Haem passmed (2) Flashcards
Polycythaemia: Classical presentation?
- Intense itching which usually occurs after exposure to hot water or hot and humid weather.
- Is a neoplasm of the bone marrow= results in excessive production of RBCs.
- will also show a raise in haemoglobin
Haemolysis features?
- raised bilirubin
- normal LFTs
- release of free haemoglobin= low haptoglobin: function is to bind to free haemoglobin: therefore if blood results have low Hb.
Common cause of tumour lysis syndrome?
Burkitt’s lymphoma
Presence of symptoms that suggest: ISOLATED thrombocytopenia (reduced platelets) e.g. epistaxis, menorrhagia?
ITP: Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
Acute promyelocytic leukaemia: think of AML; diagnostic feature on blood film?
Auer rods
diagnostic blood film feature: of myelofibrosis?
Tear-drop Poikilocytes: flat, long RBC that looks like a tear-drop in appearance.
diagnostic blood film feature: of CLL?
Smear cells: are remnants of cells: that have no identifiable plasma membrane/nuclear structure.
Aplastic crises linked to sickle cell anaemia: how will it present on bloods?
With low Haemoglobin
DDX: Sequestration crises: would present with abdo pain, haemodynamic compromise and hepatomegaly/splenomegaly + also increased number of reticulocytes
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia is characterised by?
A positive direct antiglobulin test (Coombs’ test)
Mx: Corticosteroids: to reduce amount of circulating antibodies: causing haemolysis.
what can be used to REVERSE: apixaban/rivoroxaban?
Andexanet Alpha
Nb: reversal of dabigatran (another DOAC): Idarucizumab
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload should be treated with?
IV loop diuretics (eg. furosemide)
DIC typical blood picture:
↓ platelets
↓ fibrinogen
↑ fibrinogen degradation products
- can occur after massive burns injury to body
DIC: is a condition= when body’s blood clotting system becomes overreactive. Inappropriate activation of clotting cascade= causes depletion of clotting factors and platelets.
-Deranged coagulation in sepsis -> is also: DIC
A macrocytic anaemia findings?
Presence of hyper-segmented neutrophil polymorphs on the blood film is likely to be a megaloblastic anaemia eg. vitamin b12, folate deficiency
Others: Normoblastic causes of macrocytic anaemia: alcohol, liver disease, hypothyroidism, myelodysplasia, reticulocytosis
What type of cells are diagnostic of Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Mirror image nuclei = Reed-Sternberg cells
Reed-Sternberg cells
Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction (mx.)?
should be treated with generous fluid resuscitation and termination of the transfusion. (eg. patient is haemodynamically unstable: stop transfusion + give IV fluids)
presents: 10 mins after blood transfusion, symptoms: patient becomes ACUTELY unwell: with fevers, rigors, abdo pain.
What drugs may cause? (methhaemoglobinaemia)
Nitrates, including recreational nitrates such as amyl nitrite (‘poppers’)
what cancer can CML be transformed into?
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (transformed to a higher grade lymphoma)