Feedsuffs Flashcards
What are the essential amino acids?
Arginine Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine Taurine (cat)
What are the three likely deficient amino acids?
Lysine, methionine, and tryptophan
________ contains lipids and proteins
_________ contains fatty acids and phosphorus
Vitamin D and cholesterol are examples of _______
Lipids and fats are a source of ______
What is an essential fatty acid?
Animals requires this fatty acid but is not able to synthesize it.
Must get this from the diet
In a monogastric animal, essential fatty acids make up ___% of the diet
Scaly skin, necrosis of the tail, and poor feathering are common signs of ________ deficiency
___________ are inorganic components of the diet
What is the difference between a macro- and a micro- mineral?
Macro-mineral = found in concentrations above 100ppm
Micro-mineral = found in concentration less than 100ppm
What is the ash content?
Mineral content ->Mostly made of Ca2+
Common mineral deficiency in sheep?
Common mineral deficiency in piglets
Common mineral deficiency in pig
Common mineral deficiency in goat and chicken
Most water soluble vitamins function as ?
Cofactors of enzymes
Most fat soluble vitamins have what functions
Non-cofactor roles
Vision - vitA
Ca absorption - VitD
Anti-oxidant- VitE
Where are most vitamins stored?
Lesser amounts in
A deficiency in vitA can lead to ???
A vitD defectively can lead to ______
A vitK deficiency can lead to _________
Tissue hemorrhage
What is the most important source of energy?
What is a calorie (cal)
Amount of energy required to raise the temp of one gram of water by 1 degree Celsius
1cal = 4.184J
What is a Calorie (Cal)
Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1 degree Celsius
1Cal = 1kcal
What is the digestible energy?
DE= GE feed - GE feces
What is the metabolisable energy?
ME = DE (digestible energy) - GE (urine and gases)
What is the essential amino acids for cats?
What are the unsaturated FA?
Palmitoleic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Arachidonic
What is the mineral that is highest in beef cattle ash?
What are the three sources of water?
Free (in food stuff)
Metabolic ( when nutrient/tissues are broken down)
In what ways are animals that live in arid environments able to conserve water?
Obtain water from sources other than drinking
Concentrate urine
Storage of wate
Water loss will (increase/decrease) with high protein/mineral salt/fiber intakes
What is found in water and can lead to toxicity before it is palatable
Nitrates, fluorine, and heavy metals
What are the nutrient characteristics measured in proximate analysis?
Dry matter Crude protein Ether extract Crude fiber Ash Nitrogen free extract
What is dry matter?
Dry weight/fresh weight x100
What is crude protein
Measurement of N (irrespective of source)
How is crude protein measured?
Using Kjeldahl method
Sulphuric acid converts all C to CO2 and N is trapped and measured in %
Can give erronious results for foods high in N (eg feed grade urea)
What si the ether extract?
AKA crude fat
Determine fatty acid composition by extracting the fats with ethyl ether
How is crude fiber determined?
Known amount of feed -> boiled in weak acid -> filtration -> boiled in weak alkali -> filtration -> dry to constant weight
Remaining residue is crude fiber
What molecules are found in crude fiber?
Cellulose Hemicellulose Xylans Lignin Fibrous carbohydrates
What is the ash of a feedstuff?
Feed is burned -> ash determines inorganic mineral concentration (use atomic absorption or spectrophotometer to determine specific minerals)
What does the nitrogen-free extract estimate? How is it calculated?
Available carbohydrates
NFE= 100- (crude protein + crude fiber + crude fat + ash)
The energy of a feed is measuring using a __________________
Oxygen bomb calorimeter
Filled with oxygen under pressure Bomb placed in water of known volume Ignite sample Change in water temp measured Energy can be calculated
What are new methods that can replace crude fiber ?
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
Acid detergent fiber (ADF)
More accurate in defining carbohydrate content
What is the neutral-detergent fiber?
Measure structural component of plant (specifically cell wall)
What is acid detergent fiber?
Least digestible plant components, incl cellulose and lignin
Foods that are (high/low) in NDF and ADF are more nutritious
The Kjehldahl method is used to determine?
Crude protein
Ash determines ??
Inorganic minerals
But is not specific
What is a forage?
The total plant material to be consumed by the animal
What is a roughage?
Dietary components that are high in fiber (cellulose)
What is herbage?
Plant material not including seeds or roots
What are the 4 catagories of herbage?
Normally, ______ type of grass are found in temperate climate and _________ type if found in tropical and sub-tropical climate
Do C3 grasses or C4 grasses have a higher protein content?
What grass is found in the southern US and spreads through rhizomes?
Bermuda grass
What grass has high quality during the cool season and 12-16% protein
What are the winter hardy grasses? Which one is drought tolerant?
Ryegrass Brome Fescue - drought tolerant Timothy Orchard grass - not as drought tolerant as fescue
What grass can have a relatively high CP and is a favorite for horses?
Grasses CP from highest to lowest
Orchard grass (25%early)>brome(15)Ryegrass (12-16)>fescue (12)>brome (12)
Timothy(relatively high)
What can be a problem associated with fescue?
Contamination with Neotyphodium coenophialum
Produce ergot alkaloids
- -> gangrene (fescue foot) in winter
- -> increased body temp, rapid breathing, decreased production
What are the native grasses?
Little bluestem
Big bluestem
Indian grass
Switch grass
What are legumes?
Have nodules with rhizobia in the roots that transform atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by the plant
Eg. Alfalfa, clover, soybean, green beans, peas, and lentils
What is a legume that is an excellent source of protein, Ca, carotene, tocopherol, and water soluble vitamins
Alfalfa AKA Lucerne
Oral ulcers and colic.
You see they are grazing on a field of Timothy and alfalfa.
What may be causing the problem?
Blister beetle toxicity
Caused by Epicauta spp beetle which is associated with alfalfa-> contains cantharidin which is a GI irritant in horses
What problem can occur in cattle if they are grazing out on an alfalfa field
You are about to do a castration on a sheep, but you notice they have sweet clover in their fields, what might you be concerned about?
Sweet clover is high in coumarin -> molds covert this to dicoumarol -> anti- vitK -> bleeding problems
What is usually the most significant problem associated with sweet clover?
Carcass damage from bruising
What legume is associated wit slaframine toxicosis? What are the symptoms?
Red clover
Infected with Rhizoctonica leguminocola which leads to accumulate of Slaframine (mycotoxin)
Salivary syndrome in horse
Bloat, diarrhea, frequent urination
T/F: seed mixes intended for horse pastures and hay should contain alsike clover
Alike clover can cause photosenitization in horses
What is a forb?
Any low growing broadleaf plant
Commonly grows with grass plants
What is browse?
Woody plants
Only few animals able to digest these
Some goat breeds
Farmed wild animals (bison, deer, and antelope)
What is the quality of forage/pasture dependent on?
Degree of leafiness - stems more fiber and lower protein
Stage of maturity- less nutrition once flowering
What are good principles in pasture use?
Monitor quality/growth Rotational grazing Manage -mowing -fertilize -herbicides
Proper stocking rate
What grass species is tropical?
Bermuda grass
What grass is associated with ergot type alkaloid contamination
Which legume is associated with photosenitization in horses?
Alsike clover
What are advantages to green chop?
Less nutrient loss
May reduce bloat
How are long fiber forages preserved?
Hay- dried and bailed
Haulage- semi-wilted, fermented grasses/legumes in bags
How are short fiber forage preserved?
Silage- higher moisture content, fermented
When is the ideal time to produce hay and what should its moisture content be when bailed?
Mid spring
20% or less
What is silage?
Higher moisture content than dry roughages
Anaerobic preservation maintained in silos
What are the different types of silage?
Other cereals and by-product silage
What are the carbonaceous forages and what re the proteinaceous forages?
Corn and grass - carbonaceous
Alfalfa and clover- proteinaceos
How is silage produced?
Stored in anaerobic conditions
Fermentation exhausts O2 - sugars to acetic or lactic acid -> reduce pH
When should corn silage be made??
When kernels have reached the “dent stage”
Corn silage contains ______% grain, _____% protein, and is (high/low) on minerals
50, 8, low
What is straw?
Non-grain part of crops sucks as wheat or oats
Low in energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins
Little nutritional value
Mainly add fiber to diet
What roughage has the highest CPcontent?
Tree branches Corn Silage Wheat Straw Grass hay Alfalfa silage
Alfalfa silage
What are the most important species of cereal grain?
Corn Rice Wheat Barely Oat Sorghum
Corn is highly palatable and high in energy but is low in ??
Fiber content
Protein and several aa (tryptophan and lysine)
How does cob meal compare to corn meal?
Cob meal has:
More crude fiber
25% less digestible
Lower CP
What is a disadvantage of wheat?
May become pasty in the GI tract
Should be limited to 50% of the cereal intake
Does corn or wheat have a higher crude protein ?
What cereal is cold tolerant and grown in northern areas?
What is more drought tolerant, wheat or barely?
What cereal is low in fiber and has less energy than the other grains?
What has a similar composition to corn but is more drought resistant?
What is bran?
The outer covering of the grains seed
More fiber and less energy than whole grain
What cereal has the highest energy content?
A byproduct of sugar that is high in eagerly and low in protein
Molasses is used to?
Increase the palatability of the rations
T/F: animal fat is fed to ruminants
Only if no proteins are included
=> prion disease, not wanted here
What is the purpose of adding fats/oils to the diet?
Energy source -> increase energy density
Reduce rustiness and increase palatability
Protein supplements for monogastric animals must fulfill what?
Essential amino acids
Oil seed meals can come from???
Peanut Soybean Sunflowers Cottonseed Flax
What is the percent of crude protein found in oilseed meals?
Around 40%
What is the most important protein supplement??
Why must soybeans be heat treated before adding to feed?
Contain trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins, urease, and saponins –> denature
T/F: Cottonseed meal is safer to feed to monogastric rather than ruminants
Safer in ruminants
What are disadvantages to cottonseed meal?
Contains gossypol
Toxic to heart, lung, and repro organs
Sunflower meal is high in protein but deficient in __________
Where are peanuts grown?
Tropical crops
Southeastern states
Peanuts are low on __________ and __________
Lysine; digestibility
Flax is AKA ____________
Linseed has a poor AA content and should not be fed to
Is OK in ruminants
Linseed can contain what toxic compound?
Cyanogenic glycoside -> toxic H cyanide
Canola is AKA _________ and is grown in what climates?
Cool climate
Canada/northern states
Canola has less ___________ but higher _________ than soybean meal
Lysine; methionine
Selected cultivars of canola are used to reduce incidence of what toxic compounds?
Goitrogenic compounds -> disrupt thyroid metabolism
What is the by-product of the wet milling of corn for starch and syrup?
Corn gluten meal
What is the CP content of corn gluten meal?
Is the energy content higher in corn grain or in corn gluten meal?
Distillery and brewery products are used for what benefits
High tryptophan content
Brewers yeast has a high ___________ aa content
If you are feeding your ruminants sunflower meal to supplement protein, what may you want to add to this?
Brewers yeast
Sunflower meal is deficient in lysine but brewers yeast is high in lysine
What is the most important protein source in turkey feeding?
Soybean meal
> most important protein supplement in ALL animals
Which protein supplement is associated with gossypol
Cottonseed meal
T/F: peanut meal has a relative high content of lysine
What are cautions to using animal by-product meals as protein supplements
May cause strange flavors
Health hazard -> mad cow disease
What non protein nitrogen can be fed to ruminants
Feed-grade urea
Too much urea is toxic
What is the most common mineral supplement added to diets?
Most commercial formulas for ruminants have ___________ % salt, and for poultry and pigs have ___________ % salt
0.5-1; 0.25-0.5
Supplementation of calcium and phosphorus is important for???
Skeletal growth
Egg production
What feedstuffs are especially deficient in Ca and P
What are sources of Ca and P?
Dicalcium phosphate -> prepared from bones
Rock phosphates
Ca carbonate
Oyster shell
Vitamin _______ is not found in most plants used in animal nutrition, only in animal tissue or synthesized
Vitamin ______ is found in sun-cured forages, fish liver oil and synthetic
Vitamin __ is found in germ or germ oil of plants, greeen plants , or hays
Vitamin __ is only found in green plant material
Vitamin _______ is an animal and fish by-product, or dairy product
Most ruminants will lack what vitamin
What are the types of feed additives
Antibiotics -> inhibit microorganisms Arsenicals -> control parasites Coccidostats -> control coccidiosis Nitrofurans -> inhibit bacteria Hormone like production improves Enzymes Prigmenters
Animal feed additives are regulated by?
Enforced by specific legislation
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