Female Repro Flashcards
What is the medical term for spaying
What are some clinical relevant conditions in intact females?
Mammary tumors
Vaginal prolapse/perivulval dermatitis
Cystic ovaries or ovarian tumor
What is clinically relevant about pyrometra?
Uterus is full of pus and stretched very thin
Some contents in the uterus may spill to the peritoneal cavity through the infundibulum and cause peritonitis
Ovaries and uterus should be surgically removed gently
T/F Dogs have a set number of mammae
Avg 5
What mammae is most associated with tumors?
Inguinal mammary glands
Dystocia can be due to:
Abnormalities of the birth canal
Uterine inertia
Fetal malposition
Fetal oversize
What determines the sex of an embryo
Gonadal primordium
XY or XX
T/F Remnant of the opposite sex may remain at adulthood
Female remnant in male
Uterus masculinus
-Regressed paramesonephric duct
Male remnant in female
Paraovarian cysts
-Regressed mesonephric duct
What SPECIFICALLY determines the sex of an embryo
Testis-determining factor (TDF)
AKA the sex determining region Y (SRY) protein on the Y chromosome
Females lack SRY protein
Males have SRY protein
Distrubances in the mechanism of prenatal development of the female/male genital tracts can lead to
Reproductive anomalies
What affects the gross appearance of the female repro tract?
-Regression of ovary with age)
Functional changes
- Transient:estrus cycle
- Long:pregnancy
Contours of ovary are less regular in follicular and luteal phases when?
Estrus cycle
T/F Uterine tubes are paires
What is the primary repro organ of bitch and queen?
What takes place at the ovaries?
Site for repro, maturation, and release of ova (follicles or eggs) which affects contour or shape of ovary
What repro hormones are released from the ovary
Which ovaries are more concealed with fat: bitch or queen
What is the location of the ovaries
R ovary: descending duodenum
L ovary: descending colon
(Right behind kidneys)
Suspensory ligament of the ovary suspends..
Cranial pole of ovary to dorsal aspect of rib 13
Proper ligament of the ovary suspends…
Caudal pole to tip of the uterine horn