G&D 12 13 14 Flashcards
Sheehys phase 20-30 yrs where they leave the home and build careers
trying twenties
Sheehys trying twenties phase 20-30 virtues
exploration and experimentation
Sheehys phase 30-40 where person establish new homes, focus on career goals and deal with restlessness and family issues
catch thirties
Sheehys catch thirties phase 30-40 virtues
Sheehys phase 40-50 where person changes self image, may go through midlife crisis, deal with aging parents and face own mortality
Time of Renewal
Levinsons phase 18-22 where person deals with career choices, identity establishment, intimate relationships
Early adult
levinsons theory of early adult range from ages
levinsons phase 22-28 where person faces balance of choices
Adult World
levinsons adult world phase ranges from ages
levinsons phase 28-33 where person may face change of lifestyle, divorce or marraige
30 transition
levinsons 30 transition phase ranges from ages
levinsons phase 33-39
settling down
levinsons phase 40-45 where person reappraises goals and values, renegotiate relationships, change perspective and self identity
midlife transition
levinsons midlife transition phase ranges from ages
levinsons phase known as the pay off years range in ages from
this person theory pertains to forming life patterns; set roles in which individuals involved transition between each phase is determined by choices made
havinhurst theory for women ages 40-65
havinghurst theory for men ages 40-65
climactoric/climantic can also be known as
disruption of menstrual cycle cause by lack of stimulation to the endocrine system to produce estrogen and progesterone
hormonal surges taking place between 40-65 according to havinghurst
hot flashes
occurs in late 40’s or 50’s in men where there is a decrease in androgens. Men still can produce sperm however penile erection is less firm and ejaculation less frequent
the cessation of brain function aka “clinical death”
brain death
lack of activity in body systems
legal death