Cns Nazary Flashcards
Cadiver glasow coma scale
Types of coma
Fluctusting course of muscle weakness
Myasthenia gravis
Periodic paralysis
Multiple sclerosis
Worsening of motor weakness with repeated muscle contraction is
Nmj myathenia gravis
Slowly progressive onset of muscle weakness
Periphral neuropathy myopathy tumor
Acute onset of muscle weakness
Acute. Asculaar event or toxic
Dd of lmnl
Lmnl with absent reflexes
Ncv in umnl lmnl
Umnl is normal
Lmnl is dec
Tia duration
Less than 24
Reversible ischemic neurological defeict with tia more thsn 24 h
Carotid tia cp
Hemiparesis aphasia blindness
Vertebro basiliar tia cp
Diplopia dysatrhria vertigo cirum oral numbness
Tt of tia
Causes of transiet hemiplegia
T ia
T odd paralysis
H ysterial
H emiplgic migraine
H upertensive encephalpathy
Hemiplegia site of damage
Unilat pyrimadal tract lesion at area 4 from cerebral cortex to 5th cervical segment
Commonest cause and site of intracerebral hgh
Shock stage is absent in hemiplegia when
Cause is gradual , neoplastic
Type of gait in hemiplegia