Fungsi Luhur Flashcards
Neuro behaviour, Cognitive, demensia
Pemeriksaan rutin pada pasien demensia berdasarkan American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
vitamin B12,
- darah lengkap, elektrolit, Glukosa, Ur/CT, fungsi liver, thyroid
- depression screening
Gejala awal Alzheimer
Recent memory impairment
Afasia sensorik, letak kelainan di
Afasia sensorik karena lesi Di area Wernicke Di lobus temporal superior
Mild cognitive impairment, klasifikasi
Gangguan kognitif yg tidak mempengaruhi Aktivitas sehari hari. Kognitif umum Masih baik. Gangguan terdapat pada atensi, memory, Bahasa, eksekutif, Atau visuospasial diklasifikasikan sebagai :
- amnestic MCI (memori primer) - nonamnestic MCI ( domain kognitif selain memory, misal bahasa) - multiple domain MCI (lebih Dari satu domain terkena)
Alzheimer Disease inheriter
Jarang (<5% dari kasus AD)
: autosomal dominan, Dan umumnya muncul sebelum usia 65.
Presenilin-2, presenilin 1 (70-80% early onset aggressive familial AD)
Apolipoprotein A4, variant TREM2 meningkat kan resiko AD
Sirkuit papez
The circuit of Papez is:
entorhinal cortex → hippocampus → fornix → mammillary bodies
→ anterior nucleus of thalamus → cingulate gyrus → entorhinal
cortex → hippocampus.
Macam bentuk memori
immediate memory : forward digit span
• - working memory : backwards digit span
• - recent memory : recall Dalam menit/jam. Disimpan pada area hipocampus/parahipocampus. Merupakan yg pertama terserang pada Alzheimer.
• - remote memory : memory jangka panjang
FDG pet scan pada Alzheimer Disease
FDG-PET scan shows bilateral parietotemporal
FDG pet scan pada Lewy
body disease
body disease pada FDG pet scan menunjukkan occipital regions in diffuse
Klinis Dementia lewy bodies
Trias DLB : Parkinsonism, fluctuating cognitive impairment, and visual
other clinical features may include
dysautonomia, REM sleep behavior disorder, and neuroleptic
Tatalaksana Dementia lewy bodies
inhibitors may be of benefit. Levodopa may worsen hallucinations
and high doses should be avoided in DLB. Neuroleptics have been
associated with increased risk of mortality when used in older
adults with dementia, but in some cases, putative benefits
outweigh risks of use. Typical neuroleptics are generally avoided
due to significant sensitivity, with reactions such as neuroleptic
malignant syndrome, worsening parkinsonism, confusion, or
autonomic dysfunction. If absolutely necessary, especially for
agitated psychotic symptoms, atypical neuroleptics should be tried
cautiously in low doses
Pick’s disease
Pick’s disease is manifested predominantly by frontal lobe
symptoms such as personality changes, behavioral problems,
apathy, abulia, and poor judgment.
pathologically by
the presence of silver-staining, spherical aggregations of tau
protein in neurons (Pick bodies).
Kluver–Bucy type
caused by
lesions to bilateral anterior temporal lobes/amygdala and is
characterized by hyperorality (tendency to explore objects with
mouth), hypermetamorphosis (preoccupied with minute
environmental stimuli), blunted emotional affect, hypersexuality,
and visual agnosia
Frontotemporal Dementia
decline does occur, but memory impairment is not the most
prominent feature, distinguishing the frontotemporal dementias
(FTDs) from Alzheimer’s disease. FTD dementia is a general term
for pathologies affecting frontal lobes, included among them is
Pick body pathology.
- onset rata rata 55-60 tahun
Gejala lesi orbitofrontal
Symptoms of orbitofrontal lesions may include traits of obsessive
compulsive disorder (OCD), disinhibition, hypersexuality, anxiety,
depression, impulsiveness, and antisocial behavior
Gejala lesi lobus parietal
- Lobus dominan : visuospatial and sensory symptoms
* nondominant: contralateral neglect syndrome.
familial frontotemporal dementia (FTD) terkait kromosom
Pada familial frontotemporal dementia (FTD), paling banyak berhubungan dengan chromosome 17q21, meskipun chromosomes 3 Dan 9 juga berimplikasi pada kelainan herediter autosomal dominant pada Penyakit ini.
Tiga Varian utama FTD /Frontotemporal Dementia
There are three major distinct clinical phenotypes of FTD.
- Behavioral variant FTD
- progressive nonfluent aphasia
- semantic dementia, also called
progressive fluent aphasia, or the temporal variant of FTD ; transcortical sensory afasia.
behavioral variant FTD is the most common phenotype and
symptoms include personality change, abulia, apathy, social
withdrawal, social disinhibition, impulsivity, lack of insight, poor
personal hygiene, stereotyped or ritual behaviors, hyperphagia,
suddenly new artistic abilities or hobbies, emotional blunting, loss
of empathy, mental rigidity, distractibility, impersistence,
perseverative behavior, impaired organizational and executive
The second phenotype, progressive nonfluent aphasia, is
characterized in early stages by anomia, word-finding difficulty,
impaired object naming, and effortful speech with preserved
comprehension. Spontaneous speech becomes increasingly
dysfluent and speech errors become frequent. Behavior and social interaction remain unaffected until late in the disease at which
point the patient becomes globally aphasic.
The third phenotype is semantic dementia, also called
progressive fluent aphasia, or the temporal variant of FTD. It is
characterized by a progressive speech disturbance with normal
fluency, but impaired comprehension, anomia, and semantic
paraphasias. It may clinically resemble a transcortical sensory
aphasia. There is typically a predominance of left temporal
dysfunction, and/or in face and object recognition, reflecting right
temporal dysfunction
Afasia Wernicke terjadi pada lesi topis
Lobus temporal dominant
Amnesia nonverbal Dan visuospasial terjadi pada lesi
Lobus temporal nondominan
Disfungsi lobus frontal dapat terjadi pada oklusi
Arteri Cerebral Anterior
Psychogenic amnesia
Psychogenic amnesia has the characteristic finding of loss of
autobiographical memory, sometimes with preserved ability for
new learning.
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Wernicke’s encephalopathy, which results from
deficiency in thiamine (vitamin B1), as occurs in malnourishment
such as in alcoholism, is defined by the triad of confusion, ataxia,
and ophthalmoplegia.
Gerstmann’s syndrome
Gerstmann’s syndrome, which is
characterized by the tetrad of finger agnosia (inability to identify
fingers bilaterally), right–left confusion, dyscalculia (inability to
carry out calculations), and dysgraphia (inability to write). It
localizes to the dominant inferior parietal lobule, particularly the
dominant angular gyrus. A common cause is infarction of the
inferior division of the middle cerebral artery, in which case there
may be associated contralateral visual field deficits. Features may
occur individually
a lack
of awareness of an acquired neurologic deficit
neglect syndrome, topis lesi
neglect syndrome, consistent with a lesion in the nondominant
hemisphere involving the primary somatosensory cortex (area SI).
A lesion in the thalamus can also lead to a neglect syndrome
Roussy syndrome, or thalamic pain syndrome
Lesi posterolateral thalamus : diawali contralateral hemianesthesia followed
weeks later by pain, hyperesthesia, and allodynia. A similar
delayed central pain syndrome can occur with a lesion to the
medial lemniscus, dorsal columns, or with lesions to the parietal
operculum (the latter is also termed pseudothalamic syndrome).
The spinothalamic tract projects to the ventral posterolateral
nucleus of the thalamus, which in turn projects to the secondary
somatosensory cortex (area SII). A lesion to the primary
somatosensory cortex (area SI) would lead to contralateral loss of
sensation to touch, joint position sense, and vibration, but would
spare pain and temperature sensation, and would not cause a
delayed pain syndrome.
Corticobasal syndrome
corticobasal syndrome (CBS), in which alien
limb syndrome occurs. The phenomenon of alien limb is marked by
movement of a limb, sometimes seemingly purposefully, but not
under voluntary control. Alien limb syndrome also occurs with
lesions to the contralateral anterior cerebral artery territory,
involving the corpus callosum or supplementary motor area. Other
features of CBS include parkinsonism, apraxia, and cortical sensory
loss. There are several causes to CBS, including corticobasal
ganglionic degeneration, and progressive supranuclear palsy
Biomarkers Alzheimer Disease
- Hippocampal atrophy
- CSF :reduced CSF beta-amyoid1–42 and increased total and phosphorylated CSF tau.
- PET scan : FDGPET hypometabolism temporoparietal bilateral
- White matter changes are common in AD but are not a specific biomarker
Fase Alzheimer Disease
Terdiri atas 3 fase :
1. preclinical (where there are no clinical symptoms but there are biomarker changes such as amyloid deposition seen on amyloid imaging), 2. prodromal (where patients have biomarkers positive and early symptoms but not affecting function), 3. Alzheimer’s dementia (where patients have biomarkers and express functional deficits).
Struktur otak terkait kesadaran
Consciousness is maintained by a variety of structures, including
the reticular activating system in the brainstem, the thalamus
(particularly the intralaminar nuclei), and the frontal lobes
Declarative/explicit memory
Declarative, or explicit memory, involves memory for facts or
experiences. Declarative memory includes semantic knowledge, or
knowledge for facts and objectives, and episodic knowledge, or
knowledge of events. Nondeclarative, or implicit memory, involves
memory of skills and other acquired behaviors, such as ability to
drive a car or ride a bicycle. Lesions to the bilateral medial
temporal lobes leads to loss of predominantly declarative (explicit)
memory, leading to an anterograde amnesia with a retrograde
amnesia involving a specific period prior to injury, but usually with
preservation of more remotely formed memories
Capgras’ syndrome
Capgras’ syndrome, which is characterized by
the delusional belief that a person, often a member of the patient’s
immediate family, is an identical-looking imposter
syndrome (in which the patient believes that the same person
exists in several disguises