Functions of Counseling Flashcards
The utilization of special skills to assist individuals, families, or groups in achieving objectives through:
-explorations of a problem and its ramifications
-examination of attitudes and feelings
-consideration of alternative solutions
-and decision-making
6 Stages of Counseling
- Information gathering
- Evaluation
- Feedback
- Counseling Agreement
- Changing behavior
- Termination
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- physiological needs
- safety needs
- belongingness and love needs
- esteem needs
- self-actualization needs
3 Issues of a Counseling Agreement
- Practical issues which set limits (length of sessions, #, etc.)
- Expectations
- Goals
A stage in the counseling process, not the last session, it is an agreement between counselor and client that things have improved, he/she is on way to meeting goals or has met them, he/she does not need to continue with the special supportive-confrontative relationships because they can handle life without it.
Should the question of termination be introduced by the counselor or the client?
Attending Skills
Develop the trusting relationship between client and counselor.
Physical attending techniques
- Comfortable working distance
- Face client with relaxed open posture
- Lean toward client with interest
- Maintain eye contact
Psychological attending skills
- observation of grooming, posture, facial expressions
- verbalizations, tone of voice
- recurring themes
- feelings
- representational mode (one sense becomes the dominant way of perception)
- Objective attitude
Self-attending skills
- awareness of own message
- awareness of physical and emotional needs
- remaining centered
Responding skills
- minimal encouragers
- silence
Means identifying specific feelings, behaviors, or situations relevant to the problem - prevents vagueness.
What the client talks about in a session: may be what is implied or what isn’t said.
Why might a client not be able to express their feelings?
- Does not have a feelings vocabulary
- Denies feelings
- is unaware of feelings
Example of an open-ended question
- What are your concerns about your health?
- Tell me about your new job?
Accurate empathy
Ability to feel with the client and sense what his/her world is like
-talking to client not at
Advanced accurate empathy
Provides congruency, support, and understanding while giving additional meaning to the client’s words and behavior based on the counselor’s observation and experience.
1.pointing out of discrepancies in 3 areas
2. A way for counselor to act as a role model for direct, honest, and open communication
3. Though uncomfortable, it can push the helping process past client blocks
Confrontation Discrepancies
- between client’s ideal and real self
- client’s verbal and nonverbal expression
- view and counselor’s view of the client
A process where participants pretend to be in a particular situation - the situation is not real but the feelings that come up are real.
Values clarification
The process of helping the client decide what is important to him/her and the order of priorities.
Keeps counseling process focused and moving. Goals are based on client’s values.
Client behaviors indicating they want to terminate
a. say they want to end
b. say they made a lot of progress
c. feelings of loss at the approaching end of the relationship
d. bringing back old, unproductive behaviors so counseling won’t end
e. creating new problems so counseling won’t end.
3 Stages of Drug/Alcohol Treatment
- medical
- psychosocial rehabilitation
- aftercare
Goals of Drug/Alcohol Counseling
- acceptance of issue
- determine necessity of medical treatment
- help client accept he/she cannot use alcohol and drugs
- help client reorganize life without alcohol and drugs
If a counselor suspects potential for violence from a client they should…
a. reflect and interpret client’s behavior using precaution
b. empathetically self-disclose (let them know your concerns)
c. reassure the client of your commitment to them to continue trying to problem solve
d. think of your own safety and an escape plan if agitation increases
Transmission of ideas, feelings, and attitudes by verbal, nonverbal, and written methods.
Intrapersonal dynamics
All past and current experiences and feelings, cultural background, ideas, self-concept, loyalties, prejudices, obligations, and goals.
Interpersonal dynamics
Each person’s interpersonal material, organization of material, listening ability
Active Listening
To truly hear and understand the speaker, to help the speaker feel valued and open up more.
Repeating in whole or in part the speaker’s own words
Reflecting back the gist of what was said in the listener’s own words with no interpretations.
Reflecting with interpretations
Reflecting what was said and unsaid, and picking up on feelings and attitudes
Demonstration of the counselor’s concern for and interest in the client by eye contact, body posture, and accurate verbal following.
A counselor statement that mirrors the client’s statement in exact or similar wording.
Reflection of feeling
The essence of the client’s feelings, either stated or implied, as expressed by the counselor.
A brief review of the main points discussed in the session to ensure continuity in a focused direction.
A counselor’s use of question or statement to direct the client’s attention inward to help both parties examine the client’s situation in greater depth.
Counselor Self-Disclosure
The counselor’s sharing of his/her personal feelings, attitudes, opinions, and experiences for the benefit of the client.
Presenting the client with alternative ways of looking at his/her situation.
A counselor’s statement or question intended to point out contradictions in the client’s behavior and statements, or to induce the client to face an issue the counselor feels the client is avoiding.
verbal or nonverbal response the counselor makes as a result of processing the information received from listening to the client.
Two components of paraphrasing
- determine the basic message
- rephrase the message
The counselor’s attempt to perceive the world through the client’s frame of reference.
Two components of reflection of feeling skill
- Identification (enter the client’s frame of reference by drawing on your own experiences with feelings)
- Formulate a response (that captures the essence of the feeling expressed.
3 Common errors in formulating reflection of feeling responses
- Stereotypical language
- Timing
- Too-shallow or too-deep responses
Two components of summarizing
- Selection
- Tying together
Two components of probing
- identification
- open-ended phrasing or question
Being genuine, authentic, and transparent with clients.
Johari’s Window
- Info known by all (open area)
- Info known by the person, but not by the other (hidden area)
- Info known by others, but not by the person (blind area)
- Info not known by the person or by others. (Unknown area)
Self-disclosure in the present
When counselor communicates his/her feelings about the client or the session.
Self-disclosure in the past
Reveals experiences the counselor had in the past that seem relevant to the client’s current situation.
List four problems of self-disclosure.
- Immediate and extreme effect on the client.
- Shifts focus of session away from client to counselor.
- Premature use of an intimate past experience or a threatening present feeling could make the client anxious, damaging the relationship.
- Certain amount of risk anytime a counselor uses self-disclosure.
3 Components of Effective Interpreting
1.Determining and restating basic messages.
2. Adding counselor ideas for a new frame of reference.
3. Checking out these ideas with the client.
5 Examples of Discrepancies
- How client sees himself and how others see him
- Contradiction between what is said and behavior
- Two statements contradict
- Between what client says they are feeling and the way most people would react in a similar situation
- What the client is saying they now believe vs. how they acted in the past
Core Counselor Attributes
Flexibility, collaboration, respect, self-awareness, inclusivity, and conflict tolerance.
What are core counseling attributes?
Interconnected, culturally sensitive, and demonstrated with empathy.
5 Essential Qualities that Enhance the Therapeutic Alliance
- Genuineness
- Immediacy
- Personal Ability
- Warmth
- Unconditional positive regard
2 Elements of Genuineness
- Intrapersonal
- Interpersonal
Addressing what is going on between the counselor and client in the present moment.
Personal Ability
A counselor’s clinical competency in addiction-related concepts and practices.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Suspending judgment and providing clients with acceptance, care, empathy, and understanding.
Ability of one person to put themselves in the shoes of another.
Involves the repetition of the main points expressed by the client.
Attempting to understand and verbalize an unclear description or situation presented by the client.
5 Main Areas of Nonverbal Communication
- Vocal cues (tone, rate)
- Action cues (bodily movements)
- Object use (use of objects)
- Space (intimate space, personal space, social-consultative space, and public space)
- Touch (person or intimate space with an action involved.)
When clients unconsciously project displaced attitudes and feelings associated with impactful past relationships onto the counselor.
When the counselor projects their unconscious thoughts and feelings onto the client.