First Aid pg 624-633 Rapid Review Flashcards
Abdominal pain, ascites, hepatomegaly
Budd-Chiari syndrome (posthepatic venous thrombosis)
Adrenal hemorrhage, hypotension, DIC
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (meningococcemia)
Anaphylaxis following blood transfusion
IgA def
Anterior “drawer sign” ⊕
ACL injury
Back pain, fever, night sweats
Pott disease (vertebral TB)
Bilateral hilar adenopathy, uveitis
Sarcoidosis (noncaseating granulomas)
Black eschar on face of patient with diabetic ketoacidosis
Mucor or Rhizopus fungal infection
Bounding pulses, wide pulse pressure, diastolic heart murmur, head bobbing
Café-au-lait spots (unilateral), polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, multiple endocrine abnormalities
McCune-Albright syndrome (mosaic G-protein signaling mutation)
Calf pseudohypertrophy
Muscular dystrophy (most commonly Duchenne)
Cervical lymphadenopathy, desquamating rash, coronary aneurysms, red conjunctivae and tongue, hand-foot changes
Kawasaki disease (treat with IVIG and aspirin)
“Cherry-red spots” on macula
Tay-Sachs (ganglioside accumulation) or Niemann-Pick (sphingomyelin accumulation), central retinal artery occlusion
Child uses arms to stand up from squat
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Gowers sign)
Chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Conjugate horizontal gaze palsy, horizontal diplopia
MLF issue
Cutaneous/dermal edema due to connective tissue deposition
Myxedema (caused by hypothyroidism, Graves disease
Cutaneous flushing, diarrhea, bronchospasm
Carcinoid syndrome (right-sided cardiac valvular lesions, 5-HIAA)
Dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
Episodic vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss
Meniere disease
Erythroderma, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly,
atypical T cells
Mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma) or Sézary syndrome (mycosis fungoides + malignant T cells in blood
Fever, chills, headache, myalgia following antibiotic
treatment for syphilis
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (rapid lysis of spirochetes results in endotoxin release)
Fibrous plaques in soft tissue of penis with abnormal
Peyronie disease
Hamartomatous GI polyps, hyperpigmentation of
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (inherited, benign polyposis can cause bowel obstruction; cancer risk, mainly GI)
Hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis of femoral head, bone crises
Gaucher disease
Hereditary nephritis, sensorineural hearing loss,
Hyperphagia, hypersexuality, hyperorality,
Klüver-Bucy syndrome (bilateral amygdala lesion)
Hyperreflexia, hypertonia, Babinski sign present
UMN damage