Final Exam Flashcards
The Free-Exercise clause is the ability to express religion in any way as long as they do not harm society.
What is an example of a violation of clear-and-present danger?
Yelling fire in a movie theater with no fire
What amendments protect American’s civil liberties?
- Fair Trial
- Bail, Fines, and Punishment
- Unspecified Rights Retained
- Habeas Corpus
-(all of the above)
Teachers are allowed to discuss their personal religious beliefs, even lead in a class prayer.
Which of the following demonstrations was NOT protected by the Symbolic Speech of the 1st Amendment?
The burning of the cross.
Famous Boxer Muhammad Ali was exempt from the draft due to religious beliefs.
What is the process of Arraingment?
- Judge reads indictment to the accused and ensures that the accused understands charges and rights and has counsel.
- Judge asks defendant to choose a plea; guilty or not guilty.
- If defendant pleas guilty or no contest, a trial is not necessary and defendant proceeds to sentencing.
-(all of the above)
What is the most powerful office in the Texas state government?
Lt. Governor
How long is a regular session in the state congress?
140 Days
How many legislatures are in the Texas House of Representatives?
150 People
What is the function of the Texas state legislature?
- Enacting Laws
- Budgets and Taxes
- Educating the public
-(all of the above)
A state senator must be 26 years old, resident of Texas for 5 years, and resident of the district for 1 year.
Voters can overcome lobbyist if they
- Collaborate and be as informed as possible
- Are nice
- Are sharp with their arguing
-(all of the above)
Texas gained 19,500 jobs last year; the fast growing industry is
Construction (39,000)
Who organized the latest filibuster dealing with the Texas abortion issue?
Wendy Davis
What is the phone number for Rick Perry’s office?
How many days did it take to write the Declaration of Independence?
Which lake were the first zebra mussels discovered at?
Lake Texoma
Who did Edward Snowden work for?
What does TARP stand for?
Troubled Asset Release Program
What is the main source of the Federal Government’s revenue?
Individual Income Taxes
Who said, “…read my lips, NO new taxes!”
George H. W. Bush
In which country do the people pay the most taxes?
Who has a long track record of community service?
Justice Eva Guzman
Angela Tucker is the first african american female appointed as Judge in Collin County.
U.S. V. _______ Supreme Court strikes down DOMA.
Which is not one of the 25 documents you need before you die?
High School Diploma
-(((need a Will and Marriage License)))
Which state has the highest domestic violence in America?
As the result of a Supreme Court decision in 2002, Texas, as well as other states, can no longer excuse a person who
is mentally impaired
Which case strikes down part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Shelby County V. Holder
Most cases get to the Supreme Court of Texas on
a petition for review
Which circuit order of appeals is Texas governed by?
the 5th
Sandra Day O’Connor was the first woman judge on the Supreme Court
Which case established the principle of Judicial Review?
Marbury V. Madison
What is the process called when the courts try to determine whether actions are unconstitutional?
Judicial Review
How many abortion clinics are there in Texas and approximately what is the statewide total of abortions in 2011?
36 clinics; 72,000 abortions
Class action suits can only be initiated by individuals.
Who is John Roberts?
Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
John Adam’s Declaration of Independence stated/suggested that the signing of the document should be met with an annual celebration which included fireworks.
In 1774, delegates from 13 colonies met at ___________ in Philadelphia to discuss breaking away from England.
Carpenter’s Hall
The Declaration of Independence was signed on __________ at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
July 2, 1776