Foundations Ch 4, 8, 10 Flashcards
Maslow hierchy of needs
PHYSIOLOGIC: nutrition, elimination, oxygenation, sexuality. SAFETY AND Most basic needs must be met first. SECURITY: Stability, protection, security, freedom and fear from anxiety. LOVE AND BELONGINGNESS: Affection, acceptance, by peers and community. ESTEEM: Self respect, self confidence, feelings of self-worth.
Trailing Zero
Don’t use
Leading Zero
Always use
Language specific to the workplace
Non verbal communication
Message transmitted w/o words
eye contact longer than 6 sec
Intimidating, disrespectful, aggression
Eye contact brief but direct2-6 sec
Interest, respect, caring
No eye contact or fleeting
Shyness, lack of confidence, low self-esteem
Open posture
Relaxed stance, facing receiver, smile direct eye contact
Closed posture
Formal, distant stance, arms and possibly legs crossed
Closed questions
Yes or no answer very specific answer to specific quwestion
Open ended questions
Cannot be answered by yes or no or a one word response . Allows patient to elaborate
Conveying acceptance. Usually involves a verbal component
Demonstrates acceptance of patients rights to current beliefs and practices w/o condoning them. Non judgemental
Repeating what you believe to be the main point
Restatement of pts message in your own words
Asking for more information or for elaboration expressed as a question or statement followed by a restatement or paraphrasing part of pt message
Allows you to gather more specific info when message is to vague. Focuses on specific data
Stating observations
Allows for clarification of intended message when verbal cues do not match nonverbal cues
Offering info
Prepping pt for what to expect before during and after a procedure
Proving a review of the main points covered
Using humor
Laughing therapy reduces BP and heart rate
Less pain
Hallucinating pts
You appear to be speaking to someone I don’t know
False reassurance
Using false comforting phrases to offer reassurance
Giving advice or personal opinions
Making a decision for the pt or giving personal opinions
False assumptions
Jumping to conclusions, making an assumption w/o validation
Approval or disapproval
Trying to impose your own attitude, belief or values on pt about what is right and wrong
Automatic responses
Superficial responses that do not focus on what the pt is feeling or trying to say
Responding negatively to criticism
Challenging the pt statement
Asking for explanations
Ask the pt to explain there actions or beliefs with ‘why’ questions
Changing the subject
Focusing on something other than the pts concern
We position patients in many different positions
To prevent development of complications
Inappropriate positioning
Can cause permanent disability
Flat on back
Semi- Fowler
Head of Bed is raised 30 degrees
Head of bed raised 45- 60 degrees
On side with knee and thigh drawn toward chest
How to prevent muscle atrophy, contractures and thrombosis
Movement of body muscles and joints Range of motion exercises
Active range of motion
Performed by pt
Passive ROM
Performed by caregiver
Where should you be when walking with pt
Support patient on their weak side
What does regular exercise do?
Prevents bone loss and fractures
Decreased lung expansion
Signs of Pulmonary embolism
Sudden onset SOB, anxiety
Knee-chest positioning
Kneeling, supported by knees and chest, abdomen raised head to one side
Lying supine with hips and knees flexed thighs abducted and rotated externally. Used for GYN exams
Head low body and legs on inclined plane
Sims position
Sims position
On left side rat knee bent
Verbal communication
Spoken written symbols
Inconsistent communication
Confused message
What impacts communication
Style of delivery aaffects the message
Assertive communications
Honors feelings and needs of pt. Honors nurses rights. even sides
Aggressive communication
Overpowering and forceful non therapeutic
Unassetive communication
Agreeing to do what is requested Can create problems forced self
Establishing therapeutic relationships
Caring, sincere, empathetic, and trustworthy Establishes trust essential to nurse patient relationship
Nursing process
ADPIE. A= assessment D=diagnosis. P=plan. I= implementation E= evaluation. ABC airway,breathing, circulation
Principals of proper body mechanics
Maintain appropriate body alignment maintain wide base of support bend knees and hips do not bend from wais t
Assisting with movement of patient PRIORITY
Always lock wheelchair, stretcher,bed
When do you use a lift
Amputee, unable to bear weight, heavy patients
Neurovasulcular check
Skin color, skin temp,movement, sensation, pulses, capillary refill, pain
SRD. Safety Reminder Devices. Restraint free environment
Toileting programs/ routines, reorient residents frequently, rooms close to nurses station, encourage visitation
Nursing interventions for SRD
Skin injury, check for thirst and hunger, need to urinate, Circulation problems. NEED to continue use of SRD. ALWAYS use quick release knot
What action is a priority for high risk pts (pertaining to fall risk)
Sentinel events (med errors, procedures and procedures that lead to death inappropriate use of restraints/SRD) must be reported to whom
The Joint Commission
Upon admission and change in condition what must be done
Safety and freedom from injury requires
Prevention of falls electrical injuries. Fires burns poisonings
In the event of accidental poisoning
Call poison control 800-222-1222
When should you never use an elevator
In event of fire who should be rescued
Those in immediate danger
A. B. C. s, of fire extinguishers
A= paper wood cloth. B= liquid fires, grease and anesthetic
S. C= electrical. ABC= any fire
Alternate method# of communicating
Lip reading sign language paper n pencil. Eye blinks
Communicating w hearing impairedhearing aids. Face them pronounce clearly
Barriers to communicating
False reassurance showing approval giving advice or personal opinions
Body mechanics
Deceresed lung expansions
Pulmonary embolism
Ulnar flex ion radial flex ion
Hand only to right Hand only to left
Pronation Supernation
Palm down. Hand down
Hot liquids , hot packs, Chemical burns
Alice training
Active shooting
Used for improved perfusion (edema, ankle swelling)
Flat effect
“Im so happy”. Expression is blank
Connotative communication
Subjective and reflects individual perception. High potential for misinterpretation
Denotative commonly accepted definition of a word
Types of communication
Non verbal verbal. Assertive. Aggressive unassertive
Promotes independent decision making for the patient
Language barrier
Need interpreter
Augmentative communication devices
Alphabet boards. White boards laptops, eyes up= yes. eyes down= no
Effective communication
Eye contact