Elbow RAD 1 Positioning Flashcards
What SID is used for Elbow positioning?
What IR is used for elbow positioning?
10 x 12
Are breathing instructions required for elbow imaging?
Where is the CR located for an AP Elbow projection?
1” below medial epicondyle (elbow joint)
Where is the CR located for an Internal (medial) oblique Elbow projection?
The elbow joint
Where is the CR located for an external (lateral) Elbow projection?
Elbow joint
Where is the CR located for an Lateromedial Elbow projection?
elbow joint
What structures are seen in and AP elbow?
- Radial head, neck, and tuberosity superimposed over proximal ulna
- Open elbow joint
- Humeral epicondyles with no elognation or foreshortening
What structures are seen in an Internal (medial) oblique elbow?
- Coronoid process is seen
- Demonstrated the trochlea
- Olecranon process within the olecranon fossa
- Elongated medial humeral epicondyle
- Ulna superimposed by radial head and neck
Where is the CR for an external (lateral) oblique elbow?
At elbow joint
What should the humeral epicondyles be to the IR?
45 degrees
What structures are seen in a external (lateral) oblique elbow?
- Radial head, neck, & tuberosity free of superimposition
- Demonstrates capitulum
- Open elbow joint
What angle is the lateromedial elbow flexed?
What should be on the same plane for a lateromedial elbow?
Humerus, forearm, and elbow
Where is the CR for a lateromedial elbow?
elbow joint