Final Test Flashcards
Which of the following is the best example of an exercise that predominately uses the ATP-PC pathway for energy
A set of 3 barbell cleans
After leaving the left ventricle blood enters which of the following structures
Front lunges and bicep curls occur in which plane of motion
The carpals of the hand are which of the following types of bones
Dynamic stretching uses which of he following concepts to improve soft tissue extensibility
Reciprocal Inhibition
Which of the following is necessary for actin and myosin filaments in the sacromere to have the greatest degree of overlap
Optimal length-tension relationship
Which of the following muscles actions lengthens a sacomere
Holding a static stretch for prolonged period of at least 30 seconds causes which of the following neuromuscular phenomena
Autogenic Inhibition
Which of the following terms refers to a neurotransmitter that carries action potential across a synapse
Which of the following joints is between the metacarpals and phalanxes
Which of the following muscles is a synergist during the seated cable row exercise
Biceps Brachii
The autonomic nervous system contains which of the following subdivisions
Increase force output of the synergists for hip extensions to compensate for the weaken gluteus maximus is an example of which of the following
Synergistic dominance
According to the sliding filament theory, muscular contraction occurs when
Myosin cross bridge power strokes the actin filament across the myosin
During a 40-yard dash, the hamstring complex begins to do most of the work for a weaken gluteus maximus. This is an example of which of the following concepts
Synergistic Dominance
Which of the following test should a trainer use in his cardiorespiratory assessment to determine in which heart rate training zone the training should begin
YMCA Step Test
The Durnin-Wonmersley formulas four sites of skiinfold measurement include which of the following anatomic locations
Biceps, Triceps, Subscapular, and Iliac Crest
The physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) is primarily aimed at identifying an individuals
Levels of risk for cardiorespiratory disease
Which of the following methods uses a percentage of a client’s estimated maximal heart rate to calculate target heart rate
Peak maximal heart rate
If a client demostrates an excessive forward lean during the over-head squat assessment which of the following muscles should be stretched during the clients warm up
Hip flexor complex
Which of the following would be most useful in determining shoulder complex compensations
Pushing assessment, lateral view
Which of the following assessments measures muscular endurance of the upper body
Push -up
The Rockport Walk Test is used to determine which of he following
Estimated oxygen consumption
During a static postural asessment a personal trainer observes that a client has protracted shoulders and a forward head. Which of the following muscles would he expect to be shortened
Stermocleidomastoid and Pectoralis Major
While observing a pulling assessment a personal trainer notices a clients shoulders elevate which of the following exercises is most likely underactive
Lower Trapezius
While observing a pulling assessment a personal trainer notices a client’s shoulder elevating which of the following exercises is appropriate to strengthen the clients underactive muscles
Ball Cobra
While performing the overhead squat assessment the personal trainer observes a client demonstrating a low back arch movement dysfunction which of the following muscles is probably overactive
Latissimus Dorsi
During a single leg squat assessment a personal trainer notices his clients knee drifting inward which of the following muscles is probably underactive
Gluteus Medius
A personal trainer is working with a client who regularly wears high heels. The trainer should expect to see overactivity or tightness in which of the following tissues
Gastrocnemius, Soleus and Achilles tendon
Which of the following static stretches is most appropriate if a clients feet turn outward during the overhead squat test
Gastrocnemius Stretch
When performed at an appropriate tempo which of the following exercises would offer the best improvement of the power of a clients pectoralis major
Medicine Ball, Rotation Chest Press
Which of the following exercises is appropriate training modification for a client who is taking medication for hypertension
Peripheral heart action resistance exercises
A client has coronary heart disease is obese and is beginning an exercise program after receiving clearance from her physician. The trainer should
Use the talk test to measure exercise intensity
A client has been training three times a week in the hypertrophy phrase for the last two weeks. He has worked with a repetition range of 8 to 12 repetitions at an intensity of 80% to 85% and rested for 20 to 30 seconds in between each exercise. He is no longer improving his strength and has expressed feeling fatigued which of the following modifications should be made to minimize the effects of over training
8 repetitions 75% intensity and rest for 60 seconds in between each exercise
Contracting the quadriceps while performing a hamstring stretch will cause which of the following effects
Reciprocal inhibition of the hamstrings
Which of the following is a balance strength exercise
Multiplaner step up to balance
A client reports acute soreness and tightness in her calf muscles after a long run she describes feeling knots in the muscle which of the following flexibility techniques should the client use first
Self-Myofascial Release
When performing a single leg squat exercise a client is unable to keep the knee of the balance leg in line with the toes which of the following exercises is an appropriate modification
Single-leg balance reach
While performing a multiplaner lunge to balance exercise a client exhibits excessive extension of he lumbar spine which of the following instructions can help this client
Tell the client to reduce her stride length
Which of the following is a plyometric power exercise
Ice Skaters
With respect to the integrated flexibility continuum in which of the following categories is a dynamic stretching
Functional flexibility
During sprinting backside mechanics includes which of the following motions
Ankle planterflexion, knee extension, and hip extension
When performing an active kneeling hip flexor stretch internally rotating the rear leg will place a greater stretch on which of the following muscles
A client runs a mile in 6 min and 30 seconds which of the following systems is the client primarily using to produce energy
A client is performing a standard push up and the trainer notes a low back arch which of the following muscles are most likely weak or underactive
Transverse abdominis
A client is taking prescription beta blockers which of the following exercises is safe for him to perform
Standing Cobra
During the descent of a single leg squat a clients knee moves inward which of the following muscles should the trainer recognize as requiring static stretching
Vastus Lateralis
In order to effectively target the piriformis when performing self myofascial release the client should slowly foam roll the
Posterior hip
When performing the static latissimus dorsi ball stretch which of the following is a correct body position
Posterior rotated pelvis
Which of the following pairs is an example of a phase 2 strength endurance training superset
Barbell Squat and Single Leg Touchdown
With respect to the general adaption syndrome delayed onset muscle soreness would most likely occur during which of the
Alarm Reaction
Which of the following rep ranges is optimal for maximal strength adaptations
1 to 5
Which of he following exercises should be avoided when working with a diabetic client
Proprioceptive Plyometrics
Which of the following is a primary adaptation of a high volume low intensity resistance training program
Increased Metabolic Rate
A trainer is working with a client who is developing endurance in her legs using light weights and high repetitious which of the following principles of specificity is being used
Which of the following is an example of a core stabilization exercise
Two leg floor bridge
A client performs a ball squat curl to press followed by a push up a standing cable row a single leg scaption and a single leg squat in a circuit fashion this is an example of which of the following resistance training systems
Vertical Loading Systems
Which of the following is an example of a peripheral heart action system
Performing a circuit of exercises alternating upper and lower body movements
For the last three months a personal trainer has been working with a client who has coronary heart disease. Which of the following should the trainer consider when progressing the trainer program
Incorporating a circuit training program
Training with an intensity range of 30% to 45% of a one repetition maximum and a repetition tempo of x/x/x is associated with which of the following adaptations
Which of the following exercises should an intermediate client perform with a repeating tempo
Butt Kick
A client wishes to increase muscular endurance and stabilization which of the following acute variable is most appropriate
12 reps at 70% 1rm intensity
A personal trainer is working with a client who has hypertension which of the following statements from the client indicates a need for further teaching
I should make sure my back is flat against the floor during a floor bridge
A rest interval of 40 seconds between sets of resistance exercises will allow recovery of about which of the following percentages of of ATP and PC
A client has been training for a 10K race for 4 months and starts to experience pain in his Achilles tendon. which of the following responses is the client experiencing
A personal trainer suggests that his client increase her heart rate up to 95% of her heart rate maximum which of the following energy pathways is predominately being used at this level of intensity
What training adaptation is best achieved with a resistance training tempo of 4/2/1
A personal trainer has his client perform the following exercises in order ball squat curl to press ball dumbbell chest press standing cable row seated stability ball military press step up to balance and then repeat the sequence which of the following resistance training systems does this exercise routine represent
Vertical Loading
Which of the following is a benefit of circuit training programs
Greater levels of excess post exercise oxygen consumption
Which of the following has the highest concentration of calories per gram
A persona trainer is advising a client on calorie distribution which of the following falls within the acceptable macronutrient distribution range for protein
Large doses of belta carotene intake can cause an increased risk for which of the following
Lung cancer in smokers
When fatty acids are predominately iimplicated to raise a low density liproproteins cholesterol levels
Which popular diet has a carbohydrate content greater than 60%
Dean Omish diet
Which of the following is an acceptable micro nutrient distribution range for adult carbohydrate intake
8g kg day
Excess intake of Vitamin D can lead to
Calcification of arteries
Which of the following is the maximum carbohydrate percentage recommended for a sports drink
Decreased levels of thyroid hormones tend to cause a decrease in
Resting Metabolic rate
For clients whose goal is to gain lean body mass which of the following is a basic nutritional guideline
Eat 4 to 6 meals per day
A pregnant client decides to start taking a multivitamin under the supervision of her doctor, which of he following attributes of her multivitamin could be harmful during the early stages of pregnancy with the potential of causing birth defects
700 micrograms Vitamin A
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of symptoms characterized by what conditions
Obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia
The purpose of asking an open ended question during a clients initial session is to
Understand a clients true motivation and invite discussion
Which of the following is the best example of a directive question (yes or no answer)
Is it important for you to reach your goal by this summer
An individual exercises regularly but has not yet maintained the behavior for 6 months in which of the following sections of the stages of change model is this individual
An individual has a gym membership and visits sporadically but not frequently enough to maintain a well rounded exercise program In which of the following sections of the stages of change model is this client
In which of the following scenarios is a trainer encouraging a client to practice self monitoring
Have a client keep an exercise log on a calender to help keep him motivated
A client is losing motivation to exercise so his trainer recommends spending 15 min before his next session thinking about the feelings of accomplishment sounds and smells experienced during his last session this is an example of which of the following
A client is considering starting an exercise program in the next 6 months which of the following is the best strategy a personal trainer can use to help her progress into preparation section of the stages of change model
Provide the client with easy to read education materials about the benefits of exercise
Which of the following is an example of an open ended question
Why do you want to lose 20 pounds
A new client tells the personal trainer that although he exercises occasionally he is now ready to try a different approach to become a regular exerciser this is an example of which section of the stages of change model
A personal trainer provides his client with step by step instructions on how to perform a ball squat to shoulder press and later asks the client if she was able to perform the exercise this is an example of what type of support
Which of the following exemplifies professional service and client care according to the code of professional conduct
Referring a client with hypertension to a cardiologist
A 70 year old client goes to see a personal trainer to regain cardiovascular fitness after a recent heart attack the trainer has not received written clearance from the clients doctor prior to the 1st training session but the client has already completed 10 training sessions with a different trainer what is the appropriate course of action for the trainer to take
Postpone training sessions until written clearance is received from the doctor
What of the following is outside of the personal trainers scope of practice according to the code of professional conduct
Provide nutritional counseling for a client who exhibits signs of an eating disorder
Which of the following actions falls within a personal trainers scope of practice regarding a clients nutrition
Discuss food preparation methods
Which of the following actions falls outside a personal trainers scope of practice
Counsels a client with anorexia about the health benefits of a well balanced diet
Which of the following requirements is necessary for a personal trainer to re certify his NASM CPT certification
Earn 2 continuing education units
Which of the following falls within a personal trainers scope of practice regarding nutrition
Discuss the relationship between chronic disease and specific nutrient deficiencies
According to continuing education requirements which of the following is true
Accumulate 2 units of approved continuing education every 2 years
Which of the following exercises is most appropriate for a client in the hypertrophy phase of the opt model
Barbell Squat