Explain the two major theories on rates of speciation Flashcards
What are the two major theories on rates of speciation?
The two major theories are the Gradualism theory and the Punctuated Equilibrium theory.
True or False: The Gradualism theory suggests that speciation occurs in small, incremental steps over long periods.
Fill in the blank: According to the Punctuated Equilibrium theory, species experience long periods of __________ followed by short bursts of significant change.
Which theory posits that most evolutionary changes occur rapidly in geologically brief events?
Punctuated Equilibrium theory
Multiple Choice: Which of the following best describes Gradualism?
A) Speciation occurs slowly and steadily over time.
What is a key characteristic of the Punctuated Equilibrium theory?
It emphasizes that species remain relatively unchanged for long periods of time.
True or False: Both Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium theories agree on the nature of evolutionary change.
Short Answer: How do the rates of speciation differ between Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium?
Gradualism suggests slow and steady rates, while Punctuated Equilibrium suggests rapid changes after long periods of stability.
Which theory is more aligned with the fossil record showing sudden appearances of species?
Punctuated Equilibrium theory
Fill in the blank: Gradualism is often associated with __________ changes in the environment.