(FMS) Flight management system *** Flashcards
When do the ILS receivers tune and the frequency and course display after you select an ILS while inbound to the landing airport?
- When the airplane is within 150 nm of the destination airport.
- When within 50 nm of T/D
- When in FMC descent
How long is ILS autotuning inhibited after takeoff?
• 10 minutes (prevents clutter on the PFD)
How could you autotune a new approach frequency during the 10-minute autotune inhibit period?
• Select and execute a new approach in the active flight plan.
If the tuned frequency of a navigation station, or an incorrect identifier displays, instead of the correct Morse code identifier, what should you do?
• Verify the identity of the tuned navigation station from the audio Morse code from the radio tuning panel.
In what transponder modes will the transponder activate beacon and altitude reporting to ATC, when in flight?
Can ATC monitor airplane position on the ground when the transponder is in STBY or OFF?
• No
Can clear air turbulence be sensed by weather radar?
• No, turbulence can only be sensed when there is sufficient precipitation.
How many FMS’s and how many FMCs are provided?
- One FMS (flight management system)
* Two FMCs (flight management computers L and R)
How many hours could you meet the requirements for navigation if you had two IRUs, one FMC, and two CDUs as the sole means of navigation?
• 18 hours
When does the approach phase of the FMS start?
• When the first waypoint of the of the procedure sequences.
• or when the runway is the active waypoint and the distance to go is less
then 25nm
When will the FMC fail to sequence the active waypoint?
• When more than 21 nm off the active route and not on an offset route.
What factor determines “Econ” speed?
• Cost index
Explain the concept of cost index.
• Economy speed is based on cost index.
• A low cost index causes a minimum fuel, lower cruise speed and
maximizes range.
• High cost index causes a minimum time speed schedule within the flight
What is a conditional waypoint?
• A conditional waypoint is based on a time or altitude requirement, and
not based on a land reference.
• Indicate when an event occurs, and not a geographically fixed position,
ie., “when reaching 4,000 feet.”
What determines present position of the airplane, and where on the ND is it displayed?
* Tip of the white triangle
How is FMC position updated?
- Nav radios
How is the FMC updated during an ILS/LOC approach?
• Localizer signals (LOC, LOC DD, LOC VD, LOC GPS.)
What does a “VD” FMC radio position update status indicate and where is it displayed?
- VOR and its collocated DME
* Lower right hand corner of the ND, in green.
When does the FMS enter polar operation conditions?
• When the FMC calculated airplane position passes north of 84 north or
south of 84 south. (FMCs revert to split IRS.)
When would you ever select the “TRUE” position on the Heading Reference switch?
• For autopilot operations in high latitudes using a roll mode other than LNAV.
When does the heading reference for PFDs, NDs, and RMi change to true north?
- At 82N (or north of 70N between 80W and 130W)
* At 82S (or south of 60 S between 120E and 160 E)
When armed for takeoff, when does VNAV activate?
• 400 feet
What VNAV climb profiles are used by VNAV and displayed in the pitch mode FMA during climb?
What VNAV climb mode would display on the FMA during departure waypoint constraints?
If the FMC cruise altitude is FL 250 and the clearance altitude, FL 190 is set in the MCP, what pitch mode FMA will display when FL 190 is captured?
What is the end of descent point (E/D) for VOR approaches?
• The missed approach point, which may be the VOR, runway waypoint, or a named waypoint.
What is the end of descent point (E/D) for all approaches other than VOR approaches?
• 50 feet above the runway threshold (RW Waypoint).
When does the FMC transition to “on approach” logic?
• A VFR approach is created and the airplane has sequenced the FAXXX, or the airplane is enroute to a direct-to or intercept-to the RWYYY waypoint and the airplane is within 25 nm of the runway threshold.
• A published instrument approach has been selected and incorporated into the active flight plan and the airplane has sequenced the first
waypoint on the published approach.
- If you are flying an approach with the FMC in “on approach” logic, and the airplane rises more than 150 feet above the path, the FMA pitch mode will change from VNAV PTH to what pitch mode display?
What condition or feature of the FMC allows us to set missed approach altitude while in a VNAV PTH, allowing us to continue descent on approach?
• “on approach” logic.
When you execute the missed approach, what altitude becomes the new cruise altitude?
• The highest altitude in the missed approach procedure
What thrust mode would you see on upper EICAS following an engine failure at V1 and the airplane has accelerated to VREF + 98 knots, flaps retracted?
• CON (continuous)
What two databases are contained in the FMC?
- Performance
* Navigation
What could happen if you advance the thrust levers further during a T0 1 or TO 2 fixed derate, following an engine failure?
• Loss of directional control
Can you manually apply more thrust, when conditions are necessary, during an assumed temperature thrust reduction takeoff?
• Yes, because the assumed temperature thrust setting is not considered a limitation.
During climb, at what altitude does CLB 1 or CLB 2 derated thrust begin to increase linearly and at what altitude would CLB thrust be achieved?
- 10,000 feet is when derated thrust begins to increase
* 15,000 feet is when CLB thrust is achieved
What fuel value is usually used by the FMC for performance calculations?
• CALC (calculated)
If you lose electrical power to the FMC, and then returns, do you have to re-enter performance data on the PERF INIT page?
• Yes
Is the autothrottle available during dual FMC failure?
• No
Are LNAV and VNAV available in alternate navigation?
• No
What CDU pages are available during Alternate Navigation?
If the FMC prompt is not displayed in line 1when MENU is displayed on the
CDU, how do you display alternate navigation pages available?
• Push the LEGS key, the PROG key, and the NAV RAD key.
Is it OK for the pilots to enter information in both CDUs at the same time?
• No, avoid this practice.
What is meant by the DRAG/Fuel Flow (FF) values in line 3L of the CDU Identification page?
• Drag and fuel flow correction factors
What happens when an active database expires in flight?
• The expired database is used until the active date is changed after landing.
When do the ILS frequency and course and the word PARK display on the NAV/RAD page when en-route to the destination?
- Less than 200 NM from the T/D, or
- More than halfway to the destination.
- (Whichever represents the lesser distance to destination)
- Upon manual tuning
What is the maximum thrust reduction limit in terms of percentage when using assumed temperature?
• 25%
When entering a thrust reduction (THR) HAA value in the FMC Takeoff REF page, do you have to add field elevation to the value?
• No, the FMC adds runway elevation to the entered HAA thrust reduction
height, causing thrust reduction at an MSL.
How would the FMC handle a manually entered V1 speed less than V1MIN?
• The FMC would display “V1MIN” in small font on the data line followed
by the value of V1MIN in large font.
On the legs page, does the INTCPT COURSE line at 6R mean TO, or FROM the active waypoint in 1L?
• TO the waypoint.
What system logic features of the FMC Arrivals page allow a quick air turn back to the origin airport?
• The arrivals page allows access without changing the destination on the
route page.
• Less than 400 miles from the origin, and while nearer to the origin than
the destination, pushing the DEP ARR key displays the ARRIVALS page
for the origin airport.
Can the FMC display engine out performance limitations based on two engines out?
• Yes,
On what page of the CDU could you find elevation for an airport in the database?
• Reference Navigation Data Page
What is the difference between RNP and ACTUAL? Where is it displayed?
- RNP is required navigation performance
- ACTUAL is Actual Aircraft Navigation Performance
- Displayed on FMC POS REF page
Can you make manual entries to RNP or ACTUAL values?
• Manual entries can be made to RNP (displays in large font).
On what page of the CDU could you enter the altitude or fight level where anti-ice is to be first turned on during the descent?
• The Descent Forecast Page
If, while loading an approach to the destination during cruise flight, you subsequently push, the 6R key “APPROACH Intercept (INTC),” and then execute,
what would become the active waypoint? What would happen to any other pages or waypoints previously loaded?
- The approach intercept fix would become the active waypoint.
- All other waypoints previously loaded would be deleted.
On what page of the CDU could you find runway length for the selected Runway?
• Approach Reference Page
What teardrop offset angle is used by the “Holding” page?
• 40 degrees
What is commanded by pushing the MCP Altitude Selector switch?
• Initiates an “early descent” when within 50 NM of the top of descent
point. VNAV starts an early descent and captures the idle descent path.
VNAV SPD displays on the FMA pitch mode.
• Initiates a cruise descent when more than 50 nm from top of descent
point. VNAV begins a cruise descent to the new cruise altitude, and may
not capture the idle descent path.
• Initiates a climb or descent toward the altitude set in the MCP altitude
window, when in VNAV PTH or VNAV ALT pitch mode.
• During climb or descent with altitude constraints, each push
• deletes the next waypoint constraint.
• During climb with no altitude constraints, and the altitude window set
above the FMC cruise altitude,
• changes cruise altitude to the altitude window value.
When flying an instrument approach with a PROC HOLD header displayed at line 1L, do you have to select EXIT HOLD and then EXECUTE in order to exit
the holding pattern?
• No, the FMC automatically commands an exit from the hold when the holding pattern is designed as a course reversal in lieu of a procedure turn.
Which waypoints are referenced and displayed in magnetic and which waypoints are displayed in true on the alternate navigation LEGS pages?
- Only the active waypoint is referenced to magnetic north.
* All subsequent waypoint courses are true courses.
What PFD indications would cause you to select the ADC source Select switch to another ADC?
Invalid IAS or IAS disagree
What is the purpose of the EIUs? How many do we have?
To provide airplane systems information to the six PFD, ND and EICAS display screens.
There are 3 EIUs
What is the procedure for EFIS/EICAS screens blank?
Use the Instrument Display Source Select switch above the PFD/ND screens to redirect the information from the blanked screen to an operating screen.
With a dual FMC failure what capabilities and what CDU pages do we have remaining for navigation?
The CDUs can perform lateral navigation computations and tune navigation radios only.
VNAV and LNAV are not available. The CDU pages available are LEGS, PROGRESS, and NAV RADIO
How do I reengage the auto-throttles if they become disconnected in flight?
Use the SPD switch if the FMA pitch mode shows VS, ALT or G/S
Cycle the A/T ARM switch OFF, then ON for all other pitch modes
When does the FMC Transition to “Approach Logic”?
The approach phase starts when the first waypoint of the procedure sequences or when the runway is the active waypoint and the distance to go is less than 25nm.
When do you set a missed approach altitude during a VNAV approach?
Inside the FAF and at least 300feet below missed approach altitude.
How do I program the FMC for a flight to an airport not in the data base.
See Supplementary procedures – page SP 11.2