Automatic Flight / MCP *** Flashcards
How do you re-engage the autothrottles when the pitch mode is VNAV ___ or FLCH SPD, when the A/T flight mode annunciation is blank?
• Cycle the A/T ARM switch to OFF and back to ARM.
How do you re-engage the autothrottles when the pitch mode is ALT, V/S or G/S?
• Push the speed switch.
Tree caracteres rule of thumb
How could you select climb thrust after takeoff or go-around with all engines running?
• Push the Thrust (THR) Switch
What speed is set in the IAS/Mach window and PFD when power is first applied to the airplane?
• 200 knots
The outer BANK LIMIT Selector applies to which roll mode?
When the Localizer (LOC) is captured, what is displayed in the Heading (HDG) Window?
• The ILS front course
How can you de-select the approach mode AFTER localizer and glide-slope captured?
- Select TO/GA
* Disengage autopilot and position both F/D switches off.
With the Approach (APP) Switch pushed, at what intercept track angle does the AFDS capture the Localizer?
• 120 degrees of the localizer course
At what altitude are the autopilot systems powered by separate sources with three autopilots engaged?
• Below 1,500 feet radio altitude
Can the glideslope be captured prior to Localizer intercept?
• No, glideslope capture is inhibited until localizer capture and the intercept angle is within 80 degrees of the localizer course.
What does an amber horizontal line displayed through the affected ACTIVE pitch or roll mode indicate?
• A flight mode fault is detected
How many pushes of the autopilot disengage switches on the control column would you make to disengage all autopilots?
- Two pushes
* First push disengages, second push resets the master warning lights, EICAS warning message, and aural warning.
When TO/GA is pushed for go-around on approach, what autothrottle mode would be displayed on the flight mode annunciation, if the A/T is armed?
• THR mode
What climb rate is achieved during a go-around with TO/GA pushed?
• 2,000 feet per minute of climb.
What autothrottle mode is activated with the second push of the TO/GA switch?
• THR REF, at full go-around thrust
What AFDS status annunciation displays above the attitude display on the PFD when the autopilot is engaged?
When does VNAV activate?
• VNAV activates at 400 feet above runway elevation.
When is VNAV deactivated?
- When selecting TO/GA, FLCH SPD, V/S, ALT, or G/S pitch mode.
- Dual FMC failure.
- Disengaging autopilot and selecting both FD’s off.
What Autothrottle flight mode annunciations would you have when using FLCH SPD in a descent, to include subsequent altitude capture?
- THR, followed by HOLD.
* A/T mode changes to SPD when altitude captured.
When power is first applied to the airplane, what altitude is displayed in the MCP altitude window and PFD?
• 10,000 feet
How are autothrottle, roll, or pitch mode changes emphasized on the FMAs?
• Green box around the mode for 10 seconds.
Will the autothrottles operate if you don’t push TO/GA for takeoff by 50 knots? If not, when will they operate in that case?
- No, it will not operate
* Reaching 400 feet. (autothrottles inhibited until 400 feet)
How can you disarm VNAV, LNAV, LOC, and APP modes when armed?
• Push the mode switch a second time
Which PFD annunciation is associated with a fail operational automatic landing, and which one is associated with a fail passive automatic landing?
- LAND 3 for fail operational
* LAND 2 for fail passive