Gastroenterology + hepatology Flashcards
What are inital tests for coeliac disease?
IgA level and IgA-TTG
If inital coeliac tests are inconclusive, what additional antibody test would you request?
anti-endomysial antibody EMA-IgA
What types of food contain gluten?
Wheat, Barley, Rye
oats in 5%
What organisms cause bloody diarrhoea?
Compylobacter Jejuni
Yeresina Enterocolitis
Clostridium difficile
Define Achalasia and its features.
Disorder of neuronal cells in oesophagus causing inability of lower oesphageal sphincter to relax. Progressive dysphagia and regurgitation
What are the CXR features of achalasia
Dilated oesophagus with air-fluid levels.
What are the features of Crigler-Najjar syndrome and what is its mode of inheritance?
Unconjucated hyperbilirubinaemia
What is treatment for Biliary Atrasia?
Kasai procedure
What are the features of Alagille syndrome and what is its mode of inheritance?
Reduction in number and size of intrahepatic bile ducts.
Jaundice, broad forehead, micrognathia, corneal defect, vertebral arch defect
What is the x-ray finding for duodenal atrasia?
Double Bubble sign
Liver failure + psychological or neurological changes suggests what?
Wilson’s Disease
What is the treatment for Wilson’s disease?
Penicillamine- copper kelating agent
What is the treatment for hyperammonia?
Sodium benzoate infusion
How does alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency present in neonates/ childhood?
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia +/- hepatomegally
What protease phenotype is a/w alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency? And what is normal?
PiMM is normal.
What would you find on PR exam of patient with hirschprungs disease?
An empty ampulla of rectum (most distal part)
What is first line eradication treatment for h. pylori?
amoxicillin, clarithromycin and PPI