Exam 3 Part 4 Flashcards
What are some assessments that are appropriate for spouses?
Interview, questionnaire
How might hearing loss impact a patient’s spouse?
Increased stress/anxiety, increased effort during conversation, change in social activities, irritation, sadness, anger
Facilitative communication strategy that influences partner’s speaking behaviors
Facilitative communication strategy that influences that influences the length and topic of message
Facilitative communication strategy that optimizes communication environment
Facilitative communication strategy that optimizes own speech recognition skills
What are some examples of receptive repair strategies?
Repeat part or all of the message, rephrasing, identify message topic, confirming message to speaker, ask for elaboration, trying not to ask “what” or “huh”
What are the 4 goals in the content of communication training?
Minimize difficulties, use facilitative strategies, use repair strategies, implement assertive vs. non-assertive behavior
Part of communication training that range from printed materials to a weekly program; includes identifying difficulties associated with hearing loss
Content of training
Belief that one can overcome difficulties and attain goal; able to stand up for themselves and confidence in performing a task
What can self-efficacy affect?
Willingness to participate, overcome communication difficulties
Continued practice of repair strategy; most powerful source of self-efficacy; enhancing self-efficacy by experiencing it themselves
Mastery experience
Observation of other’s success leads to own success, the “hey I can do that” reaction
Vicarious experience
Counseling by clinician on management to increase self-efficacy
Verbal persuasion
Incorporation of activities (i.e. relaxation) to enhance self-efficacy
Emotional arousal
How do audiologists assess self-efficacy?
How are questionnaires of self-efficacy different from general questionnaires?
Assess the patient’s beliefs or confidence in their current abilities to succeed in communication
What are some factors to consider in order to develop an AR program (5)?
Group vs. individual therapy, including SO or family, length of session, total number of sessions, establish ground rules
What types of objectives might you want to consider when developing an AR program?
identify hearing loss effects, general concerns, cause of communication breakdown, mental health issues, strategies to prevent communication breakdowns
What might an audiologist do in the beginning of AR training?
Relay ground rules, identify objectives, identify individual concerns, allow group to discuss facilitative strategies for specific environments or communication partners