Exam 5 Part 2 Flashcards
Observation of a child’s response to sound, does not test hearing threshold, response varies amongst babies; first phase of behavioral test; highly subjective
Behavioral observation audiometry (BOA)
For ages 4-6 months to 2 1/2 years; Able to obtain individual ear information, based on operant conditioned response; observation of child’s natural tendency to turn to sound and spontaneous head turn positively reinforced; looking for head turn towards the speaker
Visual reinforcement audiometry
For ages 2 to 3-4 years of age; using familiar toys to elicit wait and listen behavior, can also use for speech testing; “when you hear the tone, put the block in the bucket”
Conditioned play audiometry
Onset occurs before birth
Onset occurs at birth
Onset occurs after birth
What are the 3 types of hearing loss?
Conductive, mixed, sensorineural
What are the 3 origins of hearing loss in infants?
Idiopathic, genetic, non-genetic
What are some pre-natal non-genetic causes of hearing loss?
Intrauterine infection (CMV), pre-maturity, anoxia, syphilis
What are some perinatal non-genetic causes of hearing loss?
Anoxia, forcep use
What are some post-natal non-genetic causes of hearing loss?
Meningitis, ototoxic drugs, encephalitis, childhood diseases
What are some genetic causes of hearing loss?
Waardenburg, Usher’s, Alport
Hearing loss commonly caused by otitis media, anomaly of outer and/or middle ear
Conductive hearing loss
Hearing loss that is sensorineural and conductive
Mixed hearing loss
Who do we counsel when we find out a child has hearing loss?
Starts as soon as hearing loss is identified, enhances child’s development, minimize possibility of developmental delay, enhance family’s ability to accommodate to the child’s needs
Early intervention
What are some IDEA provisions?
Identification, evaluation, IEP, parents as participants, related services, least restrictive environment, early intervention, funds, access to records
Early intervention services for birth to 3 years of age, emphasis on family involvement
Individualized family service plan (IFSP)
What are the important factors in an IFSP?
Child’s level of development, family’s concerns, goals and services to achieve goal, time course
What must an IFSP state?
Outcomes and progress monitoring, start date and duration of services, plan for transitioning to preschool