Exam 3 Part 6 Flashcards
Understanding and accepting their own hearing loss
Learn psychological and social difficulties resulting from hearing loss
Psychosocial support
Learn to state negative and positive feelings
Assertiveness training
Why do audiologists counsel during AR rehabilitation?
Understand hearing loss and effects, acceptance of hearing loss, manage communication strategies, increase self-motivation, decrease stress-related issues
First step of counseling with adult patients, informing the patent about their hearing loss, amplification options, and follow up-services; describing the hearing loss in an audiogram perspective as a dialogue
Informational/diagnostic counseling
First step of counseling with pediatric patients, focus on adjustment and acceptance, information should be simple and give the family time to absorb the news; modifying their thought process, behavior, and emotions
Personal adjustment/emotional counseling
Modify thought process
Cognitive approach
Modify behavior
Behavioral approach
Modify emotions
Affective approach
What are the 7 steps of grief?
Shock, denial, pain, anger, depression, acceptance, advocacy
Feelings of being stunned/numb
“Not me”, “Not my child”
_____ comes from understanding diagnosis is real
May engage in blaming
Can be a turning point to acceptance