Health and Safety Flashcards
What does HSWA stand for?
Health and Safety at Work Act
What does MHSWA stand for?
management of the health and safety at work act
What does RIDDOR stand for?
reporting of incidents disease and dangerous occurrences regulations
What does COSHH stand for?
control of substances hazardous to health
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What do SOP and COP stand for?
standard operating procedures and code of practise
What does RR(FS)O stand for?
regulatory reform (fire safety) order
What do HSE and HSC stand for?
Health and Safety Executive and Health and Safety Commission
What legal requirements must a building comply with?
UK law (england and Wales) HSWA MHSWA RIDDOR RISK and PPE COSHH SOP/COP Local Authority regulations safe/legal disposal of clinical waste regulatory reform (fire safety order)
In what year was the Health and Safety at Work act set out?
In what year was the management of the Health and Safety at Work act set out?
In what year was RIDDOR set out and then revised?
1995, 2013
What regulations does the safe/legal disposal of clinical waste fall under?
Clinical Waste Regulations
What is the duty of employers under the HSWA?
must ‘as far as reasonably practicable’ safeguard health, safety and welfare of employees.
What provision is there if the employer was negligent or gave consent that resulted in an offence?
provision for prosecution
What is the duty of employees under HSWA?
Must take reasonable care of their own H&S and that of others which could be affected by their acts/omissions
What must be provided at the workplace under HSWA?
safe plant and systems of work.
Safe handling, storage, maintainance and transportation of work articles/substances. Information, instruction, training and supervision.
Safe access and egress to and at place of work.
Adequate welfare facilities
What regulations are included in the ‘six pack’ regulations?
management of H&S at work, Provision and use of work equipment, workplace H&S regulations, manual handling regulations, PPE regs, display screen equipment regs
What year were the management of H&S at work regulations set out?
What year was the provision and use of work equipment set out?
What year were the manual handling regulations set out?
What year were PPE regulations set out?
What year were display screen equipment regulations set out?
Define danger
the power to do harm
Define hazard
the exposure to danger
Define risk
the chance of loss arising from exposure to the hazard
Describe good laboratory practice
follow local rules check SOP PPE/appropriate dress clean spills immediately with correct product/clean up at end of session use guards correct storage and tidying dispose of clinical waste properly wash hands before leaving the area
Who has a duty of care?
all parties must provide suitable and sufficient information to others with regards to safety
What are the hazard potentials in a veterinary/agricultural environment?
death, fire, electricity, falls from height, driving
What are the potentials for long term harm in a veterinary/agricultural environment?
infections, manual handling, stress, RSI
What can be used to ensure electrical safety?
annual PAT testing
What does PUWER stand for?
provision/use of work equipement regulations
What must be completed whenever there is an accident?
accident report form
What are red H&S signs used for?
prohibition/danger/alarm. Also used for firefighting equipment
What are yellow/amber H&S signs used for?
What are blue H&S signs used for?
mandatory instructions
What do green H&S signs mean?
emergency escape, first aid, no danger/safety