Exam questions werkgroep 2 Flashcards
What is the difference between acute stress disorder and PTSD?
A. acute stress disorder involves multiple PTSD symptoms of any combination of categories that last up to 1 month; PTSD involves symptoms of all categories that last more than 1 month.
B. PTSD involves multiple acute stress disorder symptoms of any combination of categories that last up to 1 month; acute stress disorder involves symptoms of all categories that last more than 1 month.
C acute stress disorder is another term for uncomplicated PTSD.
D PTSD can develop into acute stress disorder; acute stress disorder is a more severe form of PTSD.
What was not a reason for the increase in alcohol use up until 2003?
A: Parents offered their adolescents alcohol at home so they could try it in a safe environment
B: Adolescents had more money (due to the growth in wealth) so they could afford to buy alcohol
C: Special drinks were introduced to the market that taste more like lemonade than alcohol
D: The legal drinking age was 14 years
Children with DLD seem to have problems with:
A. Semantics B. Syntax C. Pragmatics D. All of them
True/false: DLD is under-diagnosis in multilingual children
Which country does NOT have an intoxication drinking culture?
A. Portugal
B. Sweden
C. Ireland
D. United Kingdom
What contribution of fathers may negatively impact eating disorder symptoms?
A. comments about weight and body B. comments about healthy foods and weight C. comments about attraction and weight D. comments about attraction and food intake
What is not an example of ELS?
A. Not worrying about money
B. Growing up with an alcohol and/or drug abuser in the household
C. Experiencing the incarceration of a household member
D. Living with a family member experiencing mental illness
els = early life stress
A terrorist act is a form of:
A) Toxic stress
B) Positive stress
C) Tolerable stress
D) Trauma stress
Which of the following brain regions is not associated with stress responses?
A) Amygdala.
B) Hippocampus.
C) Occipitaal kwab.
D) Prefrontaal kwab.
What does the “Matthew effect” entail?
A. De verbale vaardigheden van minder lezende kinderen houden gaan NIET gelijk op met hun leeftijdsgenoten.
B. Door veel te lezen heb je meer mogelijkheden om informatie op te nemen.
C. Kinderen die goed kunnen lezen worden positiever benaderd door de leraar waardoor ze meer leer mogelijkheden kregen.
D. Er ontstaat een meetfout door los van elkaar meten van IQ en de leesvaardigheden.
What categories of “body info” were, before the research of Anouk Keizer, neglected in research on eating disorders?
A. bodily cognition
B. bodily perception (visual & tactile)
C. bodily perception (visual) and bodily action
D. bodily perception (tactile) and bodily action
According to the stimulation hypothesis …
A: adolescents that spend more time communicating electronically with others are more likely to use substances
B: adolescents that spend more time communicating electronically with others are less likely to use substances (niet antw want dat hoort bij displacement hypothesis)
C: adolescents that spend less time communicating electronically with others are less likely to use substances (bestaat niet)
D: adolescents that spend less time communicating electronically with others are more likely to use substances
True/false: If the verbal system is more complex, it’s easier to learn for children with DLD
Which of the following factors can predict DLD
A. Overweight at birth B. No breastfeeding C. Not going to the crèche
Which eating disorder focuses more on the act of eating than on body image?
A) Anorexia B) Bulimia C) avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder D) binge eating disorder
ADHD has been hypothesized to be consisting of both attention problems and hypteractivity-impulisivity, which of the following processes does NOT influence attention problems? A. Response suppression B. Set shifting C. Agreeableness D. Resiliency
What is an effect of the maturity gap described in the lecture of substance use?
A) adolescents will go through physical changes B) adolescents will show child-like behavior C) adolescents will show adult-like behavior D) adolescents will argue more with their parents
On what level is this intervention based: Potential) poorly performing students receive additional instruction; excelling students receive more challenging work A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 B. level 4
B: Dit komt uit een model voor het stellen van een diagnose van een learning disorder. Level 2 houdt in differentiatie in de klas. In het hoorcollege werd het voorbeeld gegeven over (potentieel) slecht presterende leerlingen die extra instructie krijgen en excellerende leerlingen krijgen meer uitdagend werk.
Welke therapie(en) behoort tot het behandelen van ‘body representation disturbances’, waarbij ‘body size experiences’ worden behandeld?
1. psychomotorische therapie.
2. hoop training.
3. behaviorism.
4. social learning theory.
A: alleen 3.
B: 1,2 en 3.
C: 1 en 2.
D: 4 en 3.
C: psychomotorische therapie is een behandeling bij psychische klachten. Door beweging en lichaamsbeleving leer je anders om te gaan met klachten. Hoop training is met hoelahoepen, waarbij de patiënt de hoelahoepen ziet, gedachten deelt, zich door een hoelahoep bewegen en de hoelahoep voelen.