Exam II - Muscidae Flashcards
What is the common name for Musca autumnalis?
face fly
What is/are the host(s) for Musca autumnalis?
all equids and cattle
Describe the appearance of Musca autumnalis adults
Adults are 5.5-7.5 mm, light to dark grey in color. Mouthparts adapted to sponging, sticky hairs on pad-like structures at ends of legs
Describe the Musca autumnalis life cycle
Typical muscidae life cycle. Eggs develop to larvae (maggots). The larval instars develop to pupae and then to adult flies.
Adult flies feed on face secretions. Female flies lay batches of up to 100 eggs in feces or rotting organic material
Where are Musca autumnalis eggs laid?
feces or rotting organic material
What is/are the site(s) of infection for Musca autumnalis
animal secretions and wounds
Describe some pathogenesis associated with Musca autumnalis
- annoyance
- transmits viruses, bacteria, helminths, and protozoa
How would you diagnose Musca autumnalis?
ID the fly
What is the common name for Stomoxys calcitrans?
stable fly, biting housefly
What is/are the host(s) for Stomoxys calcitrans?
Most animals, humans
Describe the appearance of Stomoxys calcitrans adults
Adults are 5.5 - 7.5 mm in length with short abdomen and 3 dark spots in 2nd and 3rd ab segments. Prominent, forward-projecting proboscis to form a piercing and sucking organ
Describe the Stomoxys calcitrans life cycle
Egg -> Larva -> Pupa -> Adult
Eggs develop to larvae, three larval instars develop to pupae and then to adult flies. Adult flies feed on blood 1-2 times/day. The proboscis penetrates the skin during feeding. 3 minutes are required for each blood meal. Female flies lay batches of up to 25-50 eggs in decaying veggie matter
How long is required for each Stomoxys calcitrans blood meal?
3 minutes
What is/are the site(s) of infection for Stomoxys calcitrans?
Where do female* Stomoxys calcitrans* lay eggs?
decaying matter such as damp hay