Development - all (lectures) Flashcards
What personality disorder in adulthood is associated with anxious/resistant behavior as a child?
Dependent, histrionic and borderline
What personality disorders are a/w anxious/avoidant behavior as a child?
schizoid, avoidant, inhibitedness
What personality disorders are a/w disorganized behavior as a child?
What is the example of classical conditioning used in class?
Pavlov’s dogs
Giving a dog a treat after performing a trick is an example of _________ conditioning.
Giving a liberty pass as a result of a good PRT score is an example of _______ ________.
Token economies
Spanking a child is an example of _______ _______.
Aversion Therapy
Muscle memory is a term used to describe __________.
During what Piagetian stage is a person primarily driven by sensory stimulation?
Sensory-motor birth - 2 yrs
During what Piagetian stage does a person become self-aware and begin gender identity?
Preoperational 2 - 7 yrs
During what Piagetian stage does a sense of right and wrong begin to develop?
Preoperational 2 - 7 yrs
During what Piagetian stage do transitive, inductive logic, and thought dominance begin?
Concrete operations 7 - 12 yrs
During what Piagetian stage do abstract thought and metacognition begin?
Formal operations 12 and older
What are the five Freudian stages and the ages to which they are associated?
Oral stage 0 - 1.5 Anal 1.5 - 3 Phallic 3 - 6 Latency 6 - 12 Genital 12 and on
According to Freud what event will lead to being obsessive about organization?
Too strict toilet training
According to Freud what are a boy’s feelings toward his mother and father during the phallic stage?
Marry his mom and kill his father
According to Freud how are a child’s heterosexual oedipal conflicts manifested?
Transient fears of monsters, the dark, etc
According to Freud the ______ stage is marked by enjoying school and socializing.
What did Erikson propose as the root of arrested development?
Unresolved conflict met during a point of development.
What did Erikson propose as the most important factor of the trust vs. mistrust phase?
Will the parent be there for the child
What is the major gross motor milestone of 12 months?
What Erikson stage is a kid in who refuses help in dressing even though they may have difficulty in doing it?
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
What fine motor skill should a child have by 12 months?
pincher (ex. picking up a small object with thumb and forefinger)
What major psychosocial (with regard to parents) milestone should be achieved by 36 months ?
Easily separate from parents
What Erikson stage would a kid who is beginning to show competitiveness and a real focus on building objects?
Initiative vs. Guilt (4 - 5)
What Erikson stage is marked by a feeling of competence and belief in skills?
Industry vs. Inferiority (6 - 12)
What Erikson stage is marked by an identity crisis?
Identity vs. Role Confusion (adolescence)
What are the 3 levels and 6 stages of Kohlberg’s model of moral development?
Preconventional - Punishment-Obedience - Personal reward Conventional - Good boy - Nice girl - Law and Order Postconventional - Social Contract - Universal Ethical Principle
What is considered a normal age for cognitive decline?
What is the last cognitive ability to “go?”
Verbal ability
What are the two most sensitive signs of autism?
lack of interaction with others and fixation
What is the term used for a socially awkward kid who lacks fixation tendencies?
Social Communication Disorder
What is hypothesized for the reason of ADHD remission with age?
Frontal lobe development
What is the age limit for symptoms in order to diagnose ADHD?
2 y.o. girls who has had a significant deterioration in motor skills who can now only crawl. She has had a decrease in head circumference growth, no longer can use pincer action, decline in speech, and had abnormal breathing patterns. Dx and inheritance pattern?
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months