3rd Quarter Pathology FINAL Flashcards
Specific diseases of the URINARY SYSTEM
- Inflammatory/degenerative
- Genetic/developmental
- Organ failure
adjective form of Uremia
uremic poisoning
the end stage of chronic renal failure, in which the patient dies from excess waste products from the blood.
uremia is indicated by….
odor of urine
inflammation of the little tuft of capillaries located within the structural and functional unit of the kidneys.
types of inflammatory/degenerative diseases concerning the urinary system
- Uremia
- Glomerulonephritis
- Pyelonchrities
- Pyelitis
- Hydroncphrosis
- Nephrolithiasis
- Ureteritis
- Cystitis
- Urethritis
inflammation of the structural and functional unit of the kidneys caused by pyogenic or pus forming bacteria in the kidneys.
inflammation of the renal pelvis
the central collection area for urine
renal pelvis
pus forming bacteria
this is a form of Edema…over distention of the renal pelvis, due to obstruction in the ureter
funnel like tube
convey urine from kidneys down to the urinary bladder
the presence or formation of nephroliths
another name for nephroliths?
kidney stones
find out what this means???????
renal calculi
renal calcus
inflammation of one or both of the slender tapered tubes that convey urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
inflammation of the urinary bladder.
inflammation of the urethra
the single tube that conveys urine from the bladder to outside the body.
symptoms of urethritis
burning sensation during urination
types of genetic/developmental diseases concerning urinary disease
- Polycystic kidneys
- Hypoplasia
- Dysplasia
several cysts or many enclosed sac like pouches present in one or both of the kidneys, causing them not to function properly.
Polycystic kidneys
underdevelopment of one or both of the kidneys since birth
Hypoplasia of the kidney
any organ that is NEVER of normal size from birth
condition of improper functioning kidneys…may be of normal size.
dysplasia of the kidneys
abnormal development of a body (tissue) part or organ
types of ORGAN FAILURE concerning urinary disease
- Acute renal failure
2. Chronic renal failure
sudden onset and short duration – failure to remove waste product from blood.
acute renal failure
slow onset and long duration of renal failure
chronic renal failure
types of POSTMORTEM CONDITIONS concerning urinary disease
- edema
- uremia
- jaundice
- dehydration
- odor