Embalming Exam 1 Flashcards
Why do we embalm?
“We embalm to disinfect the body and protect the living.”
What is embalming?
o EM - in, or about
o Balm - resinous substance or balsamic agents.
embalming is a process of chemically treating the dead human body to reduce the presence and growth of microorganisms, to retard organic decomposition, and to restore an acceptable physical appearance.
non-legal definition of embalming
The process of disinfecting, temporary preserving and restoring the dead human body by the injection into the arteries, a suitable amount of a roper chemical.
is based upon fluid distribution - movement of arterial fluid from point of injection to the capillaries.
vascular embalming
arterial embalming
We inject into the arteries because
the fluid goes away from the heart
The chemical is arterial fluid 16.oz - one gallon/50 lbs. of body weight.
movement of arterial fluid from point of injection to the capillaries. Massage toward the heart
fluid distribution
movement of arterial fluid through the capillaries to the tissues from intravascular to extra vascular (inside to outside) the vascular system from within the lumen (hole) to outside the lumen.
fluid diffusion
retain the fluid within the body.
a. Direct treatment -other than vascular embalming of the content of the body cavities and the lumen of the hollow viscera.
1. Abdominal cavity 2. Pelvic cavity 3. Thoracic cavity 4. Cranial cavity
cavity embalming
cavity embalming Accomplished by two major steps:
Aspiration of the contents of the cavities and viscera.
The injection of a suitable amount of a proper chemical
maximum amount of disinfecting and preservation with the minimum amount of fluid.
undiluted cavity fluid
A rule of thumb on a normal case, for undiluted cavity fluid is
16 ounces in the thoracic cavity and 16 ounces in the abdominal cavity.
a large hollow needle - developed by George Bellows.
cavity equipment needed to produce some type of suction
- Hydro aspirator (water)
- Electric aspirator
- Trocar - a large hollow needle - developed by George Bellows.
- Rubber tubing
- Cavity fluid.
: injection of embalming chemicals directly into tissues through the use of needle, syringe, Trocar.
The disinfecting and temporary preservation of a local area by the subcuticular injection of a suitable chemical.
hyperdermic embalming
• The disinfecting and temporary preservation of a local area by the external application of a compress of a suitable material. This is a supplement to vascular and arterial embalming
Surface (pack or absorption) Embalming:
reasons for embalming
- The primary reason (need) we embalm - To disinfect. The destruction or inhibiting of pathogenic bacteria and their products in or on the body.
- Temporary preservation - Treating the dead human body chemically so as to inhibit (slow down) decomposition.
- Restoration - The care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color.
types of disinfecting
- Primary disinfecting - disinfecting carried out prior to the embalming process. Washing the body.
- Concurrent disinfecting - disinfecting carried out during the embalming process.
- Terminal disinfecting - disinfecting and decontamination measures after the preparation of the remains. Also include cleaning the prep room and instruments, etc. Also, the re washing of the body.
disinfecting carried out prior to the embalming process. Washing the body.
primary disinfecting
disinfecting carried out during the embalming process.
concurrent disinfecting
disinfecting and decontamination measures after the preparation of the remains. Also include cleaning the prep room and instruments, etc. Also, the re washing of the body.
terminal disinfecting
credited with being the father of embalming
Dr. Frederick Ruysch
Father of modern US embalming / invented hand pump / disaster pouch
Dr. Thomas Holmes
wrote the “History of Embalming” in French.
Jean Gannal
translated Gannal’s book to English.
• 1st to realize value of embalming from disease standpoint
Dr. Richard Harlan
was the first to produce formaldehyde (HCHO) Chemical formula - HCHO. Primary formula for embalming, free state gas.
• August Wilhelm vonHofman
- Always show respect to the deceased.
* Always maintain the highest standards.
o Limit admission to the preparation room during preparation.
o Licensed funeral service professional and registered trainees.
o Those authorized by law / authorized by family
Authorized persons can be in the prep room when no embalming.
o Maintenance employees.
o Hairdresser, cosmetologist, etc.
o Staff members for dressing and casketing remains.
Identify and secure the prep room
- Place a sign on the preparation room door indicating private; authorized persons only.
- State of Texas indicates that it must be private and have no general passageway through it.
- Keep the door locked.
instruct and maintain the highest standards
- Keep the body covered as practical - genital area always.
- Guard against loose talk and remarks.
- Repeat nothing outside the preparation room.
- Disclose no confidential facts as to conditions, deformities or diseases causing death.
authorization to embalm
Not a state law to embalm.
1. Verbal permission. (Do we have your permission to embalm?) 2. Written permission.
Identification procedures
- Personal effects - inventory a must. (House Call)
- Proper remains - the body itself - identify by the family - especially a body to be cremated.
- Make sure you remove jewelry that the family has requested after the funeral service.
• There may be cases that you need to inform authorities, police, ME, Coroner’s office (JP is used in Texas), if something is found. It is your duty to follow OSHA requirements and inform all employees to follow required procedures and train employees. Help protect your employees.
embalming report
complete an embalming report for every case, on which you perform any embalming procedure. This is your documentation as to the embalming procedure you have performed. (see pages 13-17 for example forms).