A Abd P Ch 13 Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Hearts apex location
Lower edge
Auscultation of heart. Where
Over the apex left mid clavicle between 5 and 6
Each chamber of heart has what type of tissue
Cardiac muscle tissue aka myocardium
Each chamber of heart lined with/ what tissue
Smooth tissue called endocardium
Valves of the heart
SV=semi lunar/ aortic
Size of heart
Location of heart
Inside mediasternum between sternum and vertabrae
What empties into right atrium
Oxygen poor blood
What flows into left atrium
Oxygen rich blood (from lungs)
Is the heart hollow
Atrium /ventricles largest?
Atrium/ ventricle thicker wall?
What happens during S1 Lub
AV closing/ventricles contracting. Beginning of systole
What happens during S2 Dub
SV closing/ventricle relaxing/ distole
Atrial systole
Atrium contracts and ventricles fill w/ blood
Pulmonary circulation
Blood flow from right ventricle to to lungs and back
Systemic circulation
Flow of blood from left ventricle thru out body and back
Coronary circulation
Coronary arteries make nutrient rich deliveries via coronary artery via first branch off aorta
Coronary bypass
Severely restricted coronary artery blood flow arteries from other part of body used because blockage prevents O2 and nutrients from getting to the muscle itself
SA node / sinotrial node (electrical conduction)
Pacemaker located at top of right atrium makes atria contract and stimulates tricuspid valve
AV node/ atrioventricular node (electrical conduction)
Is at lower part of right atrium makes ventricles contract
If SA and SV nodes fail
Pacemaker or defibrillator may be needed
Tunica external
Outer layer of blood vessel has connective tissues
Tunica media
Maintains blood pressure middle layer of blood vessel It contains smooth muscle
Tunica intima
Inner layer of blood vessel contains endothelial tissue
Arteries are thicker than veins
Under more pressure except for pulmonary artery
What are pulse points
Expansion and recoil of the artery walls
Which vessels take blood away from heart
Arteries From the heart to arterioles and capillaries
Which vessel takes blood to the heart
Veins carry blood to the heart away from capillaries low pressure. Except for pulmonary vein
Deliver O2 and nutrients and fluids to tissues. They are vessels of exchange. Take away CO2 and waste
Factors affecting blood pressure
Venous return, a strong heart, adequate arterial pressure, valves in veins, pumping action of contracting skeletmuscle, changing pressures in chest cavity (breathing)
Principle veins of the body
Superior and inferior vena cava, R and L subclavian, pulmonary vein, hepatic portal, femoral, jugular
Coronary arteries
Supply blood to the heart
Principal arteries the body
Aorta, pulmonary artery, coronary arteries, subclavian arteries, renal arteries