Herbal Presciptions 4 Flashcards
Diagnosis is “Weakness & Deficiency MJ yang (root) and Yin cold, which is ascendant in the interior. Def & Excess combined.” Name this formula.
Da Jian Zhong Tang
Major Construct the Middle Decoction
Diagnosis is “Spleen Qi Def (caused by: improper diet, excess deliberation or over-working).” Name this formula.
Si Jun Zi Tang
Four Gentlemen Decoction
Diagnosis is “Kidney Yang Def accompanied by an increase of internal cold. True Cold/False Heat.” Name this formula.
Si Ni Tang
Frigid Extremities Decoction
Diagnosis includes: “Sp/ST Def w/ inability to raise the clear, Qi Def fever & Sinking of the MJ Qi.” Name this formula.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi Decoction
Diagnosis is “Severe obstruction of 3 burners by fire toxins, pervades both int & ext.” Name this formula.
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity
Diagnosis includes “Treats Acute Summer Collapse & Concurrent Qi and Yin Def primarily of Lungs.” This formula is for various types of HT disease, including palpitations & coronary artery disease. Also, this formula treats palpitations w/ a stifling sensation in the chest, SOB, sweating, dry mouth, thirst & poor sleep. Name this formula.
Sheng Mai San
Generate the Pulse Powder
Diagnosis is “Spleen Qi Def leading to dampness.” Name this formula.
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
Ginseng, Poria & White Atractylodes Powder
Diagnosis is “Deficiency of Exterior w/ weak & unstable Protective Qi.” Name this formula.
Yu Ping Feng San
Jade Windscreen Powder
PT complains of excruciating epigastric & abdominal pain (can’t tolerate being touched), strong cold sensation in the epigastrium, vomiting to the point of being unable to eat & may have borborygmus. Which formula would you prescribe to this person?
Da Jian Zhong Tang
Major Construct the Middle Decoction
Pallid complexion, soft voice, reduced appetite, loose stools & weak limbs can be treated with which formula?
Si Jun Zi Tang
Four Gentlemen Decoction
This formula can have the following symptoms: a.) dizziness, unsteadiness, impaired vision, deafness, tinnitus, SOB, laconic speech, weak voice, shiny pale complexion, reduced appetite, loose stools b.) intermittent fever that worsens on exertion, spontaneous sweating, dislikes cold, thirst for warm beverages c.) hemmorhoids, rectal or uterine collapse, prolapse of internal organs, chronic diarrhea, irregular uterine bleeding, reduced appetite, loose stools. Name this formula.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi Decoction
PT complains of extremely cold extremities, aversion to cold, sleeping w/ knees drawn up, lethargic state w/ constant desire to sleep, vomiting, diarrhea w/ undigested food particles, abdominal pain & cold and lack of thirst. What do you prescribe?
Si Ni Tang
Frigid Extremities Decoction
PT complains of aversion to drafts, spontaneous sweating, recurrent colds and has a shinny, pale complexion. Choose the best formula for this person.
Yu Ping Feng San
Jade Windscreen Powder
PT complains of having loose stools or diarrhea, reduced appetite, weak extremities, weight loss, distention & stifling sensation in the chest & epigastrium. Their face is pale. Choose the best formula for this person.
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
Ginseng, Poria & White Atractylodes Powder
PT complains of the following: chronic cough w/ sparse sputum which is difficult to expectorate, SOB, spontaneous sweating, dry mouth & tongue. Choose the best formula for this person.
Sheng Mai San
Generate the Pulse Powder
PT complains of high fever, irritability, dry mouth & throat, incoherent speech, insomnia, hematemesis, epitaxis, carbuncles, deep-rooted boils or other toxic swellings, dysentery, damp-heat jaundice. Choose the best formula for this person.
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity