Embryos - Embryology Basics Flashcards
What is the average foetal age
38 weeks from conception to birth is the average foetal age
What is the gestational age
Last menstrual period (2 weeks before ovulation) to birth = 40 weeks
What happens in the embryonic period
1st 8 weeks - all major organs are formed

What is the foetal period
The remaining 30 weeks - organs grow larger and become more complex

Fertilisation to implantation

Define ovulation
Where does the egg then travel
- Egg released into the peritoneal cavity
- Travels down fallopian tube in which fertilisation occurs
- At conception in fallopian tube, maternal and paternal genetic material join to form a human life - zygote
- Cell division occurs while travelling down the tube and into uterus
What happens to the zygote as it moves down the tube towards the uterus
When does this process occur
Divides repeatedly as it moves down the tube towards the uterus (cleavage)
Name the daughter cells of the zygote
Define morula
The solid cluster of 12-16 blastomeres at about 72 hours
What happens on day 4 post-conception
60 cell morula enters uterus, taking up fluid & becoming BLASTOCYST
Describe the 2 distinct types of cells that make up the blastocyst
INNER CELL MASS - forms the embryo
TROPHOBLAST - layer of cells sorrounding the cavity which helps form the placenta

What happens to the blastocyst after conception
Floats for about 3 days
Implantation on about day 6 post-conception
- trophoblast eordes uterine wall
- takes 1 week to complete
How are monozygotic (identical) twins formed - at blastocyst level
If inner cell mass of a single blastocyst divides in the first week
Describe the events of week 2
- Inner cell mass divides into epiblast and hypoblast
- 2 fluid filled sacs form
Amniotic sac from epiblast
Yolk sac from hypoblast
- Bilaminae embryonic disc = area of contact - gives rise to the whole body
** only 2 layers of cells in week 2

What does the epiblast give rise to
Amniotic sac
What does the hypoblast give rise to
Yolk sac
Describe the events of week 3
- Bilaminar disc becomes a trilaminar disc
- 3 primary germ layers - all body tissues develop from these
Nervous system
Gut tube
Connective tissue
How are the 3 germ layers formed
- Primitive streak (groove) on dorsal surface of epiblast
- Gastrulation - invagination of epiblast cells
- Days 14-15 - they replace hypoblast, becoming the endoderm
- Day 16 - mesoderm formed in between
- Epiblast cells remain on surface, forming the ectoderm

What do the ectoderm and endoderm have in common
Epithelial tissues
What sort of tissue is the mesoderm
Mesenchyme tissue
Describe mesenchyme cells
Star shaped - do not attach to one another => migrate freely