Female Genital (Pathoma) Flashcards
25 y.o. women with a painful cystic lesion that is palpable at the 5 o’clock position of the vaginal introitus. Dx?
Bartholin cyst
Sexually active women found to have verruca on her labia. Biopsy show koilocytic change. Dx and is the causative agent’s genome double stranded or single stranded, linear or circular, or RNA or DNA?
Condyloma: HPV is circular, DS, DNA
What are the low and high risk types of HPV?
Low: 6, 11
High: 18 > 16, 31, 33
60 y.o. women with SLE has a thin leukoplakia lesion on her vulva. Dx?
Lichen Sclerosis
Middle age woman complains of moderate itching and irritation around her vigina. You notice leukoplakia and thickening of the skin around her vulva. Biopsy reveals hyper plastic squamous cells, with no increased mitoses, or local invasion. Dx?
Lichen simplex chronicus
30 year old promiscuous woman presents with leukoplakia on the vulva. Biopsy reveals mitotic bodies, nuclear polymorphism, and invasive cells. What is the diagnosis and most likely underlying cause?
Vulvar carcinoma - HPV 16 or 18
Woman comes in with erythematous, pruritic, and ulcerative vulva. Biopsy shows hyper plastic cells with mitotic bodies, nuclear polymorphism, but no infiltration of the basement membrane. The cells are shown to be PAS +, Keratin +, and S100 -. What is the diagnosis? What would it be if they were PAS -, Keratin -, and S100+?
Extramammary Paget Disease
50 y.o. woman comes in for her well women. Non invasive columnar metaplasia was noticed in in the upper part of the vaginal canal. Diagnosis, Most likely cause, and concerning complication?
Her mother using DES during pregnancy
Clear cell adenocarcinoma
2 y.o. female with grape-like mass protruding through the vagina introitus. Histology shows striated, design and myogenin positive cells. Dx?
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
What are the “high risk” HPV strains? What is meant by high risk?
HPV 16, 18, 31, 33
These have the highest risk of causing carcinoma
To which lymph nodes do the lower 1/3 and upper 2/3 of the vagina drain?
Lower 1/3 Inguinal
Upper 2/3 Iliac
What type of cells are normally lining the external and internal os of the cervix?
External: Squamous
Internal: Columnar
What are the two main causes of cancer related to HPV?
E6 protein: increase destruction of p53. This results in loss of apoptosis due to recognized DNA damage.
E7 protein: Destroys Rb, which normally inactivates E2F (Free E2F results in increased G1 –> S phase)
45 y.o. women complains of post-coidal bleeding and pap reveals squamous cells with dark nuclei and a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio. What is your next step in her care? What do you suspect?
Cervical carcinoma
What is the most common cause of Asherman?
Secondary amenorrhea due to loss of basalis from aggressive dilation and curettage
What age group/s are most commonly anovulatory? What is the pathophysiology behind it?
Menarche and early menopause
Estrogen is driving endometrial proliferation, but a lack of progesterone (normally supplied by the corpus luteum) results in absence of shedding.
What is the most common cause of acute endometritis?
Retained birth products
How does tamaxofen cause uterine polyps?
It is a SERM with anti-estrogen effects of breast and pro-estrogen effects on the uterus.
What is the histological requirement for diagnosing endometriosis?
Glands + Stroma
What is the term used for myometrium that has glands and stroma?
Is there an increased risk of carcinoma with endometriosis?
What is the pathophys of increased incidence of endometrial hyperplasia in obese women?
Increased aldosterone –> estrogen conversion by adipose tissue
What is the most likely source of endometrial carcinoma in a middle age women? What about an elderly woman?
Middle age: Endometrial hyperplasia (estrogen exposure)
Elderly: Sporadic p53 mutation
What is seen on histology of leiomyoma?
Multiple, well demarcated whorled masses
What is seen in histology of a leiomyosarcoma?
Singular hemorrhagic and necrotic areas.