Exam Indications and Labs Flashcards
what are some indications for an OB exam
- size and dates
- vaginal bleeding
- fetal growth
- invasive procedures
- pelvic mass
- viability
- ectopic
- fluid level
- placental abruption
- cerclage insertion
___: total number of pregnancies
___: number of births living or stillborn
a full term birth is considered when at ___ weeks or greater
pre term is when the fetus is born between what weeks
___: no term fetuses
___: multiple term fetuses
___: has already delivered five or more infants who have achieved a gestational age of 24 weeks or more
grand multiparty
___: has already delivered nine or more infants who have achieved a gestational age of 24 weeks or more
great grand multiparty
___: never been pregnant
___: pregnant for the first time
___: has been pregnant several times
___: softening of the lower uterine segment that occurs with pregnancy
hear sign
___: venous congestion of vaginal mucousa that normally occurs with pregnancy
Chadwick sign
___: bluish discoloration around maternal umbilicus associated with intraperitoneal hemorrhage
Cullen sign
HCG can be found in maternal blood how long after ovulation
7-10 days
HCG should ___ every 2 days in the first trimester
at what week will HCG level off before declining
8 weeks
___: bhCG levels in blood that correspond with the first possible sonographic visualization of the gestational sac
threshold level
___: bhCH levels in blood that must correspond with sonographic visualization of the gestational sac
discriminatory zone
low levels of HCG can indicate what things
- fetal demise
- ectopic
- wrong dates
- missed abortion
high levels of HCG indicate what things
- multiple fetuses
- gestational trophoblastic disease
- wrong dates
___: testing maternal serum for levels fo afp, bHCG, and estriol
triple screen (AFP3)
triple screen is a risk assessment for what things
downs and neural tube defects
a quad screen adds what to the triple screen
inhibin a for trisomy 21
when is PAPP A testing done
10-13 weeks
when is quad screening done
15-20 weeks
AFP is produced by what things
yolk sac, fetal liver and fetal GI tract
what is the most common reason for elevated MSAFP
inaccurate dating
an increase in MSAFP can indicate what things
- incorrect LMP
- multiple pregnancy
- abdominal wall defects
- neural tube defects
- renal abnormalities
a decrease in MSAFP can indicate what things
- incorrect LMP
- fetal demise
- molar pregnancy
- trisomy 13, 18, 21
with trisomy 21
- MSAFP ___
- hCG ___
- Estriol ___
- inhibin A ___
- MSAFP decreased
- hCG increased
- Estriol decreased
- inhibin A increased
with trisomy 18
- MSAFP ___
- hCG ___
- Estriol ___
- inhibin A ___
- MSAFP decreased
- hCG decreased
- Estriol decreased
- inhibin A n/a