●within the school that can influence a student’s achievement
what is labelling?
To attach a meaning or definition to someone
what is BECKER’S theory?
Pupil’s work, conduct and appearance were key factors in influencing teachers’ judgements. MC closest to ideal, WC furthest, seen as badly behaved.
what was Dunne & Gazeley’s theory?
Schools persistently produce WC underachievement because of labels. Teachers normalised their underachievement because of the teacher’s belief in the role of the pupil’s home background. Labelled WC parents as uninterested. Led to class differences in how teachers dealt with pupils they saw as underachieving.
what was Rist’s theory
Teachers use info about children’s home background and appearance to place in separate groups. Tigers and Cardinals/Clowns
who were the Tigers?
fast MC learners, neat appearance, teachers showed them greatest encouragement
who were the Cardinals/clowns?
seated further away, WC, lower level books to read, fewer chances to show their abilities
what was the Self-fulfilling prophecy?
prediction that comes true by virtue of it having been made. Labelling creates a SFP: teacher labels pupil and makes predictions about them, treats accordingly, pupil internalises the expectation which becomes part of their self-concept/image
what is Streaming?
separating children into different ability groups/classes (streams)
what was Gilborn and Youdell’s theory?
teachers used stereotypical notions of ‘ability’ to stream. This denies certain students the knowledge/opportunity to gain good grades. Publishing league tables produces an ‘A to C economy’ in schools
what is the A to C economy?
Where schools focus time/effort on pupils with potential to get 5 grades c or above
what is a Educational triage?
produced by a to c economy. Sorts pupils into 3 types and treating accordingly. Those who will pass, those with potential and hopeless cases
what are Pupil subcultures?
group whose attitudes/values differ from those of mainstream culture
what was Lacey’s theory?
how pupil subcultures form. Differentiation and polarisation
what is Differentiation?
process of teachers categorising pupils based on how they perceive their ability, attitude and behaviour