Film Flashcards
What do movies reflect?
our values and ideas of our culture
What is the medium through which we get vivid media memories?
How do films alter emotions?
The depict emotions as larger than life?
Ways in which movies influence our perception of reality
Romance: We get certain ideas of what a romantic kiss is from films (“Joe, why don’t you kiss me like that?”)
Violence: gangs may learn behavior from films
Where are visual images retained?
A visual image is retained on the retina of the eye for a fraction of a second
Motion Picture
a series of motionless, still frame pictures presented in rapid succession so that the images blend together and create the illusion of motion (e.g. flip books)
Characteristics of the motion picture projector
-developed at the end of the 19th century
-first subject matter of films was pectoral realism: pictures that emphasized movement (e.g. a waterfall falling)
-were short films (a minute or less)
-initially viewed at arcades
-evolved into storytelling that contained sustained narratives
Why were the early 1900s important in the development of film?
-first feature length films
-first film stars, distinguished directors, film palaces (large ornate movie theaters where films were shown)
-birth of Hollywood
-became a unique form of expression
-Age of Griffith (important film director)
How did Griffith impact film?
-pioneered acting style by making it more natural instead of exaggerated stage-like performances
-first to introduce parallel narratives that become intertwined
-pioneered different editing strategies and camera angles
How has the way people watch films changed?
-began by being projected on white sheets in stores
-first permanent motion picture theaters (first on was Nickelodeon, which expanded rapidly)
What was the impact of the movie The Birth of a Nation?
-over 3 hours long, made a lot of money so it showed that film could be a business
-film became a business; it became more costly, popular, and profitable
Role of the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC)
-largely controlled to motion picture industry, including production, distribution, and exhibition
-wanted films to be shorter so they could show more time and make more money
-blocked actor identification; didn’t want actors to become too powerful
-film companies later evolved against the MPPC
After the MPPC
-many film companies broke away and went west
-produced Hollywood as the center of production
-longer movies, rise of star systems to attract viewership
Why did Hollywood become the center of film?
-weather (can make movies year round)
-land was cheaper
-different terrains enabled different settings
-far from New York where the MPPC was located
WWI and Film
-WWI strengthened US in world of film because Europe largely stopped producing films during the war (reduced competition)
-Hollywood absorbed foreign talent– once you were famous in your country you went to the US; this weakened film industry in other countries
Hollywood in the 1920s
-film industries become bigger
-more film palaces
-more money spent and made
-rise of Westerns
-comedies (e.g. Charlie Chaplin)
-competition from radio
-controversy with content fo films (many films depicted changes happening in women’s right that may had not come to fully accept; e.g. women drinking and smoking)
Sound coming to film
-1930: first voluntary code for censoring film (sinful words banned)
-talking revolutionized film, was previously silent films
-total sound production was expensive and required new equipment
-boost in audience with introduction of sound
How does sound change the nature of film?
-nature of comedy changed; physical comedy during silent films, but with sound verbal comedy became more important
-negatively impacted international viewing because of language barriers, otherwise required dubbing
-led to the Golden Age