Fever Flashcards
Oral normal temp
Mention dirunal change
Less than 1 peak at afternoon
Grades of fever
Low : 37.3-38
Mod : 38.1 -39
High ; 39.1 - 41
Hyper > 4
Mention grades of dec temp
< 36.5 - subnormal
< 35 - hypothermia
Pulse temp ratio abnormalities
1——- 10 - 15 beat
Relative tachycardia ——-carditis
Relative bradycardia
Emtion mechanism of flu
Pyrogens def , drugs dec fever
Mention hypothermis causes
;dangerous sign of fou
Mentio types pf fever and compare between the,
Mention temp at 6pm
What is the difference between hyperpyrexia and hyperthermia
Mention causes of fever with rigorous
Severe fever
Hemolytic crisis
Biliary sepsis
Abcsess under tension
Mentio n def of classical and nosocomial fuo
Factious fever
Taking hot drinks
Mention causes of fever o u
Dirunal variation is lost in
Preserved i
Lost in hyperthermia
Preserved in most febrile dx
temperature of external body tissues at the surface that is of the skin & subcutaneous tissues.
Surface body temp
is the temperature of internal body tissues below the skin & subcutaneous tissues. The
Core temp
Sites for mesurement for core temp
Tympanic membrane
Pulmonary artery
Urinary bladder
Associated fever manifestat;iin
Associated Manifestations:
“ Myalgias, arthralgias, and anorexia are all due to the peripheral effects of PGE2
and may be abolished with the use of COX inhibitors
Calling or more def cold occurring as part of the CS response to the new setpoint
• A rigor is a profound chill with shivering and piloerection.
• Sweats occur with the activation of heat loss mechanisms either:
*due to the effect of antipyretics setting the hypothalamic set point downwards or
>due to elimination of the febrile stimulus.
• Febrile convulsions occurring in infants and children less than 5 years old specially with higher temperatures ≥ 40°C
*acres in ta producti an erotip then, effected in acte proue da mage; there is
Acute phase reactant
Diffe between chills , rigors
Chills : senstion of cold due to new set point
Rigors profound chills with shibering , piloerection
Febrile convulsions occur >?
Infants children less than 5 > 40 ċ
Sepsis , septic shock ttt
Hemodynamic resuscitation
02 therapy inotropic support
Antimicrobial therapy
Rye sybdrome
Fatty infiltration of liver
Cerebral edema
Children with viremia
Fever controller
• Control of Fever:
• Physical cooling: Cold foments - Cooling blankets - Ice bath
• Antipyretics:
• Aspirin:
/ Mechanism: it is a COX-I → decreased PGE2 centrally and peripheral
V Mechanism: it lacks the peripheral inhibitor y effect on PGE2 synthesis so, has no anti-inflammatory actions but it decreases its synthesis centrally hence its potent antipyretic effect.
/Potent antipyretics and anti-inflammatory e.g. diclofenac, indomethacin and ibuprofen.
Describe cp ttt of ifection in immunocompromised
Atypical with few signs
Early aggressive antimicrobiak
Def bacterima
Bacteria in bolld
Stimulation of the immune system due to any cause (trauma, infection, bum, surgical
Response Syndrome
Temp. >38 or <36
Pulse >90
RR > 20
TLC > 12000 or < 4000
Sepsis def
Manifestions of SIRS localized to primar site
Septic shick def
Sepsis with MOF and hypotension unresponsive to adequate fluid replacement
Mortality rate : 40-60%