geeky medics conditions (UKMLA 311) Flashcards
Acute/ascending Cholangitis:
Is an infection of the biliary tree: caused by combination of both: biliary outflow obstruction+biliary infection
- Is life-threatening
- age 50-60 yrs old
-bile stays for too long in gallbladder: therefore increases chances of bacteria
- Features: Charcot’s triad: fever, RUQ pain, Jaundice
- Investigation(in order): US, CT, ERCP= is the gold standard investigation and management
Acoustic Neuroma
- Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss
- +/- tinnitus
- Rinne’s test: air conduction more
- Weber’s test: sound lateralises to unaffected ear: therefore Sensorineural hearing loss.
- Inv: MRI head, Pure tone audiometry
MX: Active observation, microsurgery, radiosurgery
-is a rare, benign slow growing tumour
Acute angle closure glaucoma:
- Inv: Gonioscopy: is gold standard and mandatory: assesses angle between iris and cornea
- Tonometry: measure Intraocular pressure: in AACG, pressure is more than 30
- is a EMERGENCY, and sight-threatening
- Mx: conservative: lie flat, oral analgesics and anti-emetics
Specialist mx:
1) Pressure reducing agents: Acetazolamide (IV/oral)
2) beta blockers
3) topical steroids to reduce inflammation
4) Surgery: Peripheral Iridotomy- laser hole through iris: to allow a separate route for aqueous drainage other than through the pupil.