Cardio Nazary Flashcards
Mention preceptating factors of hf
La atrial myxoma cp
Posturak syncope
Arise from septum
Mitral valve stenosiscause?
Causes dysphagia
Diference between affection of ischemia , and htn on muscle
Lvh concentric (thick , stiff ) muscle high bp
Ishcemia causes thin stiff muscle
Normal ef
Causes of left sided hf
Causes of right sided hf
Hf with normal ef
Diastolic failure
Compare systolic failure to diastolic failure
Dd of heart fail with out tackycardi
Digitalis , hyperkalmia
Cp of hf
AHA stage describition
Strucrutal class
NYHa descrition
Functional classification
Classification of hf
Complications of hf
Most useful vasodilator in chronic hf
Conta of ace i
Furosemide site action potency
Lasix sf
Lasix sf
K sparing dirutic
Reverse progress pf lv dilataion
Mention benefits and contra of bb
Mention action of digitalis
Contra of gigtalis
Factors inc risk for toxicity and tt of toxicity
Earliest sign of toxicity of digitalis
GIT symptoms
CNS stock of digital first sign toxicity toxicity
Digital causes heart block, except
2nd degree
Type of arrhythmia caused by digital
Supra, ventricular tachycardia, extra stool
Serum level of toxicity of digital
More than two micro Millie
ECG of digital
ST segment depression PR prolongation
When hypertension is diagnosed from one visit
When it exceeds 180 per110
How to diagnose systemic hypertension
When elevation of the blood pressure 140 or more systolic and 90 or more diastolic
Hypertension is a major risk factor for
IHD and stroke
What is the difference between hypertensive urgency and emergency?
Hypertensive urgency when the blood pressure exceeds 180/110 and no affected organ
Emergency is when organs are affected
Mention causes of isolated systolic, hypertension
Increased left ventricular stroke volume as in hyperdynamic circulation
Decreased our compliance as central atherosclerosis of our in elderly
Mention grades of isolated systolic, hypertension
Grade one wins systolic blood pressure is between 140 and 159 and diastolic is less than 90
Grade 2 win systolic blood pressure 160 or more
Paroxysomal htn , palpitation sweating is, and treated with
Pheochromocytoma treated with Labetalol
Hypertension with alkalosis with hypokalemia is
Conn syndrome
Mention drug drugs causes secondary hyper
Corticosteroids cyclosporine contraceptives
Female young age with secondary hypertension
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Large thick blood vessel and the heart
Which code is more secondary hypertension, hypo or hypothyroid?
What type of hypertension does insulin resistance do?
Primary hypertension
What does excessive secretion and excessive renal sodium retention causes?
Primary hypertension
New onset of hypertension below the age of 30 or above the edge of 50 is
Secondary hypertension
Hypertension with polyuria, vomiting, chronic anemia
Chronic kidney disease
Hypertension with gain emotional liability
Cushing syndrome
What type of headache in hypertension?
Mention causes of Labile hypertension
White coat and stress related
What is hypertensive crisis?
Market elevation in the blood pressure when the diastolic blood pressure more than 120 or 130
What are the target organ damage in hypertensive crisis?
Acute heart failure, pulmonary edema, dissecting, aortic aneurysm
Cerebral hemorrhage, hypertensive, enchephalopth
What is Branham effect cause the by and what is it?
Left ventricular hypertrophy causes bulge in the interventricular septum into the right ventricle that goes right ventricular hypertrophy, and right ventricular failure
What are the grades of hypertensive retinopathy?
Grade one silver wiring
Grade 2 market sclerosis
Rate three flame shaped hemorrhage, fluffy cotton exidate
Grade 4 papilledema malignant hypertension
Mention steps of treatment of hypertensive
First step if the patient is less than 55 years old, we start with ace inhibitor
If the patient is more than 55 years old or black, African start with ca channel blocker
Second step put them together
Third step add thiazide
Fourth step at beta blocker
What are hypertensive emergency complication?
Hypertensive inky apathy
Left ventricular failure
Damage renal
Aortic dissection
How to manage hypertensive emergency
First of all, the drugs used sodium nitro,prusside
Decrease blood pressure 10% in first hour
15% in the progressive 12 hours
Not less than 160 per110
What are the only two exception for rapid reduction of blood pressure?
Aortic dissection, postoperative bleeding
How to manage hypertensive enchalpathy
Reduce mean blood pressure by 25% within 2 hours
What are the indicated hypertensive drugs in pregnancy?
Alpha methyl Dobe
La betalol
Mention the beat mill hypertensive drugs of the diabetes mellitus
Ace i
No dirutics or bb
Mention drugs used in hypertensive, chronic kidney disease
All except ace inhibtors
Mention the regiment of hypertension by indication, the contraindication
First line of drug in acute renal failure
Russ inhibitor
Why is beta blocker contraindicated in case of diabetes mellitus?
Because it mask is hypoglycemia symptoms
Why diuretics is avoided in diabetes mellitus
Because it causes hyperglycemia
What are the causes of silent MMI
Diabetes mellitus
Post cardiac the transplant
Define and dimension causes of acute coronary syndrome
How to differentiate between stable and angina , unstable,anjina , mi
What’s meant by core pulmonal
Right ventricular enlargement due to chest disease plus or minus right ventricular failure
Mention causes of cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Left sided heart failure, and mitral stenosis
Mention the clinical picture of cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Went to suspect secondary hypertension
Age less than 30 and more than 50
Failure of three drugs or more
Mention presentation of ischemic heart disease
Staple and vagina
Acute coronary syndrome
Heart failure
Sudden death
Diagnosis of MMI criteria
Typical chest pain, ECG cardiac enzyme two out of three
Mention cardiac enzymes
Troponin, ck-mb , ldh , ast
Mention chronic target organ damage in hypertension
Cerebral atherosclerosis
Hypertensive retinopathy
Difference between malignant hypertension and accelerated hypertension
In malignant hypertension, there is papilledema
New York heart Association classification of dysnea
Mention mechanism of dynes
Mention cardiac causes of cough
Causes of sudden onset of dynea
Mention causes of orthopnea
Mention causes of acute and chronic dysnea
Hypo or hyperthyroidism make sec htn