Glossary Flashcards
What is the post-war consensus?
A broad agreement by the 3 parties
What does “from the cradle to the grave” mean?
How the welfare state will look after the people
What is public sector housing?
Council houses
What was the Korean War?
War against North and South Korea
What was “New Britain”?
Equal opportunities and decline of deference
Who are Satirists?
People who mock politicians and figures
What does NATO stand for? What is it?
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Western military alliance
What was the Cold War? When did it take place?
War with no actual fighting
What was the peace caravan?
A group that protested against nuclear weapons
What is Stop-go? What government used it and when?
Interest rates being used to control economic growth
Tories 1951-64
What is Butskellism?
Similarities in economic Labour and Conservative policies
What was stagflation?
Inflation at an economic downturn
What was the Marshall Aid?
US aid to help economic recovery
What was the New Commonwealth?
Former colonies in Asia and Africa
What was the “baby boom”?
The large number of children born after WW2
What were conscripts?
Men in forced service
Who were Local Shop Stewards?
Union officials with power in their workplace
What was the Sterling?
British currency
What was the Trade Union Congress (TUC)?
Main trade union organisation
What MPs introduced Private Members’ Bills?
Backbench MPs
What was the “pay pause”?
A period of no pay increase
What was the Vietnam War?
War between North and South Vietnam
What does UDI stand for? What did this mean?
Unilateral Declaration of Independence
Illegal declaration of independence
What is meant by a cooling-off period?
The time between the calling of a strike and the actual strike
What is meant by a White Paper?
Document of government policies and proposals
What is meant by a “white backlash”?
Reaction of immigration under the New Commonwealth
What was the New Commonwealth?
Former colonies in Africa and Asia
Who were the Royal Ulster Constabulary? What religious group dominated them?
Northern Ireland police force
What is meant by second-wave feminism?
1960s feminism which sought more than just political rights
What is meant by a “clean-up” campaigner?
Someone who tried to improve “morality” by attacking the media
What is meant by the “New Right”?
Less government intervention and more responsibility to the people
What is meant by internment?
Imprisonment without trial
What is meant by direct rule?
Direct NI rule after Stormont parliament suspension
What is meant by Hard-line Protestants?
Protestants who opposed any compromise with Catholics
What was the National Union of Miners (NUM)? Under who did it become more left-wing?
Trade union that represented miners
Arthur Scargill
What is meant by flying pickets?
Strikers who prevented people going to work or moving goods
What is Stop and Search? Who was it primarily used against?
The right of police to investigate a suspect of a crime
Black people
What is meant by sovereignity? What did Eurosceptics fear?
Issues where power lies
Too much power would be given to the EU
What is the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP)?
An EEC agricultural policy where farmers were subsidised if produce couldn’t be sold at a favourable price
What was the Social Contract?
An agreement over wage restraints between Labour and the trade unions
What was British Leyland?
Large-scale car manufacturer
What is the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
An organisation designed to loan money to struggling countries
What was the “Winter of Discontent”?
The industrial disputes over 1978-79
What is a referendum?
National vote
What is meant by bureaucracy?
Those involved in administrations and paperwork
What is meant by the “first past the post” system?
System where the candidate with the most votes are elected regardless of whether they have the majority vote
Who were Militant Tendency?
Radical left-wing group that infiltrated Labour
What is meant by unilateral nuclear disarmament?
Where a country wants to get rid of nuclear weapons in the hope other countries follow
What is meant by mass picketing?
Protests outside workplaces to prevent people going to work
What is the National Coal Board (NCB)?
Organisation that manages the coal mining industry
What is “supply-side economics”?
Where the economy’s supply-side is encouraged for growth
What is popular capitalism?
Theory that everyone should be able to own shares and property
What is the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)?
Precursor to the Euro that tied member currencies with the Deustchmark
What is a flat-rate tax?
Where everyone pays the same amount
What is a Eurosceptic?
Politicians opposed/wary of the EU
What is meant by sleaze?
Corruption/sex scandals - particularly associated with Major’s government
What is “New Labour”?
Reform and modernisation of Labour under Tony Blair
What is meant by Cool Britannia?
Making Britain seem more fashionable through promotion of popular culture
What is institutional racism?
An organisation with deeply embedded racism
What is a “glass ceiling”?
Discrimination in the workplace which isn’t formally acknowledged
What is Daesh?
IS movement
What is the European Economic Community (EEC)?
Economic alliance introduced in 1957
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Measuring a country’s wealth through production
What is meant by the “permissive society”?
Liberalisation in the 1960s
What is the Suez Canal?
Canal that connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea
What is meant by wets and dries?
Term used to describe Tories who supported/opposed Thatcher’s policies
What is meant by white heat?
Term referring to science and technology development in the 1960s