Enzymes Flashcards
Which are/is false abt creatinine kinase?
A.reverse rxn is coupled w/pyruvate kinase–LD–NADH system
B.fwd reaction is coupled w/hexokinase– G-6-PD–NADP system C.Rev rxn proceeds 2-6x faster than the fwd rxn
D.Optimal pH for the reverse rxn is 6.8
A and B
Does not affect creatinine kinase level A.Hemolysis B.Exposure to light C.bone mass D.sex
C - muscle dapat
Not part of lactate dehydrogenase diagnostic signif A.Pernicious anemia B.acute myocardial infarct C.skeletal muscle disorder D.Pancreatitis
Lactate dehydrogenase: which is mismatched?
A. LD-1 (and LD-2):Cardiac necrosis (AMI) and intravascular hemolysis B.LD-3: CNS involvement and tumors
C.LD-5 (and LD-4): Hepatic/intrahepatic and skeletal muscle disorders
D.LD-6: arteriosclerotic cardiovascular failure; hepatic congestion
B - pulmonary dapat
Purpose of lactate dehydrogenase. Be specific abt which is fwd and which is rev
interconversion of lactic(fwd) and pyruvic acids (rev) using the coenzyme NAD+
Ref range for lactate dehydrogenase
A.46 to 171 U/L
B.34 to 145 U/L
C.125 to 220 U/L
A: creatinine kinase for males
B: creatinine kinase females
A. T/F aspartate aminotransferase is also SGPT & it’s highest @ acute hepatocellular disorders
B. Assay activity of AST is measured via what technique?
A - F bc SGOT!!
B - Karmen method
False about Karmen method
A.incorporating a coupled enzymatic reaction using lactate dehydrogenase as the indicator
B.NADH oxidized to NAD+
C.Involves SGOT/AST
A:malate dehydrogenase dapat. Lactate dehydrogenase is used for ALT.
Not affected by hemolysis A.aspartate aminotransferase B.alanine aminotransferase C.lactate dehydrogenase D.acid phosphatase
Reference level of AST
A.5 to 35 U/L
B.7 to 35 U/L
C.9 to 35 U/L
B is for ALT :)
In acute inflammatory conditions of the liver: ALT elevations > AST elevations. WHY
because of the longer half-life of ALT in serum
Does not have high amt @ liver A.creatinine kinase B.aspartate aminotransferase C.alanine aminotransferase D.lactate dehydrogenase
High alkaline phosphatase in all except
A.healing bone fractures
B.periods of physiologic bone growth C.prostate cancer
D.pregnancy:both physio & complications
C - sa acid phosphatase ito
A. method of ALP det!
B. (A) allows calculation of ALP activity based on the molar absorptivity of ___
C. End color of (B)
A.Bowers and McComb
C. (yellow)
Explain how each affets ALP level
C.Blood Type
A.ALP 6x higher in RBC
B.may be 25% after high fat meal
C.blood group B and blood group O are secretors