobility ?
-Sir Thomas howard - attained +imprisoned after bosworth
what happened to sir thomas Howard?
-1487 refused to escape tower in plot + earnt estates back 1492 - supressing yorkshire rebellions
how many new earls did henry create compared to Edward IV
edward made 9, henry made 3
why did henry create so little earls (peerage)
-limited noble class = easier control + loss of income as crown lands had to be given
peerage shrank from 62 at beginning of reign to
-42 by end of reign
what did T.B Pugh say on peerage?
Royal intervention far more effective than failure of male heirs in diminishing magnate families’
what was a reward used by henry ? - how did it help him to maintain power ?
-order of the garter - 37 new knights but no power / land given
why did Henry want to curb retaining ?
–helped to perpetuate war of the roses
two sets of retainers acts by Henry when - explain why?
-1487 - parliament vow to not retain illegally (start of a reign so gain control)/ 1504 stricter - death Arthur + Elizabeth feels vulnerable
what was the biggest diff in attitude to retaining between edward +henry ?
-henry indicted those closest to him (kings mother, lady margaret in 1504)> edward turned a blind eye
example of henry’s use of bonds
-Lord Dacre forced into a bond of £2000 in 1506
who did Henry give forfeited crown lands to ?
-lawyers + members of privy chamber (gentry) - couldn’t gain too much power
how did Henry help to strengthen royal finances? (3)
-re organise financial admin / exploit ordinary reveneue / increase extraordinary revenue
how did henry keep stability in his council ?
-trustworthy councillors in power until death e.g. Lord chancellor John Morton for 14 yrs
why was council learned of the law resented?
-controlled fiscal matters with NO JURY - key lawyers were epsom + Dudley
what were henry’s new gentry + middle class ministers referred to as ?
-the ‘new men’ ushering in a ‘new monarchy’ –‘lesser men more beholden to the King’ - historian Steven Gunn
example of yorkist nobility in henrys councils
-thomas howard loord treasurer in 1501 after release from tower
what did Perkin Warbeck refer to henry’s new men(e.g. sir reginald bray) as
-‘villains of simple birth’
henry also used new men as ?
-in exploiting lands to gain money he need experienced lawyers +auditors
what did henry reward Jasper Tudor with>
-duke of bedford
evidence to show henry was moving away from 1 magnate controlling a region towards end of his reign?
-death of jasper tudor + arthir in 1502 - wales controlled by council ran by unpowerful william smyth bishop coventry
council of the north - how heavily controlled by henry ?
-HEAVILY - official on council william sever had to maintain regular contact w/ sir reginald bray in london
why did henry trust wales more ? - evidence to show ?
-family links from owent tudor - jasper tudor in charge but welshmen e.g. Sir Rhys Ap Thomas govern SW Wales
why was henry weary of ireland so what did he do?
-had recognised simnel + warbeck – prince henry lord lieutenant + Poynings (advisor) as deputy
what law did Poynings pass ?
-Poynings Law - no law passed w/o kings approval 1494
ireland in short + long term ?
-ST- prevent unathroised irish council that reciognises pretenders -LT-henry returns to earlier policy ruling ireland through chieftains + Earl of Kildare reinstated
whose power ddi henry increase + why
-JPS + sheriffs who owed offices to king - local nobility could not develop too much power
what did the sherrifs (police) become ?
eyes and ears’ of monarch in every county
what did every hundred (subdivision of a county) need
- a high constable + every parish a petty constable
weaknesses of henry’s law enforcement system
-dependent on goodwill of officials - system paid servants would have been more effective but too expensive
how often was paraliament summoned ?
-7 times
why was parliament summoned so little?
-did not need taxes as foreign polciy avoided abroard campaigns / did not need large legisaltion - policies e.g. act of attainder subdue politcal opponenst