Exam 1 Part 2 Flashcards
What are some examples of the onset of hearing loss?
Congenital, acquired, pre-lingual, perilingual, postlingual
What are the 3 types of hearing loss?
Conductive, sensorineural, mixed
Obstruction within the outer or middle ear, prevents sound from fully reaching the inner ear, can occur congenitally, be acquired, needs medical treatment possible in many cases
Conductive hearing loss
Permanent hearing loss occurring in the inner ear, auditory nerve, brainstem, midbrain, or auditory cortex
Sensorineural hearing loss
Evidence of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
Mixed hearing loss
What are the 2 types of time course for hearing loss?
Progressive and sudden hearing loss
What are the challenges for AR services?
Availability of services, lack of reimbursement (no insurance), preparation of professionals (not trained enough for AR)
Why is AR service needed for infants?
Advanced technology, early hearing detection and intervention, higher survival rate of premature infants
Why is AR service needed for school-aged children?
Education planning and placement
Why is AR service needed for adults?
Workplace and community contributions
What is AR service needed for older people?
Maintenance of communication abilities; healthier routines, active community participants, healthier routines
Separate those who may have a hearing loss to those who don’t; pass or fail method
Hearing screening
Diagnostic hearing test, may be follow-up to screening, comprehensive in nature; finding the lowest hearing threshold level in a patient
Hearing assessment
What is the typical intensity level for hearing screenings?
25 dB
What is included in a hearing assessment?
Pure tone testing, speech reception threshold, speech recognition/discrimination assessment