What is the overview of the way media represent crime?
-over-represent violent and sexual crime (Ditton and Duffy)
e.g. 46% of media reports about violence & sex crimes
-portray criminals and victims as older and more middle class
- exaggerates police success
-exaggerates risk of victimisation e.g. only women & children
according to SCHLESINGER & TUMBLER, how did the portrayal of crime change between the 1960s & 1990s?
- most media focused on petty crime (property crime;theft)
-these crimes were so common that the media needed more interesting stories
=focus shifted to more extreme crimes e.g. violence
according to SOOTHILL & WALBY, how do the media give a distorted view of sex crimes?
-reports of rape cases inc. from less than 1/4 to over a 1/3
-stories focus more on random attacks by strangers; majority of them are actually carried out by ppl the victim knows
- what is meant by the news being a social construction?
-its the outcome of a social process in which some potential stories are accepted and others rejected; news is not discovered but manufactured= pick & choose what they want to show
how are news values used to manufacture the news?
-news values are the criteria that editors/journalists use to decide which stories to show
what are examples of key news values?
- Immediacy- breaking news
- Dramatisation -excitement
- Personalisation - human interest stories
- Higher status -celebrities
- Simplification - eliminating shades of grey
- Novelty or unexpectedness - a new angle
- Risk - victim-centred stories about vulnerability and fear
- Violence - especially visible and spectacular acts
What is the fictional representation of crime?
Surette (1998) calls the ‘law of opposites’ - fictional depictions that are opposite to what the official statistics suggest
What crimes are fictionally represented by the media?
-property crime is underrepresented, while violence, drugs and sex crimes are over represented.
-fictional sex crimes are usually perpetrated by psychopathic strangers, not acquaintances.
-homicides in fiction are based on planning/calculation; irl it’s in the heat of the moment
-police in film/tv seen as overly competent and successful
What are 3 important trend of fictional representation of crime?
-new reality shows criminals as non-white underclass
-inc. in shows depicting police as corrupt/incompetent
-victims have also become a more central focus
How can the media be a cause of crime?
-the media has been said to cause negative effects on its audience for decades.
-e.g. through violent video games like GTA
=affects attitudes, values and behaviours, especially to groups who are susceptible like the young, lower class and uneducated
What are the ways that the media might cause crime?
-Imitation (copycats) where people copy crimes they have seen in the media
- Arousel - e.g. through viewing violent sexual behaviour
- Desensitisation - repeated viewing of violence desensitises you to it.
- Transmission- of knowledge of criminal technique and it stimulates desires for unaffordable goods through advertising.
- glamourising offending
What studies show that exposure to media violence have a small and a limited negative effect of audiences?
-Schramm et al (1961)
=media violence has very little effect on most children
according to LIVINGSTONE, why are people still preoccupied with the effects of the media on children?
-childhood should be protected as it’s supposed to be an innocent time for them
How does the media cause a fear of crime?
- The media also exaggerates the risks of certain groups being victims of crime
- There is the concern that the media is distorting the public’s impression of crime and causing an unrealistic fear of crime.
What does research show about a link between media use and fear of crime?
-(GERBNER ET AL) heavy users (4hrs+) of tv had higher levels of fear of crime.
- (SCHLESINGER & TUMBLER) TV users and tabloid readers had greater fear of becoming victim to a physical attack and mugging