Geog 16 Marker Flashcards
What doe lithology mean ?
Describes the physical and chemical composition of the rock
What type of lithology has clay ?
Weak lithology ( little resistance to erosion )
What type of rock is robin hoods bay made from ?
Dark grey shale
What are the height of the cliffs at Filey bay ?
20m high
What type of rock is Filey bay made out of ?
Sandstone and limestone
What rock is North Yorkshire made up of (n-s)?
Lias , lower oolite , middle and upper oolite , chalk
What is lias made up if ?
What lagoon is formed east of Abu quir bay ?
Barullos lagoon
What is the summer prevailing wind of the Nile delta ?
From NW (60% of the time )
Where is the blowholes in the uk ?
Selwicks bay
How does a blowhole form ?
Sea gases grow landwards into vertical hafts which can cause abrupt blasts of water through the top due to hydraulic compression
How are low tides formed ?
When tidal forces causes the earth and its water to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farther st from the moon
The other sides are the low tides
What is a cusp ?
Small semi circular depression at the back of a beach
Caused by rip currents
How do warm currents affect weathering ?
Warm currents - heat energy - increase air temp - quicker biological weathering - plant grow quicker