Gait Flashcards
What is gait?
Mechanism by which the body is transported using coordinated movements of the major lower limb joints
What are the features of a normal gait?
Stability in stance Foot clearance in swing Pre-positioning for initial contact Adequate step length Energy conservation
What is a gait cycle?
Period of time of from initial contact to next initial contact on the same side
What are the phases of the gait cycle?
Stance phase
Swing phase
What makes up the stance phase?
Initial contact (heel strike) Loading response (weight transfer) Mid-stance (flat foot) Terminal stance (heel off) Pre-swing (toe off)
What makes up the swing phase?
Initial swing
Terminal swing
What is a stride?
Distance from right initial contact to right initial contact
What is a step?
Distance from right initial contact to left initial contact
What is cadence?
Number of steps per minute
How can gait be analysed?
Kinematics - describes motion
Kinetics - describes thing that cause motion
What are some pathological gaits?
Antalgic Trendelenburg Hemiplegic Diplegic High steppage Parkinsonian Ataxic
What is an antalgic gait?
What are the features of an antalgic gait?
Short stance gait in affected leg
Short swing phase in unaffected leg
What is a Trendelenberg gait?
Hip drop gait
Hip abductor weakness
What are the features of a Trendelenberg gait?
Pelvis drops on affected side in stance phase
What causes a hemiplegic gait?
Hemi-brain injury
- stroke
- cerebral palsy
- trauma
What are the features of a hemiplegic gait?
Flexed upper limb
Extended lower limb
Short step unaffected leg
Circumduction affected leg
What causes a diplegic gait?
Neuromuscular disorders
Tight muscle groups
- psoas
- adductors
- hamstrings
What are the features of a diplegic gait?
Ankles plantar-flexed
Forefoot = initial contact
What causes a high steppage gait?
Foot drop
- sciatics
- common peroneal nerve palsy
- neuromuscular disorders
What are the features of a high steppage gait?
Toes hanging down
Excessive hip flexion on affected side
Foot slap
What causes a Parkinsonian gait?
Neurological disease - Parkinson’s
What are the features of a Parkinsonian gait?
Hard to initiate movement Short step Shuffling Forward flexed No arm swing
What causes an ataxic gait?
Cerebellar disorders
What are the features of an ataxic gait?
Broad based