Exam I - Nanophyetus salmincola Flashcards
What is the common name for Nanophyetus salmincola?
Salmon poisoning fluke
What is/are the final host(s) for Nanophyetus salmincola?
dogs, cats, minks, racoons, skinks, coyotes, & other fish-eating mammals
What is/are the intermediate host(s) for Nanophyetus salmincola?
snails and fish
Describe the appearance of Nanophyetus salmincola adults
Adults ovoid and creamy white, up to 2 mm.
Describe the appearance of Nanophyetus salmincola egg
Eggs are oval, yellowish-brown, thick shell, 80 um
What is the site of infection for Nanophyetus salmincola?
Adults in small intestine
Describe the pathogenesis associated with Nanophyetus salmincola
Extremely pathogenic. Flukes are vectors of Neorickettsia helminthoeca which causes salmon poisoning in dogs (severe hemorrhagic enteritis)
Describe the life cycle of Nanophyetus salmincola
- Final host passes eggs in feces, which hatch in streams.
- Miracidia emerge and penetrate the snail.
- Cercariae emerge from the snail to penetrate a fish to form metacercariae in various tissues (primarily kidneys, muscles, fins) and live up to 5 years.
- When a dog or cat ingest the intermediate host, the juvenile fluke excysts and matures in the small intestine
What is/are the site(s) of infection for Nanophyetus salmincola?
Adults in small intestine
Describe some clinical signs associated with Nanophyetus salmincola
A large number of flukes may cause diarrhea.
Salmon poisoning disease causes hemorrhagic enteritis, lymph node enlargement, sudden onset of fever, vomition, diarrhea, weigh loss, and high mortality