Herbal Presciptions 8 Flashcards
Diagnosis for this formula is “Hot or bloody painful urinary dysfunction caused by clumping D-H in the lower burner.” Frequent history of overindulgence in spicy, sweet or rich foods or over consumption of alcohol.
Ba Zheng San
Eight Herb Powder for Rectification
2.Diagnosis for this formula includes: “Kidney or Spleen Yang Def w/ retention of pathogenic water and Yang w/ continuous loss of fluids causing severe depletion of Yang Qi.”
Zhen Wu Tang
True Warrior Decoction
Diagnosis for this formula is “Skin edema d/t Spleen Qi deficiency w/ excess dampness & Qi stagnation (Damp & Qi stagnation are relatively strong & deficiency is mild).”
Wu Pi San
Five Peel Powder
Diagnosis for this formula is “Clumping of Water & Heat injures Yin.”
Zhu Ling Tang
Polporus Decoction
Diagnosis for this formula is “Internal clumping of phlegm/heat.”
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Clear the Qi & Transform Phlegm Pill
Diagnosis for this formula is “Qi/blood deficiency w/ painful obstruction.”
Juan Bi Tang
Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction
Diagnosis for this formula is “Damp Phlegm (Spleen failing to transport fluids, accumulating and forming phlegm).”
Er Chen Tang
Two-Cured Decoction
Diagnosis for this formula is “Gall Bladder & Stomach Disharmony w/ Phlegm Heat (& with phlegm-heat disturbing the Heart).” It is used for a wide variety of disorders, including Damp-Heat in the Triple Burner.
Wen Dan Tang
Warm the Gall Bladder Decoction
This formula is for urinary difficulty w/ fever & thirst w/ desire to drink. May have diarrhea, cough, nausea, irritability and insomnia.
Zhu Ling Tang
Polporus Decoction
This formula is for generalized edema, heavy sensations in the whole body, fullness & distention in the epigastrium & abdomen, heavy & labored breathing SOB, rapid breathing and urinary difficulty edema in pregnancy.
Wu Pi San
Five Peel Powder
This formula is for abdominal pain aggravated by cold, urinary difficulty, deep aching, and heaviness of the extremities. May have generalized edema, loose stools, dizziness, heavy sensation in the head, cough, palpitations and vomiting. Also, this formula is good for sweating that doesn’t reduce fever, palpitations over epigastrium, dizziness, shivers and trembles w/ unsteady appearance.
Zhen Wu Tang
True Warrior Decoction
This formula is for dark, turbid, scanty, difficult and painful urination, dry mouth & throat. In severe cases, there may be urinary retention, lower abdominal distention and pain.
Ba Zheng San
Eight Herb Powder for Rectification
This formula is for dizziness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, indeterminate gnawing hunger, seizures accompanied by copious sputum, focal distention of the chest, bitter taste in the mouth and slight thirst.
Wen Dan Tang
Warm the Gall Bladder Decoction
This formula is for cough w/ copious white sputum that is easily expectorated, focal distention, stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, palpitations, nausea, vomiting & dizziness.
Er Chen Tang
Two-Cured Decoction
This formula is for generalized heaviness of the body, stiff neck, shoulder & upper back, numb extremities and difficulty moving.
Juan Bi Tang
Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction