FOM Flashcards
FO with less than 100 hours (Low time flight crew member) in the type of aircraft being flown and the captain is not a qualified check pilot, the captain must make all takeoffs and landings in the following situations
Al all special PIC qualification airport "Q" on the OFP VIS 3/4 mile or less RVR is 4,000 feet or less Rwy is contaminated with water, snow, slush, or similar conditions Braking action less than good X-Wind greater than 15 knots Windshear reported Any other condition decided by captain FOM 5.1.2
Simplified Stabilized App
On flight path
On Speed
FOM 10.1.16
Stabilized App criteria
On flight path
- Correct airport is in FMC
- Only small changes in heading/pitch to maintain correct flight path
- sink rate no greater than 1000fpm unless briefed
- ILS or IAN within 1-dot vertical and lateral deviation
- NON ILS: On VNAV glide path (VTK +/- 75 ft)
- 1/2 lateral RNP
- within 1 dot LOC/VOR
Visual: on VNAV glide path or Visual approach path indicator and on center line with wings level no later than 300’ AGL
PAPI indication of 4 white or 4 red are considered unstable
- Configured as planned (landing gear, flaps, speedbrakes)
- Landing checklist complete
On Speed
-On target speed, with normal bracketing and momentary deviations
- Thrust is stabilized to maintain target speed
- If airspeed is below Vref over threshold - GO AROUND
- if airspeed is excessive when approaching flare - GO AROUND
- landing gear straddling the runway centerline. If all main landing gear are on one side of the centerline - GO AROUND
FOM 10.1.16
When is a new or amended dispatch release needed?
Delayed past “Release Valid Until”
Typically 4 hours after planned departure
A change of:
- Aircraft
- Alternate
- MEL item
- A/C performance limitations
- ZFW greater than planned 10,000kg
Duty and rest times can be found where?
FOM Ch.3
CBA Section 12
Dispatchers may not release a flight unless appropriate weather reports or forecasts or any combination thereof, indicate the weather conditions at the destination airport will be _____ or ______ the authorized minimums at the ETA
at or above
FOM 7.1.13
Alternate weather minimums at the ETA
1 approach
2 approaches
1 approach: add 400’ and 1 sm (1600m)
2: approaches: add 200’ and 1/2 sm (800m)
CAT 2: 300’ and 3/4sm (1200m) or RVR 4000 (1200m)
CAT 3: 200’ and 1/2sm(700/800m) or RVR 1800(550m)
FOM 7.1.13/14
When is a Takeoff Alternate required
Takeoff Alt must be within ___ hours and ____ nm
wx at departure airport is below cat 1 or unable to return due to operational reasons
2 hours
Domestic Alternate is required when
+/- 1 hour the ceiling be less than 2,000’ or vis less than 3 miles
Marginal wx at both the destination and alternate are ____ and _____ a 2nd alternate is required
600’ and 2 sm
FOM 7.1.15/16
International Flag Alternate is required when
flight time is more than ___
- Flight time is less than _____
- 1 hour before to 1 hour after ETA:
- The ceiling is less than _____ above the
lowest circling MDA if circling is required - The ceiling is less than ____ AFE or ____ above the lowest publish instrument approach, whichever is greater
-Vis is less than ____ miles or ____ miles above the lowest applicable vis minimum, whichever is greater
planned redispatch flights do not require an alternate if the final destination is less than _____ from the POR
more than 6 hours
Less than 6 hours
2,000 AFE or 1,500’
3 miles or 2 miles
6 hours
FOM 7.1.18
International supplemental operations requires an ________ unless the flight is released to an isolated airport
FOM 7.1.18
International Flag or supplemental isolated airports do not require an _____
e.g. 747-8, airports are available but none that support he -8
FOM 7.1.18/19
Fuel required Domestic Ops
Origin to the destination + alt if required + 45 min
FOM 7.1.23
Fuel required International Flag or supplemental
(Origin to the destination + 10%) + alternate if required + 30 min
FOM 7.1.23
Fuel required Planned Redispatch
The higher of the following
(Origin to the destination + 10%) + alternate if required + 30 min
Origin to the POR + (POR to the destination + 10%) + alternate if required + 30 min
FOM 7.1.24
Fuel Required to isolated airport
The higher of the following
(Origin to the Point of safe return (PSR) to the initial destination + 10%) + alternate if required + 30 min
to fly to the isolated airport + 2 hours
FOM 7.1.24
B747 Minimum fuel for takeoff is ______
25,000 kg
FOM 7.1.28
Standard taxi is ______
Taxi fuel is _____ /min
20 min
FOM 7.1.29
The flight crew shall not initiate or accept direct routes in excess of ______ nm laterally or _______ ft altitude change.
FOM 10.1.48
Rddispatch message (RDM) must not be more than _____ hours before
FOM 7.1.31
B747 LMC limit is ______
300 KG
FOM 14.1.1
Pen and ink change are _______ for changes at his discretion, e.g. dest, captain name, LMC, adding ACM
FOM 14.1.2
APU should be started ____ to ____ min before departure
On arrival the APU should be started just prior to entering the _____ area
5 to 30 min
FOM 10.1.5
Daily check is valid for ____ hours after block out following the Daily Check. The daily check supersedes a transit check
FOM 6.1.13
A transit check is accomplished prior to each leg. A transit check may _____ be required. contact dispatch.
FOM 6.1.13
an Orange DMI sticker requires a MX logbook ______ for each departure. the inbound captain transfers the item as a write up on the inbound log page.
Company position reports at once every ____ hours except in domestic operations
4 hours
FOM 10.1.47
Gross navigational Error (GNE0 in oceanic areas is ___ nm and in NAT HLA is ___nm.
Notify ____ without delay.
Do ___ return to the cleared track with ATC clearance.
Broadcast on _____
Turn ____ all lights
25nm, 10nm
Oceanic Reports to ATC via CPDLC or voice
speed change by ______
ETA change of _____
3 minute
No turns below _____ AFE when takeoff weather is less than 1,000’ and 3sm/5km unless a special departure procedure
Flaps retraction for all takeoffs is _____AFE unless a special procedure
If a special procedure lists “via” or “immediate” for the initial heading or course, a turn to the specified heading or course shall be commenced at _____AFE or at engine failure if above ____ AFE
SP 20.6
When calling dispatch, the flight crew must provide:
- A/C registration and call sign
- Approx. postion report
- Summary of the matter
FOM 7.1.7
New/Amended Dispatch Release
Change of:
- aircraft-alternate
- MEL item- aircraft performance limitations
- 10,000 kg difference of actual and planned ZFW
- delay of more than 4 hours
Equipment requirements for RVSM
- two altimeters
- mode-c transponder
- altitude alerting
- auto altitude hold (autopilot)
When do you need a Take off Alternate?
How far can it be?
When departure airport W/X are below CAT 1 landing mins
or other conditions like curfew, volcanic ash, etc.
2 hours away at normal cruising speed, still air, one engine inop.
B747-400/-8: 900nm
(FOM 7.1.15)
Marginal weather
Destination and alternate below 600-2
Alternate Requirements (Flag Operations)
- Flight more than 6 hours
- Flight less than 6 hours, and WX 1 hr before to 1 hr after:
- less than 1500’ above circling minima
- less than 2000’ above airport elevation or 1500’ above lowest IAP mins
- vis less than 3 miles, or 2 miles above the lowest vis mins
Dispatch Fuel Requirement for Domestic Flight
Destination +
Most Alternate (where required) +
45 minutes at normal cruising fuel
(FOM 7.1.23)
Dispatch Fuel Requirement for International Flag or Supplemental)
Destination +
10% of total time from Departure airport to released airport (PR, 10% of POR to redispatched airport) +
Most distant Alternate (if required) +
30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 ft AGL
(FOM 7.1.23)
Fuel Requirements (Planned Redispatch)
Greater of A or B:A:
- fly to POR, then to initial destination
- 10% of fuel from departure to initial destination
- most distant initial alternate
- 30 mins at holding speed at 1500’B:
- fly to POR, then to final destination
- 10% of fuel from POR to final destination
- most distant final alternate
- 30 mins at holding speed at 1500’
Fuel Requirements (Isolated Airports)
Greater fo A or B:A:
- Fly to PSR, then to initial destination
- 10% of fuel from departure to initial destination
- a most distant initial alternate
- 30 mins at holding speed at 1500’B:
- Fly to final destination
- 2 hours of fuel at normal fuel consumption
International Fuel Reserve
30 mins at holding speed at 1500’
Min Fuel for Takeoff
25,000 kg
Standard taxi time
20 mins at 45kg (100lbs) / min
Max time of received redispatch message (RDM)
- 2 hrs ETA to POR
* contact dispatch if RDM not received within 60 mins of POR
RDM Terminal Weather Definitions
Open: greater than 3,000’ and 5 milesOperational:
less than 3,000’ and 5 miles;
greater than 1,000’ and 3 miles in Instruments:
less than 1,000’ and 3 miles;
greater than 600’ and 1 mile Plain text:
less than 600’ and 1 mile
Required Paper Documents Onboard
- Jepp Charts (one set)
- Checklists- Supernumerary Briefing Cards
- DDG (Dispatch Deviation Guide)
Orange DMI stickers
Items requiring MX check prior to each departure
Last Minute Change
Changes in payload, crew, COMAT, etc…does not exceed:- 300 kg- 0.5% MAC
Stabilized Approach
Prior to 1000’ on approach: - On Flight Path * correct airport and runway * small changes in heading/pitch * no greater than 1000 fpm * Approaches: - ILS within 1 dot loc/GS - LOC/VOR within 1 dot - LNAV within 1/2 RNP requirement - Configured for Landing (and checklist complete) - On Speed * target speed * thrust stabilized
NADP 1 (close in) vs NADP 2 (Distant)
V2 + 10 to 3000’
Acceleration Height: 3000’
Thrust Reduction: 1,500’
Acceleration Height: 1000’
Thrust Reduction: Flaps 5
Headset requirement
- required during operations below 18,000’
- recommended during ops in international airspace
- operating crew members must monitor radio comms
Seat belt sign policy
On during:
- ground movement
- takeoff and landing
- below 18,000’
- other necessary times
Max time between position reports to the company
4 hours
Max deviation from planned routes or altitude
- 100 NM laterally from planned route
- 4000’ of altitude change
Minimum Runway Length without vertical guidance
747-400/-8 Category
- 400: Cat D
- 8: Cat D (L)
How often must a company aircraft perform an AUTOLAND
Ever 30 days*restricted to CAT 1 if outside 30 days
Company Circle to land Mins
- published MDA, but not less than 1000’ HAA
- Published VIS, but not less than 3 miles
Less than 100 hours FO: Captain must make all T/O and Landings when?
- All Special PIC Q airports indicated by "Q" on the OFP - Prevailing Vis 3/4 miles or less - RVR 4,000 ft or less - Contaminated runway - Braking action less than good - Crosswind greater than 15 knots - Winshear reported - Whenever Captain determines necessary (FOM 5.1.1)
Emergency/Distress categories for the company
Mayday x 3- Red Emergency
- circumstances may lead to injury or aircraft damage
- Yellow Emergency
- the safety of aircraft and passengers not imperiled
- Medical
MEL Repair Catergories
Repair Category A:
This category item must be repaired within the time interval specified in the “Remarks or Exceptions”
Repair Category B:
This category item must be repaired within 3 consecutive calendar days (72 hours) excluding the day the malfunction was recorded
Repair Category C:
This category item must be repaired within 10 consecutive calendar days (240 hours) excluding the day the malfunction was recorded
Repair Category D:
This category item must be repaired within 120 consecutive calendar days (2880 hours) excluding the day the malfunction was recorded
Thunderstorm Avoidance Policy
- Below 10,000 ft: 5 miles
- Between 10,000 and 25,000 ft: 10 miles
- At or above 25,000 ft: 20 miles
- TS coverage of 6/10 or great, the entire are should be circumnavigated.
Rule of thumb in vicinity of individual cell:
- Downwind side of TS- at least one mile for every knot of wind at FL
- Clear air, at least 10 miles
- Over the top- avoid within 5,000 ft above the radar return
(FOM 8.1.33)
When to deice/anti-ice?
- Frost of precipitation is occurring (must consider)
- OAT is below 10 degrees C and visible moisture (rain, drizzle, sleet, snow, fog, etc.)
- Slush, snow, sleet or water covered on taxiways with temperature near freezing
- Light FZ RA or FZ DZ
- (Local airport forecast may also be considered)
(FOM 10.1.23)
Can Atlas crew accept LAHSO?
NO(FOM 13.1.14)
When would you advise “minimum fuel”?
When fuel supply has reached a state where little or no delay can be accepted.
(FOM 10.1.34) (AIM 5-5-15, ICAO PANS-ATM 4444)
When would you declare “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY FUEL”?
Fuel on board is less than the quantity required to fly for 30 minutes under current speed and altitude conditions.
(FOM 10.1.34) (AIM 5-5-15, ICAO PANS-ATM 4444)