Dcl Flashcards
What is the difference between. Stupor and coma
Stupor: The patient can be awakened only by vigorous physical
Glascow coma scale items
Eye response
Went to do and went to do Lamper puncture
coma with signs of meningeal irritation or suspected brain abscess
coma with signs of meningeal irritation or suspected brain abscess
coma with signs of meningeal irritation or suspected brain abscess
Ttt os coma
Care of respiration with suction of secretions, O2 inhalation and endotracheal
intubation if needed.
- Care of the skin and protection against bed sores by frequent positioning of
the patient, cleaning of the skin and use of air mattress.
- Care of the bladder and urinary system by catheter insertion and antiseptics
- Care of bowel by frequent enemas and laxatives if needed
- Care of nutrition, feeding of the patient and fluid balance.
urea frost
Renal fial
rashes with coma
waterhouse-freidreichson meningitis
❑Determine the grade of disturbance in conscious level by
Glascow coma scale
How plantar response is laterlizaing sign and not unilat
Deerp coma
Focal laterlaizayion sign
Facial appearance: drooping of one side, unilateral dribbling and blowing in
and out of the paralyzed check. :
= Conjugate deviation of the eyes, unequal pupils.
= Tone: unilateral flaccidity or spasticity. Asymmetrical response to painful
stimuli. Asymmetry of deep reflexes and plantar responses (bilateral extensor
plantar responses occur in deep coma)
Coma with signs of meningeal irritation:
Infectious disorders: meningoencephalitis.
• Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Coma with signs of lateralization:
UnilateralSpace occupying lesions: neoplasm and brain abscesses.
o Cerebral hemorrhage or infarction: stroke.
Difference between space occuping lesion in types of coma
Unilateral = laterilazation
Bilateral , middle line cerebra = no signs
Eye open to pain
Eye open to speech
Eye open spontensouly