head and neck Flashcards
Describe disease progression in clinical manifestation of Herpes Labialis
Herpes labialis (cold sores, febers blisters) like Herepes Stomatitis are caused by HSV1 and benin as painful inflammation of the affected mucosa, followed shortly by the formation of vesicles that later rupture and form shallow, painful ulcers.
How do herpetic vesicles form?
Ballooning Degeneration of the epthelial ccells. Some epithelial cells show intranuclear ncluison bodies.
What can be found at the edge of an ulcer of herpes labialis?
multinucleated epithelial cells with “ground glass” homogenized nuclei often exhibiting nuclear molding.
Were does Ludwig Angina often originiate?
Submaxillary of Sublingula space- often extends locaaly to involve both
Hairline fractures in the lingual cortex give microorganisms access to what space?
submaxillary space initially. If they follow the fascial planes, the infection may dissect into the parapharyngeal space and from there into the carotid sheath.
What is the ultimate step of Sjogren syndrome progression?
Atrophy with fibrosis and fatty infiltration of the parenchyma
What kind of exudate is seen in Aphthous stomatitis?
where are ppyogenic granulomas most frequent?
Describe the lesion of a pyogenic granuloma
Macroscopically: red-purple, smooth lobulated/ulcerated surface, elevated, soft mass Microscopically: Highly vascular granulation tissue with varying degrees of acute/chronic inflammation
Describe a Vincent infection
Punched out erosions of the interdental papillae . Ulceration spreads to involve all gingival margins which become covered by a necrotic pseudomembrane.
Describe the progression of dental caries.
- Decalcificaiton of the interprimsatic substance 2. Disintegration of enamel prisms 3. Accumulation of debris and microorganisms (1-3 prdouces a small pit /fissure in the enamel). 4. Spread to dentinoenamel junction 5. Spread laterally, penetrates denitin along dentinal tubules (5 forms a flask-shaped lesion with a narrow orifice) 6. Invade vascular pump (Pulpitis inflamm. rxn occurs) 7. Apical granuloma form (chronically inflamed periapical granulation tissue_ or a Periapical abscess forms
Excluding Mumps and Rubella, whatbiruses are suspected to cause labyrinthitis
Influenza, Parainflenza, EBV, HSV, Adenovirus
Describe the characteristics of a Warthin tumor
Benign neoplasm of the parotid gland (can be B/L or multifocal in same gland), composed of cystic glandular spaces embedded in dense lymhoid tissue
Most commmon monomorphic adenoma
Warthin tumor
What is Pleomorphi adenoma (a biphasic appearance) composed of ?
epithelial and stromal elements