Female Repro Tract Development (lecture) Flashcards
What signal is primarily responsible for male differentiation?
Mullerian Duct inhibitng factor –> mullerian Duct regression
What would result in and XY genotype with androgen resistance?
Testicular feminization: No external male genitalia form, but the person would still have epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculator duct and seminal vesicles
What is the embryologic origin of the oviduct, uterus, and upper vagina?
Mullerian Duct
What is the embryologic origin of the clitoris, labia, and lower vagina?
Urogenital Primordia
What is responsible for breast development during puberty and its source?
Estrogen from the ovaries
What is the most valuable measurement for investigating precocious puberty?
Normal rules out central
High rules central in
Low indicates exogenous source